Combined Planning Scheme Amendment (C242 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme) and Permit Application for the Development of a Neighbourhood Shopping Centre
4-46 Province Boulevard, Highton
Statement of Town Planning Evidence prepared by Debra Butcher on behalf of Lascorp Development Group (Aust) Pty Ltd
March 2013
Environmental Resources Management Australia
Level 3, Tower 3 (WTC)
18-38 Siddeley Street, DOCKLANDS VIC 3005 AUSTRALIA
Telephone +61 3 9696 8011
Facsimile +61 3 9696 8022
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1.My name is Debra Michelle Butcher and I am a Technical Director at the firm Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM) that conducts its business at Level 3, Tower 3, 18-38 Siddeley Street, Docklands. My qualifications and experience are described in Annex A.
2.I have been requested by Lascorp Development Group (Aust) Pty Ltd (Lascorp) to prepare a town planning assessment of the combined planning scheme amendment and planning permit application for the development of a neighbourhood activity centre at Nos.4 – 46 Province Boulevard, Highton.
3.The proposed Planning Scheme Amendment C242 to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme (the Planning Scheme) proposes to:
- rezone the subject land from the Residential 1 Zone (R1Z) to the Business 1 Zone (B1Z);
- remove Design and Development Overlay 14 (DDO14) from the land;
- include a floor space limit of 3895 square metres for ‘shop’ use at the site, in the Schedule to the B1Z.
4.The permit application seeks permission for the development of a supermarket and speciality shops, and the associated display of advertising signage. The proposed development is depicted in the architectural plans prepared by Clarke Hopkins Clarke Architects dated 21 February 2012 (TP01-TP12 various revisions) and landscape plans dated Feb 2012 prepared by John Patrick Landscape Architects.
5.I was involved in the preparation of the original amendment/application request on behalf of the applicant, as well as the subsequent amendments to that request and have also been involved throughout the planning process in discussions with Council on behalf of the applicant.
6.In the course of preparing this evidence I have inspected the subject site and its environs and have reviewed the proposal with reference to the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme, and in relation to the context of the surrounding area. In addition, I have read the Planning Officer’s Council Reports of 25 October 2011 and 26 June 2012, and submissions lodged by third parties.
7.A summary of my opinions with respect to the proposal is as follows:
- There is sound strategic support for the rezoning of the subject site to the B1Z to facilitate the development of a Neighbourhood Activity Centre.
- The layout and design of the proposal responds appropriately to the features of the site and will result in an appropriate built form outcome.
- The proposal will not result in unreasonable impacts on neighbouring residential properties.
Accordingly I am of the opinion that the proposed rezoning and development represents an appropriate planning outcome for the site and its surrounds and that the proposed amendment/application will result in an overall net community benefit.
Subject site and surrounds
8.The subject site is known as Nos.4 – 46 Province Boulevard, Highton and is located at the north-eastern corner of the intersection of Province Boulevard and Stoneleigh Crescent.
9.The site forms part of a larger land holding that extends to 10.33 hectares and includes the Barrabool Hills Baptist Church on the south-eastern portion of the land.
10.The site proposed for the neighbourhood centre is approximately 1.45 hectares in area and has two road frontages – one of approximately 91.5 metres to Province Boulevard and a second of approximately 178 metres to Stoneleigh Crescent.
11.The site has a significant slope, as does the surrounding landscape. There is a fall across the site from east to west resulting in a change of levels of approximately 13 metres along the site’s frontage to Province Boulevard. There is also a slope of approximately 6.25 metres from the site’s north-west corner on Stoneleigh Crescent to the south-west corner.
12.The site has been cleared and is devoid of any significant vegetation.
13.There are two large water tanks located towards to the centre of the site, which are proposed to be removed. Part of the eastern section of the site accommodates car parking associated with the adjacent Baptist Church, which is also proposed to be removed should the development of the neighbourhood activity centre proceed.
