MS 27: Alaskan Biography Files Alaska State Library

Alaska State Library

Historical Collections

Alaskan Biography Files

MS 27

ACQUISITION: Originally begun as a political biography file by Robert DeArmond, ca. 1950.

ACCESS: Viewing the collection is unrestricted.

COPYRIGHT: Request for permission to reproduce material from the collection must be discussed with the Librarian, as some of the materials are protected by copyright.

PROCESSING: The biographical data is arranged alphabetically by name.


This collection consists of hundreds of biographies of prominent Alaskans. The original collection of Alaskan Biography Files were gathered and/or written by Robert N. DeArmond and fit into one letter-sized archival box. Specifically, the collection consisted of 25 folders of biographies and 2 envelopes of unorganized political biography clippings. Many of those original files are from the 1950s-1960s.

The original files were photocopied and became part of a greater collection of biographies, added to by Mr. DeArmond and Historical Collections staff since 1988, and known as the Biography File. The Biography File is located in the beige, horizontal file cabinet behind the Reference Desk. The one box of original biographies and political biography clippings remains on the manuscript shelf as MS 27.


*Indicates a photographer.

MS 27: Alaskan Biography Files Alaska State Library


Aanyalahaash (Taku Chief)

Also spelled as: Aanyaalaháash, Ana-Tolsh, Annaclas, Annatlahash, Ana-Thala-Hash,

Ana-Thla-Hash, Ana-Ka-Klash, An-Naa-Klosh, An-A Kla-Hash

Abbott, Cecil V.

Abel, Don

Abrams, Katharine Delaney

Abruzzi, Duke of (Luigi Amedeo)

Adams, Charles Wilbur

Adams, Edwin C. *

Adams, Thomas S.

Adler, Dave

After, Fred

Aiken, Pete W.

Akers, Arnold

Akers, Josephine

“Alaska Nellie” – see Lawing, Nellie Neal

Albee, William “Bill” and Ruth

Albertstone, Reuben *

Albrecht, Blanche

Albrecht, C. Earl, Dr.

Albright, Verne

Aldrich, Frank A.

Aldrich, Harold

Aldrich, Herbert *

Alexander (Aleksejczyk), Joseph “Joe” William

Alhadeff, Nessin

Allan, Alexander

Allan, Alexander "Scotty"

Allen, Dorothy

Almmquist, G. E.

Alter, Amos J. "Joe"

Althoff, John, Father

Ambrosius, Bishop

Ambur, Amelia N.

Amundsen, Maurice

Anderson, Anton

Anderson, Barbara Helen

Anderson, Clarence L.

Anderson, Edward

Anderson, Jacob Peter

Andrews, Clarence L. *

Andrews, Ed *

Andrews, Susie (Juneau)

Angerman, Frank

Angerman, Lillie

Angokwazhuk - see Happy Jack

Antonson, Joan

Anway, Charles

Appelle, Henry

Applebaum, Samual

Archangelsky, Alexander M.

Arend, Harry O.

Armstrong, Clair M.

Armstrong, R. Roland, Dr.

Arnold, Winton C.

Ashby, Olly W.

Ashby, Thomas H.

Asplund, John

Atkins, Barton

Attla, George

Atwood, - see Cantwell, George G. *

Atwood, Robert B. “Bob”

Ausman, Lu

Austin, Edwin William “Billy”

Avakoff, Harry B.

Avery, Willis

Awe, Charles W.

Ayer, Fred M.


Bach, Captain G. E.

Bach, Frank X.

Backland, Ellen M.

Backland, John, Jr.

Backland, John, Sr.

Bacolas, Robert

Badger, Harry

Baggen, Edgar I, Dr.

Bahr, Andrew “Andy”

Bailey, Eben G.

Bailey, Grace

Baily, Ralph

Baird, Alexander, Dr.

Baird, Janet

Baker, Forbes Lawson

Baker, Marcus

Baker, Robert D.

Baker, William P., Dr.

Ballaine, John Edmund

Balone, Thomas J. “Tom”

Banfield, Mildred

Banks, Della Murray

Banksland, Billy - see Natkusiak

Bannerman Family

Baranoff, Makary A., Father

Barkley, Charles William, Captain

Barkley, Patrick Melvin

Barley, Harrie C. *

Barlow, Harry, Captain

Barnabas, Bessie

Barnes, Charles W.

