Harwell Village Hall Minutes of meeting on 5th July 2011 p 2

Harwell Village Hall Management Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 5th July 2011

Trustees Present: Keith Beswick Chairman

Clare Wagner Treasurer

Eric Ferguson

Vicky McArthur St Matthews PCC

Alison Fautley Fun Club

Kath Luker Crafts Group

Josie Huckell

Martin Ricketts Parish Council, Minutes Secretary

1. Apologies: Peter Clegg

2. Minutes of the meeting on May 17th: These were approved after adding Kath Luker to the list of those present – apologies for the omission.

3. Matters Arising:

a) Keith has ordered parts for tables.

b) Martin is awaiting sample of chair trolley insert from Witney Welding.

c) Clare drafted a letter to users and submitted to Keith for approval, but he thought it had been circulated. He will send it out to those on Users list.

d) Martin has put a small notice about fault reporting on the notice board, and a holder with some report cards.

e) In answer to a query, Keith said he instructs one-off users in fire regulations and disposal of rubbish etc. It was mentioned that the kitchen bin seems to need emptying on a Tuesday. Some users seem unaware of the Vale bins at the south side of the Hall; these are put out and emptied along with domestic collections.

4. Progress Report on CFORG discussions:

Keith reported that he and David Marsh, the Parish Council Chairman, had been in contact with 4 architects and SSGB, the Sports project consultants. A summary is given in Appendix A and further information on the architects in appendix B. So far the proposal from Christopher Trickey of Sutton Griffin Architects seems favourite, for which the fee would probably be £6,300 + vat and expenses, so maybe £8k. One point to emerge was that SSGB’s figure for the amount likely in grants for the sports development was £200k.

He also reported that District Councillor Reg Waite had had discussions within the Vale WHDC regarding the purchase of their car park.

He had had a constructive discussion with Mark Fysh of the British Legion.

There was some discussion of the requirements document for the 2 main options, and it was agreed a bit more work could usefully be done before giving to a selected architect. Martin Ricketts apologised for not having made comments on the document earlier. Keith agreed to circulate the latest version. Questions were raised about how different groups might share facilities, and to assess this more information on hours of use and flexibility seems necessary. For example Harwell Short Mat Bowls uses the Village Hall while the Bowls Club is proposed in the current SDF plan, to have a Short Mat Bowls room of their own, linked to their other facilities.

The question of Great Western Park facilities was raised, and their impact on the proposed sports facilities for the Rec. The Section 106 document and assumptions about house completions would be needed to get a date.

5. Next Steps – Risk Assessment:

Alison Fautley said from her experience of conducting risk workshops a separate meeting should take place in daytime if possible, to allow sufficient time for the various stages – presentations, preferably with pre-read documents, brainstorming groups, with the aim of having people’s ideas on the manageability and mitigation of all the risks that are foreseen. Keith will look at Hall Diary and suggest a date. It was agreed that the meeting should invite David Marsh, but that for other groups such as the British Legion Keith should discuss with them any significant issues raised relating to them. [After the meeting Friday 15th July selected.]

6. VWHDC Car Park: As mentioned above, District Councillor Reg Waite has had discussions within the Vale WHDC regarding the purchase of their car park.

7. Charges from September: Awaiting response from Users to the request that they check their hours booked and to include setting up and clearing up time.

8. Floor Problems: Nothing to report.

9. Roof repairs: Clare Wagner reported that the insurers had selected the middle-priced quote.

10. Request to use Play Area: A request has been received to use this over the summer. Martin Ricketts volunteered to sweep up the glass and cut back the vegetation that has grown over the last few years.

11. Car Parking by those not using the Hall: The number of strangers using the car park is reduced, although at least one person was reported to be continuing to park there while visiting the hairdresser. The Chairman thanked Martin for repainting the lines in the car park.

12. Any Other Business:

a) Clare asked if the FH still needs electricity as there is a standing charge. Keith said that since the windows were boarded up the lighting was needed by scouts when getting their equipment.

b) Clare said she had looked into setting up a separate fund for development monies but at present the interest to be gained is not significant. It might be useful later when (hopefully) there are some larger amounts and timescales are predictable. For now the accounts will separately record development funds.