14.Footpaths have been constructed along the Province Boulevard and Stoneleigh Crescents frontages, including a retaining wall along part of the Stoneleigh Crescent frontage. Street trees have also been planted along both street frontages.
15.The site forms part of the broader, newly establishing, suburb of Barrabool Hills. The land surrounding the site is described as follows:
- To the north, approval has been granted for a 40 lot residential subdivision. There are a number of recently constructed dwellings in this area, including two dwellings fronting Morena Street which, I am instructed share a common boundary with the subject site.
- To the east is the BarraboolHillsBaptistChurch and associated car parking. The Church building is a prominent feature in the area and incorporates a range of community activities and uses, including an on-site café.
- Beyond the Church is the Barwon Water Reservoir (located at the corner with Scenic Road).
- To the south, on the opposite side of Province Boulevard are several recently completed dwellings, which are predominantly brick and render double storey buildings.
- To the south-west, at the south-eastern corner of Province Boulevard and Avondale Road, is a vacant parcel of land that is proposed to be developed for a new community centre. It is Council owned land and Council has advised that a ‘needs assessment’ has yet to be completed to progress with the proposal.
16.The site is accessible by public transport with Route 34 bus service operating along Province Boulevard in front of the site, providing a connection between Geelong City Centre and BuckleyFalls.
17.Bus Route 16 operates along Scenic Road, to the east of the site, providing a connection between Geelong City Centre and DeakinUniversity via Highton.
18.The nearest existing neighbourhood shopping centre is Highton Shopping Centre, located approximately 2 kilometres to the south-east of the site.
19.A combined planning scheme amendment request and planning permit application was originally authorised to be placed on public exhibition by the Minister for Planning on 28 November 2011.
20.Revised plans were submitted to Council in March 2012, which incorporated the following main changes:
- A reduction in the size of the shopping centre from 4,660 m2 to 3895 m2 by reducing the number of specialty shops from eleven to seven.
- The deletion of the basement car park.
- Increased setback from Province Boulevard to the front façade from 46 metres to 75 metres.
- An increase in the number of parking spaces to the front of the building.
- Modifications to the loading bay.
21.The amended plans and proposed planning scheme amendment were subject to a Public Exhibition period of one month commencing on 6 September 2012.
22.A number of submissions of both objection and support were lodged to the combined amendment/application and I have reviewed these submissions in the preparation of this statement of evidence.
The Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment
23.Amendment C242 proposes to:
- rezone the subject land from the R1Z to the B1Z;
- remove DDO14 from the land;
- include a floor space limit for the site of 3895 square metres for ‘shop’ use in the Schedule to the B1Z.
24.The rezoning applies to an area of approximately 1.45 hectares.
25.A ‘shop’ is prohibited in the R1Z and accordingly a rezoning to the B1Z is required to facilitate the development of a shopping centre on the site.
26.Design and Development Overlay 14 specifically relates to the construction of dwellings and is therefore not required for land in the Business 1 Zone.
27.The proposed floor space limit is included to restrict the prospect of any further expansion of the centre.
Planning permit application
28.The proposal involves the development of a new neighbourhood shopping centre. More specifically, the development incorporates the following.
- A full-line Woolworths supermarket with a leasable floor area (LFA) of 3,200 square metres.
- Seven specialty shops with a combined LFA of 695 square metres.
- A loading dock located to the north of the building with access from Stoneleigh Crescent.
- A total of 195 car parking spaces, comprising 181 car spaces fronting Province Boulevard and 14 staff spaces at the rear of the site in the loading dock area.
- Bicycle parking for customers at the front of the building and secure employee bicycle parking at the rear.
- Landscaping around the perimeter of the site and within the car park area.
- Associated signage.
29.The building is proposed is to be sited on the northern portion of the site with the car parking area located to the front (southern) portion of the site.