Barnes, Doris

Barnes, Laura

Barnette, Cecil Glen

Barnette, E. T., Captain

Barnette, Isabelle Cleary

Barr, Frank

Barrington, Sydney C.

Barron, James Thomas

Bartlett, E. L. "Bob" (Edward Lewis)

Bartlett, Robert Abram

Bartlett, Vide

Baskin, Stanley

Bates, Sybil

Bates, William Albert

Bathhurst, John

Baughman, Robert M., Captain

Bayer, George

Bayers, L. H. "Kinky", Captain

Bayers, Neenah

Bayers, Vera

Bayles, Isadore "Ike"

Bayless, Otto G.

Beach, Rex E.

Beamon, Libby

Bean, Augustus

Bean, James M.

Beard, John S.

Beaulieu, Severn

Beck, George J., Rev.

Beck, Larry

Becker, Fred E.

Becker, Harry T. *

Beckley, James C., Dr.

Beechey, Frederick William

Beedle, Homer

Begich, Nicholas J. "Nick"

Behrends, B. M.

Beistline, Earl H.

Beistline, Ralph Hoover, Sr.

Belcher, Dixie

Belcher, Edward

Bell, Lloyd

Bell, Margaret – see Wiks, Margaret Bell

Bell, Roscoe E.

Bellnoe, Peter

Beltz, Bert

Beltz, John

Beltz, William E.

Benjamin, Lloyd (Benjamin's Store)

Bennette, Herbert Clarence

Bennette, Robert L.

Benolkin, Mary

Bensin, Basil M., Dr.

Benson, Benny

Bentley, John B., Rt. Rev.

Berg, Ed.

Bergen, Olaf

Bergmann, Mary E.

Berlin, Leonard

Bernaldi, Suzanne Rognon

Bernard, Joseph F. "Cap"

Berry, Clarence J.

Berry, Montgomery P.

Besser, Cindy

Besser, William A.

Best, Fred

Bettles, Gordon Charles

Betts, George Richard

Bez, Nicholas

Bie, LaPreal

Biggs, William

Bingle, Bert J., Rev.

Binkley, C. M. "Jim"

Birch, Stephen T.

Bishop, Hazel

Black, George S.

Black, Louis

Black, Lydia

Black, Walter

Blackjack, Ada

Blankenberg, John M. *

Bleecker, Fred Clive "Oscar"

Blinn, Clara K.

Blix, Ringwald

Blodgett, Minnie

Blodgett, Robert R. “Bob”

Bloom, Robert L.

Blueberry Tom [or Kid] - see Jensen, Thomas P.

Boardman, William K. “Bill”

Bockstege, Herman H.

Boddy, A. W. "Bud"

Boden, John, Captain

Bolshanin, Nikolai E. "Nicholas"

Bolyan, Helen

BonaDea, Artemis

Bone, Scott Cardelle

Boney, George

Bong, Mary (Johnson)

Bonnifield, ____ (brother of Sam)

Bonnifield, Samuel A.

Boochever, Lois Collen “Connie”

Borbridge, John, Jr.

Borein, Henry

Bostrom, August

Botelho, Emmett

Botelho, Lupita

Boucher, Emily Polet

Boucher, Henry A. “Red”

Boucher, Vincent and Helen

Boulet, J. A. “Jack”

Bourke, Martha (Ananief, Smith, Walker)

“Mother Walker”

Bousquet, Captain

Bouwens, Wayne

Bowen, Rufus Henry

Bowman, Anna J.

Bowman, Willard

Boyd, Louise A.

Boyer, David Newton

Boyer, Mark

Boyle, Frank A.

Bradford, William

Bradshaw, Howard

Brady, Carl F.

Brady, Hugh

Brady, John G., Governor

Branch, David Wright

Brandt, A. P. "Bob"

Branham, Estill G. “Bud”

Bratnober, Henry

Brayton, Lawrence

Breuer, Leo W.

Brewington, Darrell

Brewis, Minnie

Brice, Harry

Briggs, Glenn

Brightman, Marie

Brindle, A. W.

Britt, Sophia

Britton, Florence Dean

Brodeck, H. H. *

Brooks, Alfred Hulse

Brooks, John M. "Jack"

Brower, Charles D. “Charlie”

Brower, Tom

Brown, Arthur S., Dr.

Brown, Bill

Brown, Edward Howard

Brown, Edward Watson

Brown, George

Brown, Herb

Browne, Belmore

Brownell, Don Carlos

Browning, Levi M., Col.

