Access to summaries of research available for schools practitioners

1.  Through Schools Research News (SRN)

Schools Research News

September 2009

Thisnewsletter is produced bythe Chief Adviser on School Standards Unit at the Department for Children, Schools and Families, and isintended to help keep policy and fieldstaff,practitioners, teacher educatorsand others with an interest in education up to date withrecently published research and opportunities to get involved in research.. If you would like to be added to, or removed from, the circulation list please email

filed in directory ‘Schools’

2. Includes Research Bites

Research Bites are 90-second presentations (ppt) with summaries of key research for practitioners to share among colleagues and at staff meetings. They focus on practical classroom issues. Topics include supporting classroom talk, teaching and learning in maths, pupil voice.

You can access the bank of research bites here


3. Places to find research

Websites and databases to look for research – including digests for practitioners.

The following websites provide summaries of research written specifically for stakeholder groups:

The Research Informed Practice Site

Sponsored by the DCSF, this site provides a searchable database of summaries of research written for practitioners. The digests cover a wide range of topics including: mathematics, English, behaviour, inclusion and thinking skills. The site offers a range of facilities including the ability to send digests to a friend option.

Research for Teachers

Formerly known as Research Of the Month, these articles are summaries of full length research studies written specifically for school staff. They include case study examples of how the research works in practice and a list of where to find out more information. RfT is sponsored by the General Teaching Council for England.

Teaching Training Resource Bank

The TTRB acts as a portal for a wide range of research on topics of relevance to teacher educators, practitioners and student teachers. All materials on the site are quality assured through a process of academic scrutiny and monitoring is undertaken by a team of teacher educators from across the UK. TTRB also provides a free e-librarian service for teacher educators, practitioners and field staff who are looking for specific education research. TTRB also provides specific advice on research on behaviour, diversity and Special Educational Needs through its specialist networks with Higher Education Institutes. More about these networks can be found on the main site.

National Teacher Research Panel

The National Teacher Research Panel website provides resources for practitioners interested in undertaking research in their own schools and class rooms. These include summaries of practitioner research and guidelines for using research as part of CPD activities.


Eurydice is the information network on education in Europe. The Network provides comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe.

National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

The National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics is funded by the DCSF and provides a range of resources and research evidence to support teaching and learning in mathematics.

Educational Evidence Portal (EEP)

The Educational Evidence Portal ( brings together research and evidence for educational professionals in one place. Documents from leading education organisations have been collated in one, easily accessible, searchable site, making information and evidence on a wide and ever-growing range of topics freely available. As well as education, the site is developing to include relevant aspects of children’s services research too.

Practical Research for Education (PRE)

PRE Online provides research articles written with school staff in mind and focuses on practical applications from research. It is a priced publication but each issue includes a free article to download. The free article focuses on pupils’ attitudes towards reading in Years 4 and 6.