Psi Chi and UPO Research Night Spring 2014
Current Opportunities
Name: Eve Brank’s lab
Program/Agency/Lab:Law and Policy Lab
Email Address: (contact Lindsey Wylie)
Office/Lab Location: Burnett 333
Phone Number:
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):In this lab, research assistants will get to work on several projects all related to law and policy. The largest project involves the 4th Amendment and individual’s expectations of privacy. We will also have additional projects that involve issues in employment law, obesity and the law, older adults, juvenile issues, and plea bargaining. Research assistants will help with project planning, data collection, and data management. In addition to research duties, there will be opportunities for professional development and, of course, having fun! If interested, please go to the website ( complete the application form and email it to .
Name: Dr. Dennis McChargue
Program/Agency/Lab: Comorbid Addiction and Mental Illness (CAMI) Lab
Email address:
Office/Lab location: 321 Burnett, other locations vary by student interest
Phone number: 402-472-3197
Web page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): The CAMI lab is currently looking for motivated undergraduates to help in a variety of positions within our lab. The lab’s broad focus is on addiction, its treatment, and related areas (sexual assault related to alcohol use, comorbid mental health conditions, among many others). We have consistently had a team of undergraduates with a variety of interests involved in the lab at different levels (volunteer, course credit, UCARE, honors thesis, etc.) RAs are encouraged to come to and participate in our lab meetings, and specific duties vary by project and by student interest. Feel free to email if you have an interest in the lab.
Name: Christopher Kimbrough
Program/Agency/Lab: Jury, Justice and Eyewitness (JJEW)
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: 71 Burnett
Phone Number: 360-927-1787
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): We're looking for undergraduate assistants for course credit (or volunteer) and potential UCARE students. We study a variety of social and cognitive psychological aspects of legal decision making, such as eyewitness memory and accuracy, the factors influencing jury decision making (e.g., defendant characteristics, expert testimony, etc.) and small group deliberation,. The primary project includes working with the eyetracker to better understand how eyewitnesses recognize defendants, but other projects may arise over the course of the semester. Using our current projects to branch off your own projects (e.g., for an honors thesis or UCARE project) is encouraged.
Name: Cynthia Willis-Esqueda
Program/Agency/Lab: Psychology of Race and Ethnicity Lab
Email Address: or
Office/Lab Location: 336 Burnett or 42 Burnett
Phone Number: 402-472-3740
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):
The lab is focused on theoretical understanding of the influence of contextual (e.g., social environment, minority or majority group status) and individual factors (attitudes, socio-economic status, ethnic identity) that contribute to behavior based on perceived “race” or phenotype and ethnic issues. For example, past research with undergraduate student RA’s has focused on the contribution of ethnic identification to life satisfaction and hope, decision making biases concerning Latino defendants, patriotism and the influence on perceived threat and immigration preferences, and perceptions of minority child labor and its appropriateness. We are currently developing studies on health and wellness of Latino populations and also on biases based on immigration status and minor legal infractions, among others.
Name: Katlyn Farnum and Richard Wiener
Program/Agency/Lab: Legal Decision Making Lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Burnett Hall rm 21
Phone Number:
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):
Are you interested in gaining research experience or getting more hands-on experience related to social and law psychology? We are currently seeking motivated undergraduates to become involved in a high impact research project this fall investigating discrimination at work. Some evening availability is needed. You will be eligible to receive independent course credit for your participation (e.g., PSYC 299 or 499). If you would like to be considered for a research assistant position, please email Katlyn Farnum () to schedule an interview.
Name: Dr. David Hansen
Program/Agency/Lab: Clinical Psychology Training Program/Child Maltreatment Lab
Email Address: Samantha Friedenberg (Graduate Student; )
Office/Lab Location: 45 & 46 Burnett Hall; Child Advocacy Center, 5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE 68504
Phone Number: Samantha Friedenberg, (443) 844-8393 (although email contact is preferred)
Web Page: more information about the Child Advocacy Center can be found at
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): The Child Maltreatment Lab is looking for research assistants to help with two ongoing projects: 1) Project SAFE (Sexual Abuse Family Education), and 2) Creating a research database from closed case files at the Child Advocacy Center.