Bruner, Elwood

Brunette, James J.

Brynteson, John Peter

Buchanan, John R., Rev.

Buckalew, Seaborn J., Jr.

Buel, Art V.

Bugbee, John S., Hon.

Bugge, John

Buhman, Hans, Captain

Bullard, Ben

Bullock, Edith R.

Bullock, Jack

Bulshanin, Nicholas

Bunnell, Charles E.

Burchardt, Charles A.

Burford, George

Burg, Amos

Burns, Bill

Burnside, John L.

Burt, L. G.

Burton, Raymond E.

Buschmann, Eigil

Buschmann, Peter Thams

Bushko, Stanley J.

Bushman, August

Butrovich, John Jr.

Butrovich, Mrs. John Sr.

Buzby, Jason Grant "Jay"

Buzby Jason G. "Sam"

Byer, George


Cadiente, Ronalda

Cairns, R. H.

Call, Samuel J., Dr. *

Callahan, Dan

Callahan, Ellen Pavloff

Callahan, Helen

Cameron, Minnie Lee

Campbell, Archie G.

Campbell, Daniel

Campbell, Ellen

Campbell, Ernest M.

Campbell, Gillian

Cann, T. H., Captain

Cannon, Frank B.

Cantwell, George *

Carbonneau, Belinda Mulrooney

- see Mulrooney, Belinda

Carey, Annette Lamond

Carey, Verda

Carlson, Carl V.

Carlson, Chester C. "Red"

Carlson, Diana

Carlson, John (of Fairbanks)

Carlson, John L. (of Auke Bay)

Carmack, George Washington

Carmack, Kate

Caro, J. B. “Bert”

Carr, Bernard J., Sr. “Pop”

Carrigan, Verna Hurley

Carroll, George

Carroll, James A.

Carroll, Thomas P., Brig Gen.

Carson, Carlos

Carson, Chester G.

Carson, Jack

Carson, Ken

Carter, Charles W.

Carter, May C.

Cascaden, Blanche

Case, W. H. *

Cashen, William R.

Cashman, Nellie

Casidy, Annie

Caswell, William H., Doc.

Cathcart, Wally

Chambers, John, Rev.

Chandalar River

Chandonnet, Ann & Fern

Chapados, Frank

Chapman, May Seely

Chapman, Nina

Charley, Walter

Chase, James, Mr. & Mrs.

Chase, Will H., Dr.

Chevigny, Hector

Chilberg, John Edward

China Joe

Chismore, George, Dr.

Chon, Julius

Choquette, Alexandre "Buck"

Christensen, Bertha

Christensen, Chris

Christiansen, Ray

Christofferson, Edna E.

Churchill, Delores

Clah, Arthur Wellington

Clark, Charles R. "Rob"

Clark, Henry W.

Clark, Jim

Clark, John M., Captain

Clark, Orah Dee

Clark, Ruby, Mrs.

Clark, Walter Eli

Clark, William Arthur

Clark, Willoughby

Clarno, Francis

Claus, Robert

Clausen, Ed

Clayson, William

Clegg, Cecil Hunter

Clemons, Basil *

Cleveland, Harry E.

Cleworth, Brian, Rev.

Cliff, Fred Stephen

Clifton, Robert Beauford "Boots"

Close, Jack

Clum, John P.

Cobb, John H.

Cobb, John N.

Coble, Allison F.

Cochran, Orville Deville

Coffin, Everett B., Captain

Coffman, Carroll "Rex"

Coghill Family

Coghill, John B. "Jack"

Coghill, Winifred Elizabeth Fortune

Cole, Charles E.

Cole, Malcolm G.

Cole, Terrence

Coleman, Ann

Collier, Bert

Collins, Earnest Bible

Collins, Henry

Collison, William Edwin

Colver, Warren C.

Colyer, Vincent

Combs, Alex Duff

Comeau, Frederick J.

Condit, James, Mrs.

Connors, James J.

Conradi, Captain C. G.

Conright, Jack D.

Cook, Donald J.

Cook, Earl E.

Cook, Frederick A.

Cook, James

Cooksey, Sandi

Coon, Eldon

Coonjohn, E. Johnny

Coontz, Robert Edward

Cooper, Clarence

Cooper, Dawson

Cooper, J. Earl

Cooper, William O., Dr.

Copenhaver, William Ralph

Cordon, Kitty

Cordua, Theodore J. "Ted"

Cornell, Elsie M.

