Silver Lakes Middle School
School Advisory Council Meeting
September 28th, 2016
Learning Commons
Principal, Alison Trautmann-Lopez
SAC Administrator, Masharie Powell
SAC Chair(s), Mrs. Candace Goode & Tavures Williams
SAC Meeting Minutes
I. Welcome- Mrs. Goode –Meeting called to order at 5:33 by Mrs.Goode, Seconded by Mr. T.Williams.
II. Introductions- Round Table
III. Approval of Minutes September 8th, 2016 Minutes Motion to approve minutes by Mrs. Goode seconded by Mr. Gore
IV. Principal’s Report – Mrs. A. Lopez
§ Interim reports reports sent home on September 22nd.
§ All diagnostics testing have been completed with each department.
§ 6th Grade class has come to us with strong prior knowledge in Math but the (English language arts) ELA was very low. We are Using USA TEST prep to review data and compare us to other middle schools in our surrounding areas. Our 7th and 8th grade students did well on their diagnostic and we aren’t showing any large deficits. Teachers are reviewing data to find weakest areas to focus on. The next time we have data it will be to measure growth rather than a baseline.
§ Budget wise things are great. Our overage money made it through out the first round of cuts. We have one more round we need to get through to keep our money.
§ If we can keep our overage money a portion of it will go toward purchasing the I-Ready program, which is 12,000 a year. Our instructional supply allocation is 15,000, which is why we didn’t buy this program again. We are also lobbying the district to purchase the program for us.
§ FTE week coming up in October. 10-14th. We need all kids in attendance and 7th grade has all immunization records updated. If we don’t have all students we can potentially lose money.
§ Broward has purchased a program called Naviance. We are planning for Guidance to start the Naviance program with our students. It’s a planning tool for students to use from elementary to high school. Goal planning / career searches/ interest inventory/ college search engines/ scholarship portal. In high school the program manages their grades and credits. The login / password is: Student number / birthdate. Please log on parents and explore the program.
§ We would love to have parents join PTA – There are lots of ideas and things we would like to do but in order to do so we need to have a PTA.
§ I will be out for a four days due to surgery.
V. SAC Composition Report & SAC Bylaws –C.Goode / Mr. T. Williams
§ A new composition reports need to be completed in the beginning of the year.
§ Searching for representatives that reflect our student population and community to fill positions: Gifted / Community / English Second Language (ESOL) / Innovation-Zone / School Advisory Forum (SAF) Designee / PTO/PTA President.
§ Our SAC composition has to be 51% more. The composition should be made up of more non-district employees than school board employees.
VI. STEM- Mr. Gore /Mr.Alexis
§ Every student is coded as a magnet student because we are a Title1 magnet school.
§ During FTE week we will have a better count of our out of boundary magnet students coming to our school.
§ Elementary Marketing Emails went out last week and follow-up calls will go out. We are partnering with elementary magnet schools within our zones.
§ Matriculation (we are hosting north area magnet school in November) we will also be having a magnet Monday for our students going to high school and a follow up at night for the parents.
§ Field trip to Creek Technical Academy for a tour and lunch. ATC and Creek are blending their programs.
§ Magnet high schools are setting up shadowing experiences for 8th grader. Students shadow high school magnet students for a day and get a feel for what its like.
§ New pieces are being added to the STEM curriculum.
§ We are one of 4 middle schools to use this new curriculum with problem-based learning. Students have the ability to receive Microsoft Certifications.
§ The district has pulled the funds for the First Lego League registration.
§ Mr.Gore is seeking re-imbursement for $225.00 for the first Lego League Team registration, which he paid for, plus an additional request $75.00 to be held in escrow to pay for the second teams’ registration. Lead money will be used to pay for the game boards.
§ Mr.Alexis- would like to request $340.00 to compete in the Broward drone competitions. $200- registration/ $100 – transmitters / batteries- $40.00
§ Students will learn to build, modify, and fly drones.
§ 30 students have currently shown interest in the program
v As per Mrs.Powell- SLMS does have our accountability fund with $14,000 that would pay for these costs.
v Mr.Flynn moved motioned to pay for the items. Motion seconded by Mrs.Galvin.
v Mrs. Powell tabled Mr. Flynns Motion until we’ve established a voting corium within SAC.
v Motion made to undo previous motion to provide Mr.Gore and Mr.Alexis with funds for Lego League and Drone club by Mr.T.Williams motion approved by Mr. Gore.
VII. Review SIP Goals – Stake Holder Feedback -Mrs. Powell
§ Our instructional goal last year was to increase student proficiency by 5%.
§ Mr.Planmer motions that academic goals stay at 5% increase across the board. Motion seconded by Mr. Flynn.
VIII. School is cool coordinator Report Ms.Ashley
§ School is Cool is a Broward initiative to prevent high school dropouts.
§ 35 Students are hand selected by administration that will receive academic support.
§ Leaps curriculum will also incorporated.( life skills)
§ Fine Arts will be added to the program here at SLMS. (Photography)
§ 5 Field trips planned this school year: cultural arts/ high school/ college/technical schools and a pro social trip.
§ Weekly and monthly incentives are provided to the students also.
Motion to end the meeting made at 6:52 by Mrs. Goode.
SAF (School Advisory Forum)
Wednesday, SEPTEMBER. 28th, 2016
I. Welcome
II. Old Business
- Accreditation Report Completed
- 6th grade Health Screening
- Schoolwide Math and Reading Diagnostics Completed
- Chalk for Piece- September 22nd, 2016
- Picture Day- September 27th, 2016
- Progress Reports- September 22nd, 2016
III. New Business
- FAIR Testing (August- October)
- Common Formative Assessment Results (CFA 1)
- Elect New PTA President
- Plan for Harvest Celebrations Committee
IV. Important Dates
- Junior Achievement Field Trip – September 29th, 2016
- No School – October 3rd & 12th, 2016
c. SAC/SAF/PTA Meeting-Oct. 26th, 2016- 5:30pm
PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)
I. Welcome
II. Introduction of Officers
III. Old Business
a. None
IV. New Business
a. Restructuring
b. Recruitment
c. Fundraisers
d. Booster Club