Project SAFE is a standardized mental health treatment program for sexually abused youth and their non-offending family members that includes group and individual treatment. The Child Maltreatment Lab regularly recruits research assistants to help with coding, scoring, and entering assessment data that is collected from Project SAFE participants. Additionally, research assistants are provided opportunities for face-to-face contact with participants at the Child Advocacy Center (CAC), where Project SAFE clinical activities are held. The CAC is a non-profit organization that provides a safe and child-friendly environment for conducting investigative procedures and advocacy for abused children. Common activities at the CAC include greeting families, assisting in data collection, and providing childcare while parents and caregivers participate in services.
Recently, the Child Maltreatment Lab partnered with CAC administrators to develop a database that reflects information stored in closed case files. Research assistants are needed to help with data extraction from PDF files, coding of information, and entry into the database. All project activities will be performed at the CAC (see address above). Currently, researchers are hoping to use this data to explore possible explanations for the pathway from initial abuse to subsequent experiences of maltreatment throughout childhood and adolescence.
Name: Dr. Susan Sheridan
Program/Agency/Lab: Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families, and Schools (CYFS)
Email Addresses: Principal Inverstigator- Susan Sheridan () Co-principal Investigator- Elizabeth Moorman-Kim () Graduate Research Assistant- Tyler Smith ()
Office/Lab Location: 216 Mabel Lee Hall
Phone Number: (402) 472-6941
Web Pages: Nebraska CYFS- Grant Information-
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families, and Schools is currently is looking for individuals interested in volunteerting as undergraduate research assistants on a federally-funded meta-analysis project focused on family-school partnerships and parent involvement interventions. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to provide undergraduate students with necessary research experience sought out by many graduate programs. Students should be motivated, trustworthy individuals who are willing to donate approximately 5 to 10 hours of their time per week.
Undergraduate research assistants will be an integral part of a national, federally-funded research team aimed at collecting, organizing, managing, and analyzing an extensive research library on families, schools, and partnerships. Specific tasks of the undergraduate research assistants include searching, requesting, and locating journal articles, books, dissertations, and theses to contribute to the development of an extensive research collection. Students must have access to all UNL library resources (including online) and be familiar with the use of interlibrary loan. Selected students will be breifly trained on the specific search engines used by this project. Alternative research experiences may include observing graduate student coding meetings and assisting with preparation of conference posters or presentations.
Interested undergraduate students should contact the graduate research assistant, Tyler Smith, via email () and provide the following information:
Expected graduation date:
Career goal:
If volunteer, how many hours/week?
Briefly describe your reasons for wanting to be a research assistant:
We look forward to hearing from you!
Name: Paige Lembeck, MA
Program/Agency/Lab: Target Bullying Research Lab (Dr. Susan Swearer’s lab); Educational Psychology Department
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Local pediatricians’ offices (Lincoln Pediatric Group at 70th and Pioneers, Complete Children’s Health at their three locations) and 41 TEAC
Phone Number: 908-246-7881
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):
Dr. Susan Swearer’s Target Bullying Research Team is looking for research assistants to help with a study on bullying/victimization and health issues that is currently being carried out in local pediatrician’s offices. Possible predictors we are investigating include physical and mental health diagnoses (e.g., depression and anxiety), height/weight, and medication usage. Duties would involve recruiting participants (i.e., patients and their parents) and collecting data from 2:30-5 PM on weekdays. Research assistants may be asked to help with data entry as well. Opportunities for involvement in data analysis are available if desired. Scheduling and hours are flexible.
This opportunity is perfect for undergraduate students who are looking to acquire research experience or are interested in getting involved in cutting edge research on bullying. Research assistants must have completed the CITI training and must sign a confidentiality agreement prior to starting. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Paige via e-mail.