TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2017


Village President John Myklebust opened the meeting and roll call was taken. Present were John Myklebust, Harley Cochran, John Krumm, Colleen Flynn, Mary Ellen West, Cindy Fayerweather, C/T.

Rylee Main, Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance, gave a short talk on the LPLA work to date. $200,000 in Grant funding has been approved for a feasibility study of Lake Pepin and the erosion issues therein. June will hold the kick off meeting with the WI DNR. Habitat objetives, create islands and dredge backwaters to be discusssed as part of the Upper Lake Pepin Restoration project. The Kick off meeting will be held in Red Wing, MN. Rylee will send a notice when the Public meeting will be held. Discussion was held on the Village of Stockholm becoming a member of the Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance, all were in approval.

Additions/Deletions: none

Clerk’s Report: Motion by Colleen, 2nd by John K. to approve the April18, 2017 meeting minutes, carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Motion by John K., 2nd by Harley, to approve Treasurer’s Report as given, carried. Colleen discussed the CD offer from the Bank of Alma to invest the extra funds currently held in the Village’s General account. John M. And Cindy F. Will speak with Karen Freeland at the Bank of Alma to determine the best options for the Village.

Discussion was held on holding an annual audit. The Board determined it wasn’t necessary. John M. And Mary Ellen will meet with Cindy and do an internal audit instead.

Building Permits: John M. will talk with Galen Seipel regarding the type of Building Permit forms that are used and update if needed. The Village’s Zoning Ordinance needs to be updated along with the Sign Ordinance. This will be worked on in the next few months.

Zoning Administrator: Dan Prokosh & Sarah Smith Building Permit and Sign Permits are in the process. Galen is working with Pat Ament on her construction project.

Park Committee Report: Jerry Larson reported that the Arbor Day even was successful! A lot of work was done and a Special thanks to Harley Cochran and Mary Ellen West, Pat Ament and Larry and Pam Horlitz for all their hard work!

  1. Painting the restrooms for $250 and paint, motion by Harley, 2nd by Colleen, carried.
  2. Mary Ellen West requested permission to purchase plants and seeds. $150 was approved and will be used both in the park and on the hillside on Spring Street. Motion to approve by Colleen, 2nd by John K, carried.
  3. Picnic Tables needed: 10 tables are recommended to be purchased, estimated cost of $1500 to $2000. Motion to approve by Colleen, 2nd by Harley, carried.
  4. 4 members on the Park Committee. Don Bee and Tim Gentling have been recommended to fill the two positions. Motion to approve by Harley, 2nd by Colleen, carried.
  5. Approval of Bike Tour park use on June 16th providing the appropriate fee and applications are provided.

Items of Business:

  1. Pedestrian Crossing: The DOT is voicing concerns regarding the Pedestrian Crossing. John M. Will follow up with them.
  1. John M. requested a a list of signage needed for the village. Let John M. Know of signs to be replaced.
  1. Update on ditch clearing: Tabled until the June meeting.
  1. Update on Spring Street construction project: 100 feet of new sidewalk was poured today. Colleen will contact Dave Brown regarding the canopy on his building. Spring Street is to be blacktopped in September when Hwy 35 is worked on. Main Street needs repairs and the storm drain has a hole forming beside it. Concerns were raised as to possible injury to pedestrians.
  1. Fire Station cleanup: Colleen did a great job cleaning up the building! There was $127 worth of items sold from the building during the garage sale weekend. A big thanks to Colleen for taking care of all of it!

6.The next regular meeting of the Village Board will be Tuesday, June 13, 2017.

  1. John M. Discussed a Proclamation for Creative Economy Week, May 13th to the 20th. Motion by Colleen, 2nd by John K. To approve.
  1. Cindy F. Discussed the installation of internet at her home and the requirement of internet to perform the Clerk/Treasurer job duties. Discussion was held. Motion by Harley, 2nd by John K. To approve the Village to pay for the installation and the monthly cost of providing internet service for the Clerk/Treasurer, carried.
  1. No other business was brought forward. A motion was made by Harley, 2nd by John K, to adjourn the meeting, all in favor, meeting adjourned.

Cindy Fayerweather,
