May 12, 2015

Page 9


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

6:00 P.M.

Comm. Steele called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with the following in attendance:

Comm. Granholm Elizabeth Heathcote Scott DePoe

Comm. Jones Lisa Frye Steve Hovis

Comm. Kessler Carly Mercadante Neil Beach Comm. Knepper Fred Krause

Other Township Employees: Adam Wolf; Ed Dick, Water & Sewer Authority; Sgt. Damon, YARP

Minutes On motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Kessler, the minutes of April 14th, 2015 were approved as presented. Vote 5 yes.

Payment of Bills

On motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the following bills for April 2015 were approved for payment:

General Fund $992,169.69

Sewer Revenue Fund 107,822.36 Intermunicipal Sewer Fund 12,842.94

Recreation Capital Reserve 6,328.56

General Capital Reserve 52,253.73

Sewer Capital Reserve 202.56

Street Light 206.01

Escrow Fund 809.15

TOTAL $1,172,635.00

Professional Services

Non-Reimbursable $21,297.38

Vote 5 yes.

York County

Convention &


Bureau Christina Smith presented information on the York County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau. They are a private not-for-profit 501c6 organization. They have 300 partners and are funded by the 3% room tax. In 2013 visitors spent more than $907 million in York County. The tourism economy generated more than $90 million in state and local taxes in 2013 and employed 7,534 people in York County.

Some of the upcoming events are an American Truck Historical Society, Cadet Duals National Championships and the Keystone State Games.

We are really glad to see the new hotels and restaurants that are opening in York Township.



Granholm The program of the police officers meeting with members of the Police Commission has gotten off to a strong start.

The first health care rebate check was received by YARP. We are keeping an overview of the financials. On Thursday night at the YARP meeting we will consider hiring another officer.

On April 30th I met with Scott DePoe and two residents that reside near the gabion baskets on Tyler Run. We explained we are in the engineering phase and the overall project and cost have not been approved.

I walked some streets with Scott and Tim that are going to be paved, and the work was well done.

With the new businesses opening - Panera, Noodles, Primanti Brothers, and those that have already opened - the Hampton Inn, the WellSpan Pediatric and Women’s Center, I want to thank my fellow commissioners. A lot has come about because of the LERTA program, and I want to thank Comm. Knepper who initiated the program. Everybody is happy about it.


Knepper With spring comes a lot of work for me, and that’s what I have been doing……working!

LERTA doesn’t happen without all of the commissioners being on board. I’d like to thank Elizabeth for speaking on behalf of the board with the school and county. It has provided huge dividends. I can’t believe that people fought against it.

Comm. Jones and I attended the April Business Alliance meeting. We met in the training room, and then we gave a tour of the township buildings. Everyone was happy to meet our staff.


Kessler I attended the April YARP meeting.

Comm. Jones and I met with staff and engineers on the Chambers Road signal. We also met with PennDOT staff to review the agreement provided by PennDOT for the grant money.


Jones I’d like to echo the comments for LERTA. With the leadership of the staff and manager we have wonderful new businesses. It has come with some legal costs as we have a resident that has fought the LERTA program.

Comm. Kessler and I have attended several meetings regarding Chambers Road. We met with several PennDOT employees last week and it was a refreshing meeting with all of our questions answered.

Last month we received assignments from Comm. Steele. I did drive through Fountainhead development……very slowly.

Also I drove McKinley and Tuscarora to look at the possible connection to Keyway Drive that appears on our Official Map.

The next meeting of the Business Alliance, under the leadership of Carly, will be May 21st. I would like to recommend that we put together a packet of information for new businesses as they become part of our community. A commissioner can go to the business and welcome them to York Township and let them know we are business friendly, and their business makes our community a rich place to live.


Money On motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the board approved the disbursement of the Recruitment and Retention money for the 1st quarter of 2015 to Yoe Fire Company, Goodwill York Township, Goodwill Jacobus, and Dallastown Rescue Fire Company. Vote 5 yes.


Steele I met with Scott and Tim to walk the Fair Acres development looking at the paving and stormwater issues prior to repaving.


Development I received a letter from a resident of Fountainhead development asking for the board to authorize the Public Works department to sweep the streets in their development. Currently the streets are under the ownership of Ray Markey and are private.

We need to discuss with our solicitor how to resolve this issue. How do we solve the surety issues? I’m going to turn to Neil Beach and ask for his input.

Neil Beach: We have visited the development and looked at what the plan called for and what needs to be done. We will soon have a complete comparison for your review.


Map I asked each of the board members to look at Tuscarora and McKinley and the proposed connection of the street to Keyway Drive. I would move that the board delete the road from the map and the narrative the next time that the map comes before us for any changes. Motion seconded by Comm. Jones.

Comm. Granholm: So the next time any changes are made to the Official Map we would delete that road?

Comm. Steele: Correct. If we changed the map the dotted line would disappear.

Comm. Knepper: The probability of the connection being made is very unlikely. We would have to take land and it is no gain for anybody to do that.

Vote 5 yes.

Attorney Robert Katherman: I’m representing the residents that signed the petition. We didn’t think that the township would construct the road, but some developer may see that and the idea might take traction.

Thank you for the vote. For the road to go through you would have to take down a home. I’m not sure how it got on the map. The residents that I represent are willing to pay 100% of the costs to make the change to the map now. My client’s concern, as fine as you gentlemen are, is that other ladies and gentlemen may be sitting up there in your seats and not have the same thoughts as you. If I may I’d like to send something in writing to Solicitor Hovis for a solution to this.

Comm. Granholm: Can we provide some expectation of the costs, so there is no confusion?

Attorney Katherman: We could put a cap not to exceed.

TOWNSHIP MANAGER – Elizabeth Heathcote

Res. 15-3

National Public

Works Week On motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Kessler, Resolution 2015-3, recognizing May 17-23, 2015 as National Public Works Week, was approved. Vote 5 yes.

Res. 15-4


Of Records On motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, Resolution 2015-4, destruction of records, was approved. Vote 5 yes.

Carl Dallmeyer


Comm. On motion of Comm. Knepper, seconded by Comm. Granholm, Carl Dallmeyer was reappointed to the Planning Commission for a 4 year term to expire May 2019. Vote 5 yes.

General Fund



2014 On motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Kessler, the General Fund Balance Analysis for 2014 was approved. Copy of information in the minute book.

Fred Krause and Elizabeth Heathcote met with auditors this afternoon for our exit interview. We received a clean opinion and no findings.


Roads On motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Granholm, the board will move forward with the road abandonment process for Rye and Victoria Roads. This will include letters being sent to affected property owners and a public hearing. Vote 5 yes.

Solicitor Hovis: If either of the property owners believes they have damages they can file at the courthouse. The damages could be that they no longer live on a public road and that could affect the fair market value of their homes.



Drive On motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Knepper the board approved letters being sent to York Traditions, Cracker Barrel and the South York Plaza to have sidewalks installed along the frontage of their properties abutting Pauline Drive. The land development plans for York Traditions and Cracker Barrel called for sidewalks to be installed; however they were not installed with the original construction. The South York Plaza has a 6 month statement on the plan. Vote 5 yes.


Application In the fall of 2015 there will be another round of applications accepted for the Multimodal Transportation grant, with awards being announced in 2016. We are going to apply for another grant for a roundabout/signal at the intersection of Springwood Road and Pauline Drive. The board supported the grant application.


MS4 We are waiting to hear from DEP regarding their definitions of surface waters and waters of the Commonwealth, where the outfall is located and how to map intermittent streams.

PennDOT We met with 3 gentlemen at PennDOT and reviewed the agreement for the Multimodal grant that was awarded for the Chambers Road signal relocation.


Pile The mulch pile at the municipal complex was located for residents to get mulch after hours, we have found that large equipment is being brought it and dump trucks loaded with mulch. We will be posting the gates with language advising that large equipment will not be permitted, and the mulch is for York Township residents only. We will prepare an ordinance outlining the conditions and provide to YARP so they can enforce the rules.

RECREATION – Carly Mercadante

Monthly report included in minute book.

Dallastown School

Adult Education


On motion of Comm. Jones, seconded by Comm. Kessler, the board approved the Dallastown School Adult Education agreement. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by Solicitor Hovis. Vote 5 yes.

Appraisals The board recommended that staff meet with the Pritts and Rosts and provide the appraisals to them for the easement across the front of their properties.


Survey At this time only 65 surveys have been returned. Deadline is May 22nd.


Monthly report included in minute book.

Honey Valley

Pump Station The Water & Sewer Authority accepted the bid from JWC Environmental for the Muffin Monster in the amount of $46,685.00. We are now securing the bonds, executing the agreement and will issue the notice to proceed. Delivery is 6-8 weeks after shop drawing approval.


Creek Compliments to the crew for the emergency repair on a manhole in Mill Creek. Excellent job!

ENGINEERING – Neil Beach, P.E. and Lisa Frye

Home2 Suites


Plan presented by Dave Hogg and Josh George, Site Design Concepts. On motion of Comm. Kessler, seconded by Comm. Jones, land development plan LD2015-2-2, Home2Suites, was approved with the following conditions or modifications:

1. All comments on the letter from Neil Beach, JMT dated May 6, 2015 shall be met.

2. The York Township Engineering Department shall receive an electronic file prior to recording.

3. A check in an amount to be determined by the Assessment Office and the Recorder of Deeds Office shall be received by the York Township Engineering Department prior to recording.

4. All invoices to be paid prior to recording.

5. Waivers granted for the following:

a. Section 307.B preliminary land development plan

b. Section 318 Phase 1 environmental impact study

c. Section 316.B traffic impact study

d. Section 507.C sidewalk location

e. Section 509.D minimum curb radii

f. Section 512.C.2 height of luminaire from grade

Vote 5 yes.

Dave Hogg Just a few years ago none of this development on Pauline Drive would have been possible with your zoning ordinance. I want to thank the board and staff for making the changes to make all of this possible. I congratulate your vision.


Lots 4A/4B


Plan presented by Dave Koratich, LSC. On motion of Comm. Granholm, seconded by Comm. Knepper, LD2015-3-1, final land development plan for Southfield lots 4A and 4B was approved with the following conditions or modifications;

1. All comments on the letter from Neil Beach, dated May 6, 2015 shall be met.

2. The York Township Engineering Department shall receive an electronic file prior to recording.

3. A check in an amount to be determined by the Assessment Office and Recorder of Deeds shall be received by the York Township Engineering Department prior to recording.

4. All invoices shall be paid prior to recording.

5. Waivers granted for the following:

a. Section 307.B. preliminary land development plan

b. Section 310.E.1.j landscape accuracy

c. Section 310.E.3.b watercourse restoration report

d. Section 310.E.1.n Phase 1 environmental site assessment

e. Section 310.E.3.m. landscape plan, greenway, riparian buffer