13. Date of next meeting: This will be decided at or after the Risk Workshop.

Appendix A. Chairman’s Progress Report

To date (5/7/11) David Marsh and I have seen four architects and Sports Solutions UK.

Howard Waters of Mathewson Waters are in the process of managing the sale of Boxford Village Hall and relocating it on the recreation ground. They highlighted the value of getting planning permission before selling land. They emphasised the need to get the village behind the project.

Christopher Trickey of Sutton Griffin Architects who are doing Didcot Civic Centre and the sports development in Blewbury seemed well attuned to the needs of Village Halls. Suggested we explore with the VWHDC the sale of the Westfields car park which we are progressing. Will produce block drawings with 3D computer generated sketches. See the abstract of their quote. I could work with him.

Laura Donald – Architect

Works part-time for herself and helped Andy Heason. She was the least experienced.

Robert Guy, Arturus Architects LLP was seen on 5/7/11. Works often with Sports solutions UK. Has detailed knowledge of sports buildings. I got the impression he would relish the Community project but not the Village Hall Project.

Caroline Brooks Sports Solutions GB has knowledge of funding available for mainly sports solutions and thinks they could raise £200,000 for the existing sports project leaving a very large shortfall. Not for the Village Hall Project.

Mark Fysh -Chair RBL Good meeting exploring commonality of the Community project.

Appendix B. Architects’ Responses

Howard Waters Mathewson Waters - no response yet

Christopher Trickey BA (Hons) Dip Arch RIBA Associate Director, Sutton Griffin Architects

Planning advice; it will be important to seek the Planning Authority’s view as soon as possible upon the design proposals. Within our outline programme we have indicated when we think it will be appropriate for us to start this dialogue. The Planning Authority’s opinion of the various alternatives will obviously be a relevant influence upon your final decision and will need to be one of the factors which are considered within your conclusions.

We have included £1,500.00 for the services of our Planning Consultants at Carter Jonas to assist in the preparation of a planning case should it be necessary.

Site valuation advice; as I explained when we met, Sutton griffin Architects are part of the Carter Jonas group and we would be very happy to introduce you to specialists in the field of commercial land valuation (on a speculative basis). This information will be invaluable to you as part of the financial feasibility of the scheme.

Topographical survey; when we met, we also discussed the possible need for a topographical survey. It will be important as part of the viability of the scheme to be aware of all of the physical constraints associated with the site(s) in order that early assumptions are not made which will later have an adverse financial impact. If you do not have this information already to hand then we would be would be glad to obtain fee quotes on your behalf from various companies we have used in the past.

Cost advice; part of your decision making process will undoubtedly be influenced by the construction value of each alternative and we would recommend obtaining professional advice on this front as soon as possible to help inform any decision. Again, if you do not already have links with a cost consultant or Quantity Surveyor we would be happy to introduce you to firms we have worked with in the past who may be prepared to give some early cost advice on a speculative basis.

We propose that our fee our fee for the preparation of this work should be £6,300 plus VAT and out of pocket expenses (that is £4,800 for architectural services + £1,500 for planning consultancy should it be required). For the sake of expediency this fee quotation takes the form of an email, in due course I will write and confirm with a formal fee quotation in line with our status as a RIBA Chartered practice.

Laura Donald – Architect

My fee for the works, to the stage of block plans with one accompanying artist impression for each project

would be:

• Option 1 – Village Hall refurbishment ‐ £3950

• Option 2 – Community Centre ‐ £4450

The fee assumes that at the end of this stage we would be at the point a site survey of the selected site would be commissioned to allow for detailed design to commence towards a detailed planning application. My appointment would be made by the exchange of letters at this stage. If the project is to progress further an RIBA standard form of appointment would be used. My services for this stage, and my standard terms of appointment ‘The Small Print’ are at the end of this letter for your information. In addition to the fees, the cost of copying or purchase of drawings and documents, local authority fees and travel will be charged. Travel by car will be charged at 40p per mile, other expenses would be charged at cost.

Not VAT registered