Questions and Responses –Week of October 30 – November 3, 2017
Q: Are you all e-mailing responses to questions and any other notifications re the RFP to the list of people that attended the pre submission meetings? Or are we just to go to the web site and find responses to questions? If there is an e-mail list, is Mercy on the RFP mailing list?
A:Yes. MOHCD maintains a mailing list to which we send responses to questions. The website is also updated as needed to respond to questions at the same time the email is sent. Various Mercy staff are on the email list.
Q:If there is an e-mail list, we’d like to add the architect also; Sanaa Akiyama <
A: We have added that contact to the list.
Q:Can MOHCD provide more plan/section drawings of the subway station next/under the site?
A: Due to security restrictions, that information will only be shared with the selected team which will enter into a Sensitive Security Information Agreement with the SFMTA.
Q:How many hardcopies total do we need to submit; 5 or 7? There is conflicting information in the RFP on page 5 vs. page 30.
A: Please submit 5 printed copies and 1 electronic copy. In the electronic copy, please send the proforma in Excel (not .pdf.)
Q:Can we receive the environmental reports? We were not able to download from the website. The dropbox on the web site seems to have “expired” or something.
A: The link posted to the website has been repaired.
Q:Is there a property line between the proposal site and the north portion of the site where the subway station will be build(sic)? When you pull up the block and lot on the City’s Property Information web site, it looks like it’s still one parcel. Has a lot split already occurred or is planned for the developer to perform after selection?
A: The lot isstill one parcel.We would have to discuss any subdivision or lot line adjustment with Planning after the developer selection.
Q:Can we assume there is no easement with the north portion of the site, and that we could have unit windows facing that direction as MWA analysis implies?
A: There’s nothing that would preclude north facing windows, except on the second floor—which is reflected in MWA’s analysis—because of the height of the roof and ventilation equipment of the adjacent subway headhouse. On floors 3-8, lot line windows should not be an issue.