30.Significant cut and fill of the site is required to accommodate the building and associated car parking. The amount of cut and fill varies across the site and a number of retaining structures are proposed. These include an extension of the existing retaining wall along Stoneleigh Crescent towards the corner with Province Boulevard and a second retaining wall setback between 6 and 8.5 metres (approximately) from Stoneleigh Crescent to provide a level area for the car parking area. The nominated ground floor level of the building is between 4.5 and 9.45 metres above the Stoneleigh Crescent footpath level.
31.The building is single storey and will have wall heights which vary between 5.1 and 9 metres above the nominated ground floor level. Taller architectural elements are proposed at the corners of the building frontage which extend to 9.5 metres above the car park level.
32.The pedestrian entry to the building is provided centrally along the frontage of the building with an angled canopy.
33.A separate pedestrian footpath is proposed from Province Boulevard to the main entry across the car park via two pedestrian crossings. A pedestrian footpath is also provided to the east to provide connectivity with the Baptist Church site.
34.A total of 8 bicycle parking spaces are provided to the front of the building. Secure staff bicycle parking for 6 bicycles is provided at the north-eastern corner of the building.
35.The loading bay is proposed to the rear (north) of the building, accessed from Stoneleigh Crescent. A 25 metre truck turning circle is proposed to enable trucks to enter and exit in a forward direction.
36.A range of building materials are proposed, including painted precast panels, full height glazing for the shop fronts, and metal canopies.
37.The western elevation incorporates green planter walls, comprising angled timber batten panels which will provide a structure for climbing plants to grow.
38.Landscaping is proposed around the building and within the car park area. Landscaping elements include tree plantings along both street frontages and at intervals between parking spaces.
39.Signage is proposed in a number of locations including:
- An internally illuminated entry pylon sign that will be approximately 6.7 metres high (above car park level).
- Internally illuminated major tenant signage on each of the two corner elements at the front of the building.
- Internally illuminated major tenant signage at the north-western corner of the building facing both north and west.
- Internally illuminated shopping centre signage above the main entry and facing Stoneleigh Crescent.
- Business identification signage above each of the specialty shop tenancies.
greater Geelong Planning Scheme
State Planning Policies
40.Policies within the State Planning Policy Framework which are of relevance to the proposal are as follows:
- Clause 10.04‘Integrated Decision Making’- The need to integrate the range of policies relevant to the issues to be determined and to balance conflicting objectives in the favour of net community benefit and sustainable development;
- Clause 11 ‘Settlement’seeks to ‘anticipate and respond to the needs of existing and future communities through provision of zoned and serviced land for housing, employment, recreation and open space, commercial and community facilities and infrastructure’;
- Clause 11.01 ‘Activity Centres’ seeks to ‘build up activity centres as a focus for high-quality development, activity and living for the whole community by developing a network of activity centres’;
- Clause 11.02-1 ‘Supply of Urban Land’ seeks to ‘ensure a sufficient supply of land is available for residential, commercial, retail, industrial, recreational, institutional and other community uses’;
- Clause 11.02-3 ‘Structure planning’seeks to‘facilitate the orderly development of urban areas’;
- Clause 11.05-1 ‘Regional Settlement Networks’ seeks to ‘promote the sustainable growth and development of regional Victoria through a network of settlements identified in the Regional Victoria Settlement Framework plan’. Geelong is identified as a Major Regional City where major urban growth is to be directed;
- Clause 11.05-4 ‘Regional planning strategies and principles’seek to ‘develop regions and settlements which have a strong identity, are prosperous and are environmental sustainable’;
- Clause 15.01-1 ‘Urban Design’aims to ‘create urban environments that are safe, functional and provide good quality environments with a sense of place and cultural identity’;
- Clause 15.01-2 ‘Urban Design Principles’ aims to ‘achieve architectural and urban design outcomes that contribute positively to local urban character and enhance the public realm while minimising detrimental impact on neighbouring properties and provides various design principles for commercial development’;
- Clause 17.01-1 ‘Business’ seeks to ‘encourage development which meet the communities’ needs for retail, entertainment, office and other commercial services and provides net community benefit in relation to accessibility, efficient infrastructure use and the aggregation and sustainability of commercial facilities’. The strategies to achieve this aim include the following:
-‘To locate commercial facilities in existing or planned activity centres.
