Research and Graduate Studies (RAGS) Funding Scheme

Application for Funding

Your details
Your name: / Student number:
Discipline in the School / Course:
Email: / Contact number:
Funding amount sought:

Please tick the purpose of your application:

¡ Interstate / overseas research

¡ Conference presentation

¡ Other: Non-travel

If ‘Other: Non-travel, describe below, attach quote /receipt, and go straight to supervisor’s endorsement.

Details of travel
Start date: / End date:
Your contact details overseas:
Conference information (if applicable)
Title of the paper you are presenting:
Location and date/s of conference:

Please attach:

1.  a concise itinerary and budget (airfares, accommodation, conference registration and living expenses) to this application

2.  a statement (600 words or less) clearly identifying how this travel is likely to enhance your research project and research experience; include details on the nature of the conference and the significance of the presentation and/or the nature of your archival research and the significance of the institution/centers where materials are to be obtained and viewed

3.  Please attach conference information and the acceptance of presentation

PhD and MA students must also submit an application for Leave to Study Overseas/Away through the student portal at:

If you have received any previous funding from the School, Faculty of Arts or the Scholarships Office travel funding schemes during your current degree, please state the year, who provided the funds and the amount. Also indicate any additional travel grants applied for or received for this current travel.

Past funding received
Year / Provider eg RAGS, GRATS / Amount
This funding application (Matching funding – if applying for GRATS, MATS, ORES or Fieldwork)
Name of scheme:
Due date:
Supervisor’s support (Please ask your supervisor to endorse your request)
Supervisor’s comments:
Supervisor’s signature: / Date:
Applicant’s signature / Date:
Have you attached an itinerary, statement and budget? ¡
If you are attending a conference, have you attached conference information? ¡
Has your supervisor endorsed your funding application? ¡
If this is your first payment or you have changed your address or bank details, have you completed the Student Supplier form? ¡
Application Assessment
Approved ¡ / Amount granted: $
Not approved ¡
Approver signature: / Date: