Advising Worksheet
Psychology Department (Bridges 360)218.477.2802
Psychology Department 4-year Advising Sheet
PSY 113 General Psychology 3 crs. / PSY 202 Developmental 3 crs. and/or PSY 261 Personality 3 crs.
Other LASC courses to be filled for a total of 15-16 credits / Other LASC courses to be filled for a total of 15-16 credits
NOTE: We recommend that majors take MATH 127 (College Algebra or equivalent) for LASC area 4 prior to taking Psy 230
Summer Session: The department offers a limited number of courses each year during summer session.
SOPHOMORE YEAR FALL / SOPHOMORE YEAR SPRINGPSY 230/230L Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 4 crs.
(MATH 127 is recommended to be already taken) / PSY 230/230L Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences4 crs.
(MATH 127 is recommended to be already taken)
PSY 202 or Psy 261 if not taken already (3-6 crs.) / PSY 202 or PSY 261 if not taken already(3-6 crs.)
One or two electives in Psychology 200 or 300 level / One or two electives in Psychology 200 or 300 level
Possibly PSY 292 Directed Research (1-2 credits) / Possibly PSY 292 Directed Research (1-2 credits)
Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs. / Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs.
Summer Session:The department offers a limited number of courses each year during summer session.
JUNIOR YEAR FALL / JUNIOR YEAR SPRINGPSY 330 Experimental Methods3 crs. (Preq. PSY 230) / PSY 330 Experimental Methods 3 crs. (Preq. PSY 230) if needed
PSY 463 Abnormal Psych. (Preq. PSY 261 & junior status) 3 crs. / PSY 463 Abnormal Psych 3crs. (Preq. PSY 261 & junior status)
Electives in Psychology at 300 and 400 level (3-6 credits) / Possibly PSY 430 Adv. Exper. Psy 3 crs. (Preq. PSY 330)
Electives in Psychology at 300 and 400 level (3-6 credits) / Possibly PSY 497 Undergraduate Research 1-3 crs.
Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs. / Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs.
Summer Session:The department offers a limited number of courses each year during summer session.
SENIOR YEAR FALL / SENIOR YEAR SPRINGPSY 330 Experimental Methods (Preq. PSY 232) if not taken 3 cr / Possibly PSY 430 Adv. Exper. Psy 3 crs. (Preq. PSY 330)
PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology 3 crs. (Preq. PSY261 and junior status) if needed / PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology 3 crs. (Preq. PSY 261 and junior status) if needed
PSY 481 Seminar in Psychology (Preq. PSY 330) 3 crs. / Psy 481 Seminar (Preq. PSY 330) if needed 3 crs.
Electives in Psychology at 300 and 400 level (3-6 credits) / Electives in Psychology at 300 and 400 level (3-6 credits)
Possibly PSY 497 Undergraduate Research (1-3 crs.) or
PSY 469 Internship (1-12 credits) / Possibly PSY 497 Undergraduate Research (1-3 crs.) or
PSY 469 Internship (1-12 credits)
Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs. / Other LASC, minor, or elective courses for a total of 15-16 crs.
Undergraduate Psychology Course List
PSY 113 General Psychology (3) LASC [5]
PSY 202 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSY 220 Social Behavior (3) LASC [5]
PSY 230 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (4) with lab
PSY 261 Personality (3)
PSY 265 Health Psychology (3)
PSY 275 Behavior Modification (3)
PSY 290 Topics in Psychology (1-3)
PSY 293 Field Work in Psychology (1-2)
PSY 297 Directed Research (1-3)
PSY 310 Psychology of Women (3)
PSY 317 Alcoholism &Drug Abuse (3)
PSY 320 Social Psychology (3)
PSY 323 Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology (3)
PSY 324 Environmental Psychology (3) LASC [10]
PSY 330 Experimental Methods (3) [W]
PSY 342 Learning and Memory (3) / PSY 345 Physiological Psychology (3)
PSY 348 Cognition and Perception (3)
PSY 390 Topics in Psychology (3)
PSY 402 Child/Adolescent Psychology (3)
PSY 403 Adulthood and Aging (3)
PSY 417 Child Psychopathology (3)
PSY 430 Advanced Experimental Psychology (3) [W]
PSY 455 Psychology of the Arts (3)
PSY 463 Abnormal Psychology (3)
PSY 465Clinical Psychology (3)
PSY 469 Internship (1-12)
PSY 470 History and Systems of Psychology (3)
PSY 481 Seminar in Psychology (3)
PSY 490 Topics in Psychology (1-3)
PSY 492 Independent Study (1-3)
PSY 497 Undergraduate Research (1-3)
LASC - Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum
[W] Writing Intensive