Date: September 16, 2010 Type of Meeting: Regular Business Mtg.

Held: Hunter Café’ Presiding Officer: Gerry Loucks, Pres.

Gerry Loucks, Brian Byrne, Eric Thorpe, Penny Fromer , Rachel Members Present


Marianne Romito, District Treasurer Others Present

Dr. Patrick Darfler-Sweeney, Melinda McCool, Brook Van Fleet Administration Present

Simon Williams

At 7:30 p.m., the meeting was called to order by Gerry Loucks and the Call To Order & Pledge

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were no special presentations. Special Presentations

On a Motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Rachel Tripsas, the Minutes Board Minutes - Approval

from the September 2nd Workshop Meeting Were approved.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

On a Motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Brian Byrne, the Warrant Warrant Reports

Reports were approved.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

On a Motion from Eric Thorpe, seconded by Rachel Tripsas, the Internal Internal Claims Auditor

Claims Auditor’s Report was approved. Reports

Carried Unanimously 5-0

On a Motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Treasurer’s Reports

Treasurer’s Reports were approved.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

There were no budget transfers. Budget Transfers (None)

No report by the Student Council at this time. Student Council Report

No comments from the public. Public Be Heard

September 16, 2010 – Minutes

Administrative Reports:

Mr. Williams started by mentioned the Parent Athletic Meeting hosted by Mr. Williams

Brent Dearing. It was well run and Brent may change it up next year by

holding this annual meeting in the Tannersville Building and making a few

other changes.

On Tuesday, Mr. Williams attended the Booster Club Meeting which had a good

parent turnout. They are hosting a Soccer Tournament the next two weekends

at Bear Creek (2pm & 4pm).

Teachers were well prepared for Open House. There was a fairly good turnout,

although it was down because student enrollment is down. Simon took time

at the Open House to acknowledge the custodians one more time for the great

job they did this summer getting the buildings ready. He also introduced new

faculty members. Overall it was a great team effort.

Mr. Wiliams also recognized Paula Queriolo who represents Twin County. She

fielded a lot of questions at the Open House and may even create a link via

the school’s website for Q&A.

Mr. Williams noted there are changes this year in testing. Social Studies tests

for grades 5 & 8 are not being given (this is directive from NYS). The Language

Proficiency Tests also gone. The January Regents exams HAVE BEEN re-instated

for this year. The August Exams will not happen (Algebra II & Chemistry). There

are many other cutbacks which can be viewed on the State Website.

We currently have 231 students in the MS/HS. Mr. Williams held Town Meetings

with each grade level last week and went through a lot of ‘procedural’ items

with students. The Site-based Team has already met this year and they want to

make sure that ALL of our students are recognized; particularly those who are

achieving (achieving their best even if that isn’t a high academic score). Classes

have met with their Advisors. The senior class met last night and are being very

proactive to start the year.

This is the last week to add/drop courses for students (tomorrow is deadline).

There is a great program happening in RitaMary Vining’s class; a photography

class that has good community involvement/ties. She is also working on a

regional photographic contest. Mr. Williams also attended a workshop held

at the Arboretum and facilitated by Frank Driscoll. It was outstanding.

He thanked the Platte Clove Community for providing desserts at the Open

House. The new liaison for the community is Ralph Hindley.

September 16, 2010 – Minutes

Mrs. McCool presented her administrative report. Mrs. McCool

She mentioned that Nancy Watson did a goals report and has since been

working hard in collaborating with faculty. She is spending more time

in the MS/HS Buildings and is really focusing on working with teachers.

There are a few staff developments coming up. Melinda is doing one on

Health Curriculum. She attended a very valuable Tech Committee Mtg and

the teachers’ attitudes were really positive. Mentioned that John Sturman

has been vital in some of the organization of all of this.

Melinda is still receiving applications for the secretarial position there in

Hunter. She hopes to have finalists to Dr. Sweeney by the 2nd week in

October and then for board approval that week.

The student population is actually up in Hunter. There are presently 19

Pre-K students.

