Real estate crowd funding

General features

·  This script has integrated Google analytics that serves to improve the site performance and extend in the international market.

·  This script has Google page speed that optimizes and avails higher visitor engagement, retention and conversion.

·  It has secure payment gateway to product the transaction of the fund.

·  It has an option of banner advertisement which has allows to post the promotional ads.

·  Activity of the entire script can be manageable and notifiable.

·  There is facepile functionality that helps to view the socially connected friends equity status.

·  There is a pre-defined email templates.

·  User engagement helps to see through user’s attachment towards equity based fundraising.

·  Social media connectivity can helps to share the details.

·  Equity configuration helps us to decide the share amount such as minimum and maximum amount.

User view

1.  Register:

1.1.  New user can register via their mail id.

1.2.  User can receive the confirmation mail to registered mail id.

2.  Login:

2.1.  User can login via valid username and password.

2.2.  User has option of forget password to recover their account.

2.3.  User can login with social media connection.

3.  Home:

3.1.  User can view the quick link to donate now, join us now, get involved.

3.2.  User can view some featured product list.

3.3.  User can view the statistic of the statistic of success projects, total projects, volunteers and total amount raised.

3.4.  User can view quick link to the recent cause detail.

3.5.  User can view some success stories.

3.6.  User can view the partner detail.

3.7.  User can prospect the link to become a volunteer.

3.8.  User can view the advantage of crowdfunding.

4.  Search:

4.1.  User can search for a project.

4.2.  User can search the project by city.

5.  My profile:

5.1.  User can view and edit the basic information such as profile picture, user name, mail id, contact address and URL details.

5.2.  User can add the bank account details.

5.3.  User can vary the password.

5.4.  User can create a project.

5.5.  User can view their own projects.

5.6.  User can view the percentage of raised fund.

5.7.  User can view the contribution detail with backer detail.

5.8.  User can view and edit the jobs act detail.

5.9.  User can view and edit the demographics detail.

5.10.  User can view and edit the address detail.

5.11.  User can find the friends via social media connection.

5.12.  Dashboard:

5.12.1.  User can view the available balance.

5.12.2.  User can view the count of posted project and idea count.

5.12.3.  User can view the count of following project.

5.12.4.  User can view the entire projects.

5.12.5.  User can follow or donate for the project.

5.13.  Post a project:

5.13.1.  User can entire their company details with required assets.

5.13.2.  User can enter the basic project details.

5.13.3.  User can manage the investing details.

5.13.4.  User can provide the address detail, media detail.

5.13.5.  User can add the payment methods with entire required detail.

6.  Notification:

6.1.  User can receive the relevant notification.

6.2.  User can view the recent activity.

7.  Mailing system:

7.1.  User can view the received messages.

7.2.  User can view the sent messages.

7.3.  User can reply to the message.

7.4.  User can compose a mail.

7.5.  User can save the mail as draft.

7.6.  User can delete the mail.

8.  Project:

8.1.  User can view the entire project details.

8.2.  User can view the projects under category.

8.3.  User can view the status of the particular project.

8.4.  User can donate to the project.

8.5.  User can view the quick link to view the project.

8.6.  User can view the short and long description about the product.

8.7.  User can view the cause process status.

8.8.  User can view the relevant video.

8.9.  User can prospect the funding details.

8.10.  User can share the project detail via social media connection.

8.11.  User can invest money to the project.

8.12.  User can send the question about the project.

8.13.  User can follow the project.

8.14.  User can vote for the project.

8.15.  User can comment for the project.

8.16.  User can view the media or other files.

8.17.  User can view the recent activity of the particular poster.

8.18.  User can view the updates of the project.

8.19.  User can view the voters and followers of the particular project.

9.  Team:

9.1.  User can view the team details.

9.2.  User can share the team member detail via social media.

9.3.  User can view the staff and volunteer detail.

10.  Newsletter:

10.1.  User can subscribe to newsletter via mail id.

10.2.  User can receive the latest updates and news via subscribed mail id.

11.  Contact:

11.1.  User can view the contact information.

11.2.  User can send the feedback to the respective mail id.

12.  About:

12.1.1.  Introduction:  User can view some details.  User can start donate by clicking the link donate now.  User can view the staff and volunteer details.  User can view the team member details.  User can share the team member detail.

12.1.2.  Our impact:  User can donate to needers via the text box.  User can view the statistic of the amount raised, causes, total members, people impacted.  User can view the success story of the satisfied customer.

13.  CMS page:

13.1.  Social media connection.

13.2.  Socialize link.

13.3.  Help.

13.4.  Careers.

13.5.  Privacy policy.

13.6.  Payment terms.

13.7.  Refund policy.

Admin view

1.  Login:

1.1.  Admin can login via valid user name and password.

2.  Dashboard:

2.1.  Admin can view the statistic of registered user, running projects, successful projects and pending projects.

2.2.  Admin can view the order statistic with geo-location detail.

2.3.  Admin can view the current monthly statistic, last month statistic and last quarter statistic.

2.4.  Admin can view the task in process with its status and option of pause and complete.

2.5.  Admin can view the sales and earning statistic.

2.6.  Admin can view the counts for the facebook and twitter followers, following and tweets count.

2.7.  Admin can prospect the monthly statistic based on user activities, top countries and age group.

2.8.  Admin can add to-do list on the dashboard.

3.  Mail box:

3.1.  Admin can view the received messages.

4.  Notification:

4.1.  Admin can view the notifications.

5.  Location:

5.1.  Admin can view the country details with name, currency, country code, symbol.

5.2.  Admin can view, edit, vary publish status and delete the country detail.

5.3.  Admin can search for a particular country detail via search box.

5.4.  Admin can add new country detail.

6.  Site setting:

6.1.  General setting:

6.1.1.  Admin can view and modify the general settings such as website title, keywords, URL, logo, PayPal and admin mail id, social media links.

6.2.  CMS:

6.2.1.  Admin can view the content of the CMS page such as about us, welcome text, what we do, terms and conditions, privacy, careers, contact, press, FAQ, help, get help, refund and footer description.

6.2.2.  Admin can edit those details.

6.3.  Slider:

6.3.1.  Admin can view the details with title, image, description, created by detail.

6.3.2.  Admin can view, edit and delete option.

6.3.3.  Admin can vary the publish status to active/deactive.

7.  Management:

7.1.  User:

7.1.1.  Admin can view the entire user detail with image, name, password, email id.

7.1.2.  Admin can view, edit and delete option.

7.1.3.  Admin can vary the publish status to active/deactive.

7.1.4.  Admin can search for a particular user via search box.

7.1.5.  Admin can add new user detail to the list.

8.  Campaign:

8.1.  Project:

8.1.1.  Admin can view the entire details with project category, image, project title, and process bar.

8.1.2.  Admin can vary the publish status, view, edit or delete the detail.

8.1.3.  Admin can search for a particular project detail.

8.1.4.  Admin can add new project detail.

9.  Category:

9.1.  Admin can view the category details with name.

9.2.  Admin can view, vary the publish status, edit or delete the detail.

9.3.  Admin can search for a particular detail via search box.

9.4.  Admin can add new category detail.

10.  Success story:

10.1.  Admin can view the details with image, mail id, mobile number, success story.

10.2.  Admin can view, vary the publish status, edit or delete the detail.

10.3.  Admin can search for a particular detail via search box.

10.4.  Admin can add new success story.