Spring 2014 ENC 1102 Online: Course Outline: Subject to change
CRN 23001
online work via Blackboard -https://online.valenciacollege.edu/
“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. “- Sir Francis Bacon
Please check the college calendar for withdrawal deadlines -
Schedule: Subject to change…watch the announcements’ page in Blackboard for updates and check your email often. * Disclaimer- The instructor reserves the right to alter the course schedule.
Tentative schedule: Schedule may be changed at instructor’s discretion. You will be notified and receive updates.
Week one: January 6
Complete orientation/welcome postings –intro, email etiquette, Blackboard/Valencia Online posting
Week 2: January 13
Read “Araby” and “A&P” and complete postings and begin work on essay 1
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm.
Week 3: January 20
Read Romantic works and explore research folder
Essays due Saturday by 10pm
Week 4: January 27
Read: “Young Goodman Brown” (Romantic work) and complete postings
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Explore research folder
Week 5: Feb. 3
Gothic Read Poe’s “Fall of the House of Usher” and “Tell Tale Heart”and Cask of the Amontillado”
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Explore research folder further
Week 6: Feb. 10
Submit research paper topics Saturday by 10pm
Read Gothic and Southern Gothic short stories and complete postings
Southern Gothic reading - “Rose for Emily” Faulkner
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Week 7: Feb. 17
Week Midterm
Midterm due Saturday at 10pm
Week 8: Feb. 24
Read selected poems and complete posts
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Week 9: Spring Break! March 1-9
Week 10: March 10 Research and Poetry Projects
Post projects by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Post research papers for peer review: optional
Week 11: March 17
Research essays due Saturday at 10pm
Explore drama folder
Week 12: March 24 Drama
Read selected dramas (Gatsby, Midsummer, Importance of Being Earnest, or Hamlet) and complete postings
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Week 13: March 31 – Drama continued
Post by Wednesday at 10pm and respond to a classmate by Friday at 10pm
Week 14: April 7 Prepare for final on drama
Week 15: April 14 Complete final on drama by April 17th.
Note: *You MUST complete the research paper to earn a passing grade in the course. If you do not complete this paper regardless of your average in the class, you will not earn a passing grade in the class – A grade of D or F will be assigned.
Important Dates:
Withdrawal Deadline for W grade: March 21
Spring Break: March 1-9
Spring 2014 ENC 1102 Online: Course Outline: Subject to change
online work via Blackboard -https://online.valenciacollege.edu/
“… I don’t believe that we can write any kind of story without including, whether we intend to or not, our response to the world around us.” – Madeleine L’Engle
“There is no way to write unless you read, and read a lot.” – Walter J. Ong
Professor: Erin O’Brien
Office: East Campus, Building 4 – Room 242
Office phone: 299-5000 ext. 2496
Email Address:
Login to BB9: https://online.valenciacollege.edu/
Office hours: TBA
· Prerequisite: ENC1101 or 1101H with minimum grade of C.
· Course Description: Application of skills learned in ENC 1101. Emphasis on style; use of library; reading and evaluating available sources; planning, writing, and documenting short research paper. Gordon Rule course in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple assignments. Minimum grade of C required if ENC 1102 is used to satisfy Gordon Rule and general education requirements.
· Course outcomes and objectives:
· Students will compose essays, including a formal research paper (first course outcome).
o Objectives related to this outcome:
o Student will be able to construct a thesis
o Student will be able to organize supporting details
o Student will be able to compose introductions and conclusions
o Student will be able to connect supporting ideas/details to thesis statement.
o Student will be able to employ standard American English
o Student will be able to use transitions
o Student will be able to revise, edit, and proofread
o Student will be able to use primary and secondary material to support a thesis
· Students will use conventions of standard American English (second course outcome).
o Objectives related to this outcome:
o Student will be able to write grammatically correct sentences.
o Student will be able to write mechanically correct sentences.
o Student will be able to vary sentence patterns.
o Student will be able to employ effective diction.
o Student will be able to edit for clarity.
· Students will demonstrate competence in research and documentation (third course outcome).
o Objectives related to this outcome:
o Student will be able to use a recognized documentation style, which includes in- text citations and Works Cited page
o Student will be able to recognize information that requires documentation
o Student will be able to use library research tools
o Student will be able to evaluate sources
o Student will be able to integrate source material into formal research paper
· Students will demonstrate competence in critical reading skills (final course outcome).
o Objectives related to this outcome:
o Student will be able to recognize intent and/or bias
o Student will be able to identify main ideas and supporting details
o Student will be able to recognize overall patterns of organization
o Student will be able to discern author's purpose and tone
o Student will be able to read texts for literal meaning
o Student will be able to read texts for inferential meaning
Atlas Policy
In order to minimize the risk of computer-virus transfers, I prefer to answer student e-mail when the source of that e-mail is a student's Atlas account.
Please regularly check your atlas account for excessive absence notices, grade warnings, instructor emails, etc.
Recommended Textbooks: The Norton Introduction to Literature Shorter Edition, Authors: Alison Booth, University of Virginia , J. Paul Hunter, University of Virginia Kelly J. Mays, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Links to selected short stories, poems and dramas – See BB9
Quick Access by Lynn Quitman Troyka and Douglas Hesse, 7th edition
NOTE: You are 100% responsible for keeping up with everything in this class. Therefore, it will be to your advantage to attend class by logging on regularly, participating fully, and completing all assignments on time. If you need a quick answer to a question please submit it via email.