There are some important assemblies coming up including the Peace

Day Assembly, the Character Ed Assembly, 6th Grade Photography Prog.,


Open House for parents is on September 30th.

The Elementary Enrichment Program is looking for volunteers to teach classes.

information about this will go out to students in early October.

Mrs. McCool concluded by thanking the TA’s who have really come together

to assist her in getting ready for the school year, especially since she didn’t

have Ada in the office to prepare for the start of school. Everything went very


Mrs. Van Fleet provided her administrative report Mrs. Van Fleet

She thanked the Special Education teachers who have been very helpful

in getting students settled into their classes.

She gave a brief Medicaid update: they are continuing to update their

system. Medical Prescriptions (or lack of) is slowing things down, since they now

require Drs. License #’s on them. Parents have received letters telling them what

is required now from their doctors.

Mrs. Van Fleet also reviewed the various state reports.

Dr. Darfler-Sweeney gave his administrative report. He began by discussing Dr. Darfler-Sweeney

The development of new district goals. This is something he has been working

on and is creating a survey with information provided from faculty. Dr.

Sweeney also discussed the new evaluation system being required by NYS

for principals and administrators.

He thanked the Tannersville Staff for a great job on Open House. It was very

September 16, 2010 – Minutes

Well run. He also thanked Brent for a good job on his Athletic Meeting. Brent

is planning on some changes to this annual meeting; making it “by sport”,

instead of having a general all sport meeting.

There is minor construction slated to happen in Mid-October.

The State Athletic Commission has a pending decision with respect to Special

Ed Students getting a “5th” year of competition. This is generating a lot of


An ONC BOCES Guidance Counselor, Harry Gold, passed away this morning.

Dr. Sweeney is starting the second part of his Coaching course beginning on

Monday, September 20th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the University Ctr. If there

are any questions on this, please contact Lynn Byrne (The Adult Ed Coordinator).

The Presidential Golf Tournament is slated for October 2nd. This is the 20th year

that the District has participated in this event. Last year three students each

received $1000 scholarship because the program didn’t take place.

At 8:17 p.m., on a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Executive Session

Board of Education adjourned to Executive Session to discuss a personnel

matter (prior to approval of new Special Ed Teacher).

Carried Unanimously 5-0

At 8:26 p.m, on a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Regular Session

Board of Education returned to regular session.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

On a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Penny Fromer, the Board of Ed M. Brie Matthews

Approved M. Brie Matthew to a three-year probationary appointment as a Appointment

Teacher of Special Education, with Certification in the tenure area of Students

With Disabilities Gr 1-6; from 9/17/10 at a salary of $35,517, which is Step 1,

Col. 2 of the Teachers’ Salary Schedule.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

On a motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Board of Ed Approval – Fundraisers

Approved the attached list of Fundraisers for the 2010-11 school year.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

September 16, 2010 – Minutes

On a motion from Penny Fromer, seconded by Eric Thorpe, the Board of Ed Approval – Substitutes

Approved the following individuals to the Active Substitute List for the 2010-11

School year:

·  Nancy Nelson Frank DeLuca

·  Cody Farrell Claudia Lane

·  Ildy Tracy Pandur Rebecca Slutzky

·  Deborah Belanouane Judd Weisberg

·  Jennifer McAward Lauren Fichera

·  Dawn Somelofski

Carried Unanimously 5-0

Mrs. Shirley Poladian addressed the Board with some suggestions for Public Be Heard

School Tax Collection as it pertains to Senior Citizens. She suggested the

Board could look into having people billed in increments.

At 8:37 p.m., on a motion from Brian Byrne, seconded by Penny Fromer, Executive Session

The Board Of Education moved to go into Executive Session to discuss

a personnel matter.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Abrahamsen, District Clerk

At 9:43 p.m., on a Motion from Rachel Tripsas, seconded by Brian Regular Session

Byrne, a motion was made to return to regular session.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

At 9:44 p.m., on a motion from by Eric Thorpe, seconded by Adjournment

Penny Fromer, the meeting adjourned.

Carried Unanimously 5-0

Submitted by Patrick Darfler-Sweeney

Clerk Pro Tem