Homeless Education Monitoring
Title X, Part C: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Iowa Department of Education
District: Date of Visit:
District Homeless Education Liaison:
Phone/Email: ______
District Title I Coordinator:______
McKinney-Vento Sub-grantee: ______Non-Sub-grantee: ____________
Federal Law - McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001 – Title X, Part C of ESEA
-Subtitle B of title VII
State Law – IAC [281] Ch 33
Homeless Education – McKinney-Vento Act
- Local Homeless Liaison and Duties
Section / criteria / OPTIONS FOR
Evidence or documentation / CoMMENTS
Homeless Liaison & Duties
IAC Ch 33 / LEA has designated a local homeless liaison to assist homeless students in enrolling, attending, participating & succeeding in school. /
- Indicated on Title I application screen
- Person designated is aware of the appointment
IAC [218] Ch 33 / LEA has informed school personnel, service providers, community agencies & advocate with the duties of the local liaison /
- Documentation of trainings
- Examples of materials distributed
- Lists of homeless shelters; community agencies
- Locations of posters; and other postings
§722 (g)(1)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison ensure that homeless children & youth are located, identified & referred by school personnel to liaison /
- Documentation of referral & identification forms
§111 (a)(1)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / LEA maintains count of homeless children/youth residing in district, enrolled & not enrolled. /
- Interview with M-V Coordinator/local Liaison
- Count list
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison provides assistance & support to homeless students to ensure they receive all educational services for which they are eligible /
- Documentation of referral forms & programs in which homeless students are participating
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison informs parents of the educational rights of their children & provides them with meaningful opportunities to participate in their children’s education.
Liaison assists homeless families/unaccompanied youth with obtaining necessary documentation regarding medical immunization & medical records. /
- Documentation of services utilized by families.
- Records of such assistance.
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison informs homeless families/youth of school transportation services & assists them in accessing these services /
- Documentation of transportation forms/records
B. School Selection for Homeless Students
9. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(B)IAC [281] Ch 33 / Homeless students are served in school of origin unless it is against parent/guardian wishes /
- Enrollment forms; policy & procedure documents
10. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(B)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Written explanation is provided to parents of homeless students if they are sent to a school other than school of origin or the school requested by the family; includes notification of right to appeal decision /
- Written documentation of notification
- Copy of appeal process
C. Enrollment of Homeless Students
11. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(C)IAC [218] Ch 33 / Homeless students are immediately enrolled in school even if they lack records normally required for enrollment /
- Enrollment records; policy & procedures documents
- Evidence of dates of student enrollment
12. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(C)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison assists homeless students in obtaining records from students’ previous schools as soon as possible /
- Written documentation of communication with other school districts
13. Sec. 722 (g)(4)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Homeless students are automatically qualified for participation in free school nutrition programs /
- List of homeless
- students participating in school lunch
- program
14. Sec. 722 (g)(1)(G)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / LEA has reviewed & revised policies/procedures that could act as barriers to the enrollment, attendance, participation & success of homeless children and youth /
- Board policies manual
D. Dispute Resolution Procedures –Homeless Education
15. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(E) / A written process for the prompt resolution of disputes regarding the educational placement of homeless students is provided to parents/youth /- Copy of local district dispute resolution process or policy
16. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(E)
IAC [281] Ch. 33 -
281-33.9(256) / Homeless students are immediately enrolled in school of choice pending the outcome of dispute resolution /
- Copy of local district dispute resolution process or policy
E. Student Assistance – Homeless Education
17. Sec. 722 (g)(1)(J)IAC [218] Ch 33 / LEA ensures that homeless students are not segregated or stigmatized because of homeless status /
- Board policies manual
18. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(B) / Liaison acts as parentis in loco to assist unaccompanied homeless youth in school selection/enrollment decisions /
- Board policies manual
19. Sec. 722 (g)(3)(B)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Liaison assures that homeless children have equal access to preschool programs administered by the LEA/SEA /
- Documentation of assistance with enrollment of homeless children in such programs
20. IDEA, Part B-34 CFR, Sec. 104.33 (b)(2)
IAC [218] Ch 33 / Homeless children with disabilities have the same right to FAPE under Part B as non-homeless children with disabilities /
- Records of homeless students evaluated for and placed in special education or related services
F. Coordination with Title I, Part A
21. Sec. 1112 (a)(1); Sec. 1112 (b)(1)(O) / LEA has plan for coordinating services provided from Title I, Part A to homeless students- LEA reserves specified amount of Title I, Part A funding to provide comparable services for homeless students not attending Title I funded schools, including children in shelters and other eligible locations
- Documentation of set aside funding, method/formula used to determine amount & details of services provided with Title I, Part A funds
- Title I application-
Homeless Screen
- Documentation of Title I services provided to homeless students
Consultant - Page 1Homeless Monitoring May 2013