Corr, Tommy Reed

Correa, Frank, Jr.

Corser, Harry Prosper

Cosgrove, C. M. "Pop"

Cotten, Kathryn

Cottrell, David

Cottrell, James A., Jr.

Couch, Jim

Coulombe, Peter

Council, Mary Lee

Courtnage, Clyde S.

Cousart, Robert E. "Bob"

Couren, Morris M.

Cowee, Chief – see Kowee

Cowles, Willis M. "Bill"

Cox, Mabel Holmes, Rev.

Coyne, Cyril

Cramer, Dwight, Dr.

Crane, Anna

Crane, Dick, Captain

Crawford, Ben

Crawford, Ed

Crawford, Mable

Crawford, Robert M.

Creamer, Anna

Creamer, Charles N. "Charlie"

Cremer, W. E. H. "Rube"

Crimont, Joseph R., Bishop

Crocker, Robert L.

Croft, Lee H.

Cronin, Jack

Cronk, Louis W.

Crook, John C. "Jack"

Crooks, Henry

Crosby Harry W.

Crosby Mattie "Tootsie"

Crosson, Grace

Crosson, Joe, Sr.

Crosson, Joe E., Jr.

Crosson, Marvel

Crouse, Robert F.

Crow, Robert L.

Crumrine, Josephine

Crumrine, Nina

Crutcher, Marshall

Cuddy, Dan H.

Cuddy, Warren N.

Cunningham, Tom, Father

Curtis, Edward Asahel *

Curtis, Edward Sheriff *

Cushmen, Edward Everett

- D -

Dafoe, Don M.

Dahl, Ben

Dale, Essie R.

Dall, William Healey

Dallosto, Peter

Dalton, Emily (Davis)

Dalton, George, Sr.

Dalton, Jack

Dalton, James

Dalton, Kathleen

Daly, Frederick Loring

Daly, Milton J.

Danner, George, Jr.

Dapcevich, John

Darch, Robert “Ragtime Bob” Russell

Darling, Esther Birdsall

Darling, Joseph Freeland

Davis, Carol Beery

Davis, Charles Jack

Davis, E. J. “Ed”

Davis, Edward V.

Davis, Emily - see Dalton, Emily

Davis, Everett S., Col.

Davis, Frances Carolyn (Brooks)

Davis, George

Davis, J. Montgomery

Davis, James V.

Davis, Jefferson

Davis, John & Francis

Davis, Roderick Frank

Davis, Samuel Girard

Davis, Trevor *

Dawes, L. P., Dr.

Dawes, Leonard P.

Dawne, Edward J.

Dawson, Lafayette “Lafe”, Judge

Day, Andrew S.

DeArmond, Dale

DeArmond, Robert N.

DeArmond, R. W.

Deater, Earl

Decker, Rose Ross

DeGroff, Edward *

DeGroff, Lena Bancroft Vanderbilt

DeHart, Jim

DeHart, Jane

DeJulio, Alvin J.

DeLaguna, Frederica

Delaney, Arthur K.

DeLeonardis, Salvatore

Demmert, Charles W.

Demmert, Joseph Jr.

Dempster, W.J.D.

Dennison, George Ames

Derr, R. A. "Dutch"

DeSacia, Lyman Herbert "Herb"

DeVighne, Harry Carlos

DeWitt, Sylvia Ruth

DeWolfe, Percy

Dexter, John Golovin

Diamond Lil

Dick, Albert W.

Dick, Oscar T.

Dickey, Don

Dickey, William A.

Dimock, Barbara

Dimond, Anthony J.

Dimond, John H.

Dimond, Sr. Marie Therese

Dinsmore, Frank

Dirbell, Walter C.

Dischner, Lewis

Distin, W. L., Col.

Diven, Robert Joseph

Dobbs, Beverly B. *

Dobbs, M. S.

Dodsen, Jim

Donnelley, Harry

Donohoe, Mrs. Thomas M.

Doody, Jeremiah "Jerry" *

Doogan, Frank M.

Doogan, James P.

Doran, David Pearce

Dorney, John "Sailor Jack"

Dorsh, Albert

Douglas, Jim

Douglas, Scott

Dow, Leon Mansur

Dozier, Henry

Drake, Claudia Marie

Draper, Horace H. *

Drury, C.H.

Dryden, Floyd

Duclos, J.N.E. *

Dufresne, Frank

Dull, Don

Duncan, Ross P.

