Resources for Health Care Providers Who Support Women and Girls
•CAN-ADAPTT Guidelines: A website for smoking cessation knowledge exchange, networking and clinical practice guidelines including guidelines for Specific Populations: Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women. (
•Expecting to Quit: A website that provides best practices review of smoking cessation interventions for pregnant and postpartum girls and women from the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health (BCCEWH). A link to the main BCCEWH page will take you to additional knowledge, event information, publications and more.
•Healthy Parents Healthy Children: AHS’s online e-book, containing reliable information about how to help children grow, learn and be healthy in the early years. Tobacco advice is included. (
•Pregnets:is a website that offers information, resources and support to pregnant and postpartum women and their health care providers. A wide range of information on smoking during pregnancy, smoking after giving birth, stressors, cures, nutrition, exercise and other topics are provided for women. As well as information for women, the site offers, a toolkit for health care providers, and an anonymous Online Discussion Board and a personalized plan for quitting or reducing smoking. The site is hosted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. (
•Couples and Smoking: What You Need to Know When You are Pregnant - is a resource developed for pregnancy-involved couples, when one or both are using tobacco. It is based on research on tobacco related interaction patterns. It helps couple identify and change their tobacco related interaction patterns.(
•Liberation Guide - a brief tobacco intervention guide developed by researchers at the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, it helps service providers link a woman centred approach and the skills associated with Motivational Interviewing approaches when delivering tobacco interventions.
•The Best Start Resource Centre- Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre supports service providers who work in preconception health, prenatal health and early child development. It offers downloadable and print resources on tobacco misuse for health care providers, including manuals, videos, posters, stickers and participant handouts that accompany the videos. The resources are bilingual and Best Start attends to the development of resources for service providers working with Indigenous women. See for example The Sacred Journey from Preconception to Parenting for First Nations Families in Ontario and the Sacred Tobacco, Sacred Children DVD.
•Women and Healthy Living in Canada – Smoking Tobacco: A Health Canada-sponsored document addressing how to support groups of women where smoking rates are higher, including women living with low income and Aboriginal women. (
•MotherRisk—Treating the Mother and Protecting the Unborn: A website under the auspices of the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario. Includes pregnancy and breastfeeding-related advice on a variety of issues, including drug interaction information. (
•Women and Tobacco: A Casebook: A resource developed by BCCEWH that includes information on; contexts and issues, strategies and interventions, advocacy and action, diversity and equity issues, policy and research, discussion guides and resources.
•Health Canada—Pregnancy and Smoking: Website discusses smoking during pregnancy and related health risks for both mother and fetus. Also discusses
pre- and postnatal smoking-related issues and second-hand smoke during pregnancy.
- Coalescing on Women and Substance Use: A website offering material from ongoing projects related to women’s substance use in Canada. Five key topic areas regarding girls, women and substance use offer guidance on addressing a variety of issues including violence and trauma, pregnancy, mothering, alcohol and substance use, holistictreatment for First Nation/Inuit and in particular, addressing “Women-centred Tobacco Treatment” (
- Trauma informed care resources recommended for working with girls and women are listed in theTobacco Free Future Guidelines Reproductive Years chapter. (