NOVEMBER 20, 2014
The Northern Tier Career Center’s Joint Operating Committee held a meeting for general purposes on Thursday, November 20, 2014, at 6:30 p.m., in the Blue Fountain restaurant, at the Northern Tier Career Center, Towanda, Pennsylvania.
Board Chair, Kevin Brown, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., with the following board members responding to roll call: Gayle Burkett (Athens), Evelyn Sherburne (Towanda), Rebecca Ferguson (Sullivan), Gene Ann Woodruff (Wyalusing), Bill Basrington (Troy), and Melony Taylor (Canton).
Also present were Matt Gordon, Superintendent of Record; Elizabeth Frankhouser, Director; Michele Welles, Business Administrator & Board Secretary; and Margaret Johnson, PN Coordinator.
Angela Crown (Northeast) was not in attendance.
The following visitors were in attendance: Michelle Capwell, Keri Sullivan, Angie Koss, and Paul Welch.
A motion was made by Rebecca Ferguson, seconded by Gene Ann Woodruff to approve the minutes of October 23, 2014. The motion carried.
The Practical Nursing Report was provided by Margaret Johnson, PN Coordinator. Current enrollment is 36 and next pre-entrance exam is scheduled for December 10, 2014.
The Director’s Report was provided by Elizabeth Frankhouser. There were no questions on the Professional Advisory Committee minutes for October. A recommendation on the Mule Hide roof will be completed by December 18. A presentation on a possible new Health Science program was outlined. The new program is being presented to the students at each school and, depending on the interest, it could be implemented.
The Superintendent of Record, Matt Gordon, reported on the school performance profile scores. The vendor who is currently proving the scoring profile, while under bid, will keep the contract as it would be too difficult to change before the next assessment.
Rebecca Ferguson moved to approve the Financial Reports, seconded by Melony Taylor. The motion included the ratification of the bills paid October 18, 2014 through November 14, 2014. Roll call vote indicated unanimous approval.
A motion to approve the Northern Tier Insurance Consortium Operating Agreement and Amended and Restated By-Laws as of October 1, 2014 was made by Rebecca Ferguson and seconded by Melony Taylor. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the Standard Agreement for Fees, Costs and Expenditures for Representation of Public Educational Entities was made by Rebecca Ferguson and seconded by Gene Ann Woodruff. Motion carried.
A motion to approve travel and field trips as listed was made by Rebecca Ferguson and seconded by Melony Taylor. Motion carried.
Name / Purpose/Destination / Costs / DateChristi Signor / Penn College NOW Meeting,
Williamsport, PA / Mileage / 11/18/14
Michele Welles / End-of-the-Year Payroll Training, Milton, PA / Mileage / 12/11/14
Field Trips
Program / Location / DateHealth Assisting, Clinical
*Students providing own transportation / Sayre House
Sayre, PA / 12/9/14
Health Assisting, Clinical
*Students providing own transportation / Memorial Hospital
Towanda, PA / 12/18/14
Health Assisting, Career Fair / Wyalusing Fire Hall
Wyalusing, PA / 11/20/14
Citizen’s comments came from Angie Koss concerning how the new Teacher Effectiveness Tool will affect her evaluation if pupils are being team taught. Matt Gordon responded that students would be divided upon an agreed percentage. She was concerned if there would be enough enrollment for each and how the co-teaching of the programs would be divided to implement the Teacher Effectiveness Tool. This will be address once enrollment comes in from the home schools.
The next meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on December 18, 2014, was canceled, with a motion by Rebecca Ferguson and seconded by Melony Taylor. Motion carried. The next meeting will be held January 22, 2015, as a reorganizational meeting, with a regular meeting immediately following.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m. to go into executive session. Motion for adjournment was made by Rebecca Ferguson and seconded by Melony Taylor with all in favor.
The Board entered into an executive session, for Personnel Purposes and Legal Matters at 7:31 pm and ended at 7:50 pm. No action was taken in the executive session.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele Welles
NTCC Board Secretary