Important Notice: Your instructor is NOT technical support. If you are experiencing problems with Atlas, Blackboard, etc. you will need to contact the appropriate department: (407)582-5600.The ATLAS help desk phone # is (407)582-5444.
VC Competencies: Think, Value, Communicate, and Act are Valencia's core competencies. In this class you will develop these four cores through reading, viewing, online discussion, group work, and writing, etc.
Course outcomes:
· Think: As you engage with the literary texts we will be reading (fiction, drama and poetry), you will be asked to think critically and creatively about them. You will also apply and hone your skills of analysis and synthesis as you evaluate and incorporate material from your experiences and opinions, the original texts, and the literary critiques of scholars, etc.
· Value: Through the process of reading and writing about various literary works, you will gain an appreciation of a variety of literature. Through online class discussion and writing, you will also gain an understanding of and an appreciation for the opinions of others (peers, critics, etc.). You will also gain an appreciation for the strengths of literary characters, others and yourself.
· Communicate: Through online discussion, you will engage in thoughtful dialogue with your peers and instructor about the various texts we will read as well as yourself and character analysis. You will also express your opinions and integrate the opinions of others into your writings and share these with your peers. You will communicate your research findings in a written presentation. By doing so, you will enhance your learning and that of others.
· Act: You will take personal responsibility for your own learning, work, collegial attitude, and behavior and participate fully and to the best of your ability in the learning environment.
Other Materials:
· A flash drive and computer to save files of assignments, etc.
Attendance: Since this is an online course, attendance is measured/assessed by class attendance and participation as well as online class participation and successful submission of assignments by their due dates. It is impossible to pass this course without consistent participation; consequently, if a student wishes to withdraw from the course at any time during the semester, it is her/his responsibility to do so before the withdrawal deadline.
No Show Status
Class attendance is required beginning the first week of the term. If you do not attend class during the first week, you may be withdrawn from the class as a "no show". In this event you will be billed for the class and a "W" will appear on your transcript for the course.
Withdrawal notices, policy and online “Attendance” policy for ENC 1102 online
Important Notice: In order to certify that a student is actively attending an online course or hybrid course that does not meet face-to-face within the no-show period, all faculty members are responsible for documenting attendance by requiring students to participate in at least one “academically-related activities” during the no-show period. These activities must take place in the Valencia-hosted learning management system (Blackboard) or in Atlas email.
1. Require students to participate in an online discussion about academic matters.
Students who do not maintain regular attendance may be withdrawn by the professor after notification. Attendance for online/hybrid classes may be determined by participation in activities such as discussions, submitting essays, email responses, quizzes, etc. I do not withdraw students after the no show period. The student should withdraw him or herself before the withdrawal deadline if their progress in the course is not satisfactory. Failure to withdraw and failure to complete course work will result in a grade of F. Refer to the Student Handbook at http://valenciacc.edu/pdf/studenthandbook.pdf for additional issues related to withdrawal.
It is the student's responsibility to communicate with his or her professor regarding any absences/missing assignments. Failure to do so in a timely manner may put the student at risk of being withdrawn as indicated in the attendance policy on the professor's syllabus.
Only documentation of a death in the immediate family or hospitalization or jury duty will be considered for late work. I will need appropriate documentation to extend the deadline within a reasonable time period, however.
Participation: I expect you to participate in online class discussions and activities; this participation will be factored into your final course grade. Learning occurs when you are actively involved in the process. Take responsibility for your own learning by being prepared, completing assignments on time, paying attention to details and deadlines and participating.
About Discussion Posts: If you do not post or respond to a discussion prompt by the deadline, you will receive a zero for that activity. These discussions cannot be made up.
Discussion posting responses: do MORE than just tell a classmate “good job” or “I agree”…tell them what you agreed with, disagreed with (respectfully) or found insightful and interesting about their posting…pose a question for them to think about as well if applicable. Be clear and specific.
Assignments and keeping up: This course is very time intensive. Make sure you are logging on to Blackboard several times a week, checking the assignment link and working in the appropriate unit in order to effectively keep up. Some assignments will be listed in the assignment section, discussion board, or the weekly units, while others may be listed on the course outline provided in the syllabus. Please check both and use the course outline provided in your syllabus as a general guide for where you should be working and what is coming due. Additionally, check for updates to assignments and due dates in Blackboard/Blackboard regularly and often. I also email out updates/corrections and update the schedule on our home page. CHECK IT OFTEN! J You should check your Blackboard email and the homework discussion forum frequently for messages from me. Failing to check e-mail messages will NOT be accepted as an excuse for late work.
Participation: I expect you to participate in class discussions and activities; this participation will be factored into your final course grade. Learning occurs when you are actively involved in the process. Take responsibility for your own learning by being prepared, completing assignments on time, paying attention to details and deadlines and participating.
****A special note about computers: Even though computers and word-processing software are marvelous time and energy-saving devices, they can and do cause problems with the production of your documents. Please be aware that a broken or ill-functioning computer, or the inability to retrieve, produce or submit your assignments from a computer will not be accepted as a valid excuse for a document that is submitted late. I advise you to email a copy to yourself and save all your documents to a flash drive and your hard drive. Also email a copy of your file and assignment to yourself.
Assignments and Grading: Please remember that your submissions are college-level material and should conform to the following:
1. Assignments are due by the time designated on the assignment description; they are late and will earn a zero if they are submitted thereafter (see No Late Work Policy).
2. When submitting assignments, they must be in Microsoft Word (.doc) or rich text format (rtf) and formatted as follows.
Your files should be named by your first and last name and the assignment title. For example: JohnSmithessay1.doc