November 2nd-6.21 Identify the location of the Kush civilization and describe its political(government), commercial(economics), and cultural(parts of life of a group) relationship with Egypt.
Read the Kush handout again. Highlight all government details in one color. Highlight all economics details in a different color. Highlight all culture details in a third color.
Review this picture. Make a list of 10 things that you see in the picture. Based on the list, what conclusion can you draw about the economic relationship between Egypt and Kush? What conclusion can you draw about the cultural relationship between Egypt and Kush?
6.16 Investigate the kinds of evidence used by archaeologists and historians to draw conclusions about the social and economic characteristics of Ancient Nubia (the Kingdom of Kush) and their relationship to the social and economic characteristics of Ancient Egypt.
Social characteristics(Culture)- Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
Economic characteristics-the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services
Writing Prompt:
Read the map, the passage and answer the question.
6.16 Investigate the kinds of evidence used by archaeologists and historians.
Use your prior knowledge to draw conclusions about the social characteristics of ancient Nubia and Egypt.
Use your prior knowledge to draw conclusions about the economic characteristics of ancient Nubia and Egypt.
Create a graphic organizer for your information.
- Be sure to include Egypt Economics, Nubia Economics, Egypt culture, Nubia culture.
- List what you know in each category.
- Add information from the stimuli in the correct part of the graphic organizer.
Begin writing-(You will have an Introductory paragraph and 2 body paragraphs)
Para. 1(Introduction) Thesis Statement-Must include all important information from the prompt question/ Sentence 2-Economics, Egypt, Kush/Sentence 3-Culture, Egypt, Kush
Para. 2-1.Main idea-Economics or Commercial, Egypt, Kush(Include in this sentence what conclusion you can draw about the economics of these 2 groups of people)
2. Egypt economics information
3. Egypt economics supporting detail
4. Kush economics information
5. Kush economics supporting detail
6. Map information
7. Map supporting detail
8. Conclusion
Para. 3-1.Main idea-Cultural or Social, Egypt, Kush(Include in this sentence what conclusion you can draw about the culture of these 2 groups of people)
2. Egypt culture information
3. Egypt culture supporting detail
4. Kush culture information
5. Kush culture supporting detail
6. Passage information
7. Passage supporting detail
8. Conclusion
We are not writing a concluding paragraph at this time.