-Provide new convenience shopping facilities to provide for the needs of the local population in new residential areas and within, or immediately adjacent to, existing commercial centres’.
- Clause 18.01-1 ‘Land Use and Transport Planning’ seeks to ‘create a safe and sustainable transport system by integrating land-use and transport’.
- Clause 18.02-5‘Car Parking’seeks to ‘ensure an adequate supply of car parking that is appropriately designed and located’.
Municipal Strategic Statement
41.The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) sets out the strategic directions for the municipality at Clause 21 of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.
42.Clause 21.02 identifies the key components of the Sustainable Growth Framework and states that Council will ‘set clear settlement boundaries and consolidate development within those boundaries in a managed way’and ‘deliver safe, accessible linkages within and between towns that encourage walking, cycling and the use of alternative modes of transport’.
43.Clause 21.07 ‘Economic Development and Employment’ in terms of retail development, highlights the role of the activity centre hierarchy and directs that activity centres be ‘enhanced’ through high quality urban design and good quality pedestrian and public transport accessibility.
44.Clause 21.07-3 ‘Retail’ seeks to ‘facilitate the development of vibrant and viable retail activity centres in accordance with the Geelong Retail Activity Centre Hierarchy included at Clause 21.07-8’. The Geelong Retail Activity Centre Hierarchy map identifies Wandana Heights as a potential neighbourhood centre. This policy also seeks to ensure that ‘all major retail developments, and out of centre developments, provide a clear net community benefit’ and requires that applications for new centres establish the retail need for such use and development and demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts on the operation of the retail activity centres hierarchy.
45.Clause 21.15‘Wandana’ specifically relates to the western urban fringe location of Geelong ‘at the gateway to the Barrabool Hills’. The relevant ‘objectives’ of this Clause include:
- ‘To provide for the orderly, staged development of Wandana.
- To encourage development that responds to natural landscape features.’
46.The following strategy at Clause 21.15 is particularly relevant to the proposed amendment:
- ‘Locate a small neighbourhood shopping centre so that it has direct access to the collector street system.’
47.Included at Clause 21.15 is the Wandana Structure Plan Map. The map shows Province Boulevard designated as a collector street. It also shows a proposed neighbourhood activity centre and primary school site to the south west of Leigh Road and Clydesdale Road (to the south west of the subject site). This land has subsequently been developed for housing.
Local Planning Policies
48.The most relevant Local Policy at Clause 22 of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme is Clause 22.03which outlines assessment criteria for retail planning applications and again highlights the need for new retail development to provide a clear net community benefit.
Existing Zoning Controls
49.The subject site is currently located within the Residential 1 Zone (R1Z)at Clause 32.01 of the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme. The purpose of the Residential 1 Zone is:
- ‘To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
- To provide for residential development at a range of densities with a variety of dwellings to meet the housing needs of all households.
- To encourage residential development that respects the neighbourhood character.
- In appropriate locations, to allow educational, recreational, religious, community and a limited range of other non-residential uses to serve local community needs.’
Existing Overlay Controls
Design and Development Overlay Schedule 13 – Wandana Structure Plan Area
50.The site is affected by Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 13 (DDO13) which seeks to achieve the following design objectives:
- ‘To provide for the conservation and maintenance of the Barwon River and environs by ensuring that any development does not have an adverse impact on the local environment.
- To ensure that development does not adversely impact on the amenity of existing or proposed public open space.
- To provide for well designed development of the land.’
51.A permit is required for the construction of a building and carrying out of works as the amount of both cut and fill exceeds 1.5 metres below and above natural ground level.