Duncan, William, Father

Dunfey, Ron, Fr.

Dunham, Sam

Durney, John

Dusenbury, Elinor T.

Dyson, Peggy


Eagleston, Zee Emmett "Slim"

Eames, Alfred

Earling, Roy Brown

Earp, Wyatt Berry Stapp

Eastaugh, Frederick O.

Eaton, Hank

Eaton, Thomas Jr. *

Ebbetts, John

Ebner, William M.

Ebona, Andy

Eccles, Silas Wright

Eckmann, Anscel

Eddy Family

Edlund, John F.

Edmonds, Harry Marcus Weston

Edwards, Carl

Edwards, Charles

Edwards, Janette

Egan, Dennis

Egan, Neva

Egan, William A. “Bill”

Eide, A. N. “Gil”

Eide, Arthur

Eielson, Ben

Eisele, Christian/Carl/Charles

Elder, Franklin Terry

Eliasen, Anton

Elliott, Henry Wood

Ellis, Robert E. “Bob”

Ellis, William A.

Ellison, Nettie Jones

Ellsworth, Lincoln

Elveness, Ole H.

Emard, Henry J.

Emerson, Paul Robert

Emmons, George Thornton

Emroy, Dick

Enge, John

Engebreth, Gunnard Marchall

Engen, Richard “Dick”

Engstrom, Adolph & Family

Engstrom, Elton E.

Erickson, Alfred R. "Riley"

Erquhart, William

Errington, Julia S. (Schmieg)

Erskine, W. J.

Erussard de Ville, Pierre Joseph -

"French Pete"

Ervin, Win

Erwin, L. T.

Estus, Nana Richenda (nee Paul)

Evans, Robley Dunglison "Fighting Bob"

Everette, Willis Eugene, Dr.


Fahrenkamp, Bettye

Fair, Susan

Fairbanks, Charles Warren

Fairbanks, Lulu

Falls, Ben & Annie

Farenholt, Oscar Walter

Farnum, Oliver T.

Farrar, Victor J.

Faulkner, Herbert L.

Faunch, Don

Fawcett, Matilda

Fawcett, Thomas

Feldman, Henry C.

Fenwick, C.J.

Fergus, Hazel

Ferguson, Roy

Ferrell, Ed

Ferrell, Nancy Warren

Field, Grace E., Dr.

Field, Minnie

Finch, Jack

Fink, Thomas A.

Fischer, Bob

Fischer, James E.

Fischer, Scott

Fischer, Victor

Fitzgerald, Flora C.

Fitzgerald, Gerald

Fitzgerald, James M.

Fitzgerald, Walter J., Bishop

Fivey, Robert E.

Fleek, George A.

Flint, Bill

Floe, Hans

Floyd, Joseph Edwin

Flynn, Owen Patrick "O. P."

Fohn-Hansen, Lydia Jacobson

Folsom, H.H.

Folta, George W., Judge

Fonda, William Clark “Skagway Bill”

Foote, Hamilton R., Captain

Foran, William T.

Forbes, Vernon D.

Force, Raymond C.

Ford, Hulda S.

Foreman, Bert (of Hope, AK)

Forrest, Linn A., Jr.

Forss, Eric

Forward, Charles H.

Foster, Neil W. “Willie”

Fowler, Frank & Clara

Fowler, Jim

Fowler, Susi Gregg

Fox, John B.

Fox, John P., Rev.

Frame, John William

Franich, Joe

Franklin, Lady Jane

Franklin, John

Franz, Charles

Fredericksen, Stan

French, L. H.

Frey, Charles Z.

Friend, Elmer A.

Fuller, Frederic E.

Furseth, Olaf


Gaffney, James C.

Gaffney, Thomas

Gaines, Ruben

Galanin, David

Galeoto, Joseph C. Jr.

Gallant, Shanon

Galvin, Jerry

Garfield, Charles D.

Garland, Robert

Garnick, Anita

Garrigues, James M.

Garrison, Kenneth

Garside, George W.

Gasser, George

Gasser, George & Beatrice

Gasser, Minnie

Gates, Sam

Gatz, Peter

Gavril, "Big Mike"

Gay, Richard R.

Gebhart, M.G.

Geist, Otto William, Dr.

Genet, Ray

Geoghegan, Gordon L.

Geohegan, Richard Henry

George, Joseph

George, (family): Micheal-

Tom, Joe & Gus

George, Martin

George, William. E., Capt.