Lead, Lawrence County, South Dakota
Regular Meeting, Board of Education
4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 20, 2017
Board Room, First Floor, High School Building
211. Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
212. Approve Agenda
213. Waiver Authorization Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
214. Approve Minutes
June 6, 2017, June 13, 2017 & July 6, 2017
215. Approve Expenditures
a) General Fund, Capital Outlay, Special Education, Food Service, Enterprise
b) Prepaid Checks
c) Insurance
216. Financial Statements
a) Monthly Financial Statement
b) Public School Utility Fund Monthly
c) Public School Utility Fund Year-to-Date
d) United Student Fund Monthly
e) United Student Fund Year-to-Date
f) Scholarship Account Monthly
g) Scholarship Account Year-to-Date
h) Medical Account Monthly
i) Medical Account Year-to-Date
j) Transportation Report—no report
k) Budget Report
l) Publication of Payroll
m) Investment Report
217. Patrons and Others (No action items)
a) Science and Art Collaboration at the Job Corps…Bonnie Fuller
218. Unfinished Business
a) Second Reading, 2017-18 MS/HS Staff handbook . . . ACTION
b) Second Reading, 2017-18 HS Student handbook . . . ACTION
c) Second Reading, 2017-18 MS Student handbook . . . ACTION
d) Second Reading, 2017-18 ELEM Student handbook . . . ACTION
e) Second Reading 2017-18 ELEM Staff Handbook . . . ACTION
f) Second Reading, 2017-18 Activity Handbook . . . ACTION
g) Second Reading, Policy KD, Transportation Plan for Students in Foster Care . . . ACTION
219. New Business
a) Contracts . . . ACTION
b) Approve Kool Deadwood Nites bus request on August 25-26 . . . ACTION
c) Approve long term facility plan…ACTION
d) Approve contact with Foster, Jacobs, and Johnson, Inc. . . . ACTION
e) Approve Food Service Consultant Agreement for 2017-2018 school year…ACTION
f) Set Official’s Pay for 2017-2018 school year…ACTION
g) Approve Supplemental Budget…ACTION
h) Approve Transfer from General Fund to Enterprise Fund for After School Program…ACTION
i) Policy BBFA, Conflict of Interest . . . First Reading
220. Correspondence
a) Thank You from the Hoff family
b) Thank You from the District Counselors
221. Administrator Reports
a) St. Ambrose Church Parking Lot Update . . . Dr. Leikvold
b) Summer Projects Update…Mr. Karpinen
222. Executive Session per SDLC 1-25-2
223. Adjournment
Lead-Deadwood School District #40-1
Lead, Lawrence County, South Dakota
Annual Meeting, Board of Education
4:30 p.m.
or immediately following Regular Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2017
Lead-Deadwood High School Board Room
1. Oath and Election of Officers
a) Oath of Office to New Board Members—Bob Nelson Jr., & Orson Ward
b) Elect President of the Board of Education
c) Elect Vice-President of the Board of Education
2. Approve Agenda
3. Approve Operation Practices 2017-2018
(Actions with recommendations to do)
Consent Items
a) Name Authorized Representative for School District . . . at present: Dr. Dan Leikvold, Superintendent
b) Name Business Manager of the Board (SDCL 13-18-11) . . . at present: Margie Rantapaa
c) Name Custodian of Fiduciary Funds:
1) High School/Middle School/Elementary. . . Margie Rantapaa
2) Scholarships . . . Margie Rantapaa
3) Public School Utility . . . Margie Rantapaa
4) Medical Fund . . . Margie Rantapaa
d) Director of Title IX . . . Dr. Dan Leikvold
e) Name Bank Depositories and Investments . . . at present: SDFIT;
First Interstate; Wells Fargo; First National Bank
f) Name Official Newspaper . . . at present: Black Hills Pioneer
g) Authorize signing of inter-fund notes . . . SDCL 13-19-5—President and Business Manager
h) Authorize crediting of interest earned to General Fund with exception to the Food Service Fund and other Enterprise Fund (SDCL 13-16-18)
i) Name Authorized Representative for Lunch Program . . . at present: Margie Rantapaa
j) Designate legal representative for school district . . . at present: Johns & Kosel Law Firm
k) Set Board of Education meeting date . . . at present: 2nd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.
l) Set activity charges for year . . . at present: $3.00/student; $5.00/adult
m) Set activity pass charges . . . at present: $20.00/students and $30.00/adult passes with 20 punches on both
n) Set Goldenlode charge . . . at present: $50.00
o) Set Substitute Pay . . . $80.00/day with 60+ hours college credit, college degree or teacher certificate, $70.00/day less than 60 hours college credits; Long-Term Substitute (over 20 days, based on beginning certified salary) $211.86/day for 2017-2018
p) Set Meal Reimbursement Rates . . . State Rate: In-State: Breakfast $6.00; Lunch $11.00; Dinner $15.00; Out-of-State: Breakfast $10.00; Lunch $14.00; Dinner $21.00
q) Set Mileage Reimbursement Rates . . . State Rate--$.42/mile
r) Establish the Public School Utility Fund Imprest Fund at $4,000.00
s) Approve use of current signature plate until new one is received.
t) Name Legislative Action Network person . . . at present: Suzanne Rogers and Tim Madsen, alternate.
u) Appoint board member and alternate to Black Hills Special Services . . . at present: Orson Ward and Suzanne Rogers
v) Appoint negotiation committee members for 2017-2018: 1) Administrators/ Confidential—Tim Madsen; 2 )Certified—Suzanne Rogers, Tera Mau; 3) Classified-Orson Ward, Bob Nelson Jr.
w) Establish advisory committees where applicable:
1) Transportation/Buildings and Grounds—Tim Madsen
2) Technology—Bob Nelson Jr.
3) Curriculum—Tera Mau
4) Activities—Suzanne Rogers
5) Finance/Administration—Orson Ward and Suzanne Rogers
6) Policy Committee—Board President, Dr. Leikvold, Tim Kosters, Tony Biesiot, Jay Beagle, L-DEA representative
4. New Business
a) Set Meal Prices for 2017-2018 school year . . . ACTION
5. Correspondence
6. Administrator and School Board Reports
7. Executive Session (if necessary) per SDCL 1-25-2
8. Next Meeting
Regular Board meeting Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 4:00 p.m.
Board Room, Lead-Deadwood High School
9. Adjournment