United University Professions
Alfred Chapter
Labor Management Meeting Notes
SDC Conference Room
March 11, 2013 at 4:15 pm
The meeting started at 4:20; notes taken by Dave Holmes.
Management present were: John Anderson, Val Nixon, Wendy Dresser-Recktenwald, Greg Sammons, and Steve Havlovic
Labor Present were: Ray Gleason, Pat Domaratz - Labor Relations Specialist, Earl Packard, Bill Schultze, Dave Holmes
Part-Time Labor Management Meeting
1. None
1. None
Full-Time Labor Management Meeting
1. None
1. SUNY Budget Status and Implications Update
John said that a couple of weeks ago the RAM was shelved for at least 1 year, and there’s been no Presidents’ meeting since yet. There is concern that the Hospital crises may impact all the campuses. We applied for transition fund and the 20/20 grant but have not yet heard back. Capital funds may be an issue, possibly delayed altogether for 2 years; on some campuses positions are funded by this. Projects being planned but not yet started are on hold. Emergencies are now self-funded. We may look at replacing the water lines on campus since we will now be paying for the repairs of the old lines. If you see building needs put in a work order. The satellite boiler project is delayed but Residence Halls have both a plan and funding; so does the rest of the campus.
Pat asked if the infrastructure is sufficient for the anticipated increase in students. John said we’ve had as many as 4400 students at one time. Steve said that there have been 87 apps submitted and we sent 4 for High-Needs programs.
Val said SUNY has requested enrollment monies but we don’t know yet if we’ll get them; we’re up 4% in Apps and 20% in Paids.
2. Parking Lot Spaces: Are there any plans for addressing the lack of parking? Is there possibility for future discussions regarding this issue?
Val said we’ll get the Student Lot back when the Student Leadership Center construction is done this summer. There is parking available but possibly not where students or faculty would prefer. Ray mentioned an inconstancy in the issuing of tickets – you can park in a spot for several months and one day receive a ticket. Greg said that the SLC parking lot will be used for faculty as well; John said we should look at ensuring there is faculty parking there.
3. Presidency Transition: How will this impact relations between management and UUP?
John said that both Steve and Val were evaluated for the interim position and the leadership team is the best he’s ever worked with. He feels that we won’t notice much of a difference. 3 Search Firms were interviewed but they were not on the approved list so the bid process had to be started. The chancellor will come in April to meet with the Search Committee; three names will eventually be submitted to the Chancellor. Pat asked if UUP officers will have any time with the candidates. There are UUP people on the committee but they are not appointment by UUP.
4. Ray thanked John for what he’s done for the campus, particularly regarding the Pacific Institute training. John was appreciative and encouraged everyone to attend the open forums for the prospective new president.
5. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 15th. (June 17 is the UUP luncheon.)
The meeting concluded at 5:05.