In our classrooms, some pretty terrific learning is going to take place.
Here’s what’s going to happen:
Protect Ed
Because our learners' safety is a very important issue in and out of our school,
our learners will:
- Identify how to be safe in their environment and safety in and out
- Identify the 5 sense organs and the ways to protect them
Again, please encourage your child to focus on these writing rules while writing at home.
* I finish my sentence with a period (or other punctuation).
* I begin my sentence with a capital letter.
* My letters touch the right lines.
* I write with a pencil.
* I use an eraser to fix my errors.
* I use my finger to make spaces between words.
* I write my name on my work.
In this month, our first graders will be introduced to:
“Adding and Subtracting Numbers to 40”
Use mental and written strategies for representing, performing and relating simple operations on numbers up to 100
Represent and solve real life word problems using addition or subtraction
When getting dressed… count out articles of clothing with your child…count body parts as the clothing is put on …have your child point out shapes like circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles in fabric prints, fasteners, and pockets
When doing laundry …sort clothes with your child into piles of “more” or “less” …ask your child to help put a specific number of clothing items into the basket, and then count with her as she does it have your child match socks to help them understand sets of objects
When buying things…. give your child coins to practice adding and subtracting
When going to bed… give your child story problems to try and solve. Have your child explain how to solve a problem
Show your child that Math is in our everyday lives…
All children have been given a weekly planner. It is strongly encouraged that you
check your child’s planner on a daily basis for homework assignments and assessments.
The aim of Makassed Learner Profile is to develop internationally minded generations, recognizing their common humanity and sharing guardianship of the planet and help to
create a better and more peaceful world. Makassed Learners strive to be:
Our learner profile trait this month is being a “well-balanced”. A well-balanced learner is the one who understands the importance of balancing different aspects of our live intellectual, physical, and emotional to achieve well-being of one’s self and others. This learner also recognizes his/her interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. We are sure that this month we will see many excellent examples of well-balanced learners at Aisha School.
Homeroom Teachers: Adiba El Siss , Rafa Nasab, Noura Yahya, Haneen Younis, Rola El Masri,
Nour Sanjar, Lara Lahib
If you have problems or concerns, don’t hesitate to call or e-mail us