Working together to end hunger in our lifetime
Best Fund Raising Practices From Our Volunteers
Saving monetary donations
Use the slogan, “Eat one, give one” and ask volunteers to put $0.29 aside for every meal they eat. Do for 40 days and raise $34.80 per person.
30 day activity where volunteer skips a meal per week and contributes the money you would have spent on that meal.
During the seasons of Advent or Lent, ask individuals to place $1/day in a jar for 40 days.
Take a kid to dinner: Donate what you would have spent on dinner for a child to a child in need.
During church service, show mission video or have someone speak about SHN and pass a special offering. (Example: Sock it to Poverty, have kids pass socks to collect change 4 Sunday’s leading up to event.)
Mini M&M tube containers: provide to kids, who eat the candy and then fill it with quarters.
Identify employers (of members) that provide matching gifts or would sponsor volunteer events.
For youth, let them raise funds by getting people to support their packaging at $.29/meal. For example, each person can package an average of 300 meals in a typical two hour shift. Have youth seek sponsors.
Ask volunteers to raise $50 each by seeking family members, friends, co-workers to help sponsor their participation in the meal packaging event.
Approach local business, corporations and vendors who may partner and sponsor a meal packaging event.
Ask local business to collect change at the register for the meal packaging event.
Identify local restaurant to sponsor charity night where portion of the proceeds go SHN meal packaging event.
Special Events
Pie in the face: Vote on the top four people in the organization they wished to get a pie in the face. Designate a jar for each contestant and have volunteers vote for their choice by making a placing a donation in their jar. The “winner” receives a Cool Whip pie following the event.
Fun Run. Have volunteers get sponsors for the run. Organize a run from organization’s location to local restaurant, eat hot dogs, doughnuts, etc and then run back.
Have a fundraising challenge between participating organizations. Present winner with prize, t-shirt and hat at the event.
Host a SHN dinner. Cook SHN meals, show video, and ask guests to provide a donation.
Stop Hunger Now | 615 Hillsborough Street, Suite 200, RaleighNC27603 | 888-501-8440 |