Markville CGC 1D1/G
Geography Geography of Canada
Toronto Zoo Field Study
In our Canadian Geography course, we have already studied the environment and sustainable resource management and we are now examining the various ways in which Canada connects with other nations. Our field study at the zoo is intended for you to make connections between issues we have already studied and will be discussing in our classes with respect to sustainability, responsibility and global cooperation. The various programs at the zoo are, arguably, examples of “sustainable” ways that we can protect various endangered species.While you are at the zoo, you will document a variety of endangered species to create a verbal-visual essay that you will submit to your teacher on Moodle. You can work in small groups of 3 or fewer.
Ultimately, you will respond to the following statement:
It is not Canada’s responsibility to protect and sustain animals from different countries in the world. Each country should be responsible for its own wildlife resource management.
Explore the zoo to find animals that fit each of the categories below. Once you find the animal, take a photo (no flash!) and document the required information. You will find that many of the animals come from countries we have discussed, or will be discussing, in our Global Connections unit. You need to find five (5) different animals that you will learn about. If you cannot find an animal that meets these requirements, find an alternative.
- An animal that is indigenous to Africa
- An animal that is indigenous to Asia
- An endangered species
- An animal we find in the Canadian wilderness
- An animal of your choice
For each of the animals, complete the following:
- Proper name
- Country of origin
- If endangered, reason for endangerment if known
A verbal-visual essay is a way for you to convey a strong message using minimal text, plenty of visuals and a short written reflection about a specific issue. See the examples in class to get ideas. You can create your v-v essay by using prezi, word, publisher, popplet, tumblr, gloglster or photoshop.
1.Using collage format, place the following items on the first page.
Creative title that identifies your stance on the issue
5 images of your animals
1-2 sentences that identify proper name, place of origin, endangerment for each animal. Place these below the respective images.
5 key vocabulary words that relate to your stance on the issue
2.On the second page, include your written response (two paragraphs) to the quotation above.
3.Review the rubric before you begin and submit your work on Moodle by:______
Verbal-Visual Essay Rubric
Category / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 / Below 50%Knowledge and Understanding
Animal Info
5 marks / Student demonstrates through k/u about chosen animals documented / Student demonstrates considerable k/u about chosen animals documented / Student demonstrates some k/u about chosen animals documented. A couple of errors in documentation. / Student demonstrates minimal k/u about chosen animals documented. Several errors in documentation. / Student has not met the required expectations
Key Terms
5 marks / Student correctly uses key terms (5+) that relate to their stance on the issue. Title is creative and reflects response. / Student correctly uses key terms (4) that relate to their stance on the issue. Title reflects response and demonstrates some creativity. / Student uses key terms (3) that somewhat relate to their stance on the issue. Title does not fully reflect response position. / Student uses some key terms (1-2) that somewhat relate to their stance on the issue. Title does not reflect response position. / Student has not met the required expectations
Persuasive Presentation and Organization
10 marks / All photos/images represent the theme of the essay with high degree of effectiveness. Very well organized, creative and clear. / Most photos/images represent the theme of the essay with considerable degree of effectiveness. Well organized, creative and clear. / Some photos/images represent the theme of the essay with some degree of effectiveness. Some parts are organized, some evidence of creativity. / Few photos/images represent the theme of the essay with a minimal degree of effectiveness. Organization and clarity need improvement. / Student has not met the required expectations
Written Paragraphs
10 marks / Applies knowledge from previous studies with high degree of effectiveness. Very convincing with support. Proper format followed, peer reviewed. / Applies knowledge from previous studies with considerable degree of effectiveness. Convincing with support. Proper format followed, peer reviewed. / Applies some knowledge from previous studies with some degree of effectiveness. Somewhat convincing, minimal support. A few formatting errors, a few mechanical errors. / Applies knowledge from previous studies with limited effectiveness. Not convincing, limited to no support. Several formatting errors, minimal evidence of peer review. / Student has not met the required expectations
____/30/2 = ____/15
My bus number: ______
- Bring this handout (or have it available on your digital device), a pen/pencil and a camera.
- Go to your period 1 class and come down to board your bus WHEN YOU HEAR THE ANNOUCEMENT.
- Go to your assigned bus and the teacher will take your attendance. You MUST go on your assigned bus.
- Lunch – Meet at the Caribou Cafe between 11 and 11:45. You MUST check in with your classroom teacher for attendance. Otherwise, we will send out the troops!
- Meet at the entrance NO LATER THAN 1:45pm to board your assigned bus. Attendance will be taken on each of the buses before we leave at 2:00pm.