Trinidad Garza Early College High School

2015-2016Precalculus Syllabus

Mr. Smith, Instructor

Location:W59 – first room on the right in the Math Wing

School Phone: (214)860-3680


Tutoring: Wednesday 4:00-4:45 (also by appointment, or as assigned by me)

Course Prerequisite: Algebra II

Course Description:

Precalculus is a course that expands on the topics of Algebra I and II, thoroughly explores trigonometry, and provides an introduction to topics presented in Calculus. Topics include: (1) functions and graphs; (2) polynomial, power, and rational functions; (3) exponential, logistic, and logarithmic functions; (4) trigonometric functions, applications, and analytical trigonometry; (5) 2D/3D analytical geometry; (6) an introduction to calculus(limits, derivatives, and integrals).

Required Materials:

Textbook:McGraw-HillTEKS Texas Precalculus

The student is responsible for the proper care of the assigned textbook. There will be ROUTINE BOOK CHECKS. If the student damages or loses the book during the year, he/she is responsible for replacing the book at a cost of $80.

Supply list:

Composition Books/Spirals(x2) Pencils/Erasers3-Ring Binder

Notebook Paper/Graph Paper Grading PenAAA batteries(x8)

Kleenex and Hand SanitizerColored Pencils


It is STRONGLY recommended that you purchase your own TI-83/TI-84 calculator for personal use – especially if you are a junior that will take AP-Calculus I or Statistics next year. There will be a set of calculators for use in class, and the free “Wabbitemu” app is available for download on Android phones and tablets. If you cannot afford one, you’ll be assigned a TI-83 or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator. Proper care must be taken throughout the year to ensure that the assigned calculator is returned in the condition in which it was received. If the student damages or loses the calculator, he/she is responsible for replacing the calculator at a cost of $150.00.

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

Students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the following objectives:

Objective 1: Functions and Graphs

Objective 2: Polynomial, Power, and Rational Functions

Objective 3: Exponential, Logistic, and Logarithmic Functions

Objective 4: Trigonometric Functions

Objective 5: Analytic Trigonometry

Objective 6: Applications of Trigonometry

Objective 8: Analytic Geometry in Two and Three Dimensions

Objective 10: Introduction to Calculus: Limits, Derivatives, and Integrals

Classroom Expectations

The following rules of behavior are expected for success in Precalculus:

- Be in your seat ON TIMEwith all necessary supplies.

-Use appropriate language and demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times – no profanity, name calling, outbursts, and negative commentary (including yourself).

-Only one person speaks at a time. Raise your hand and wait to be addressed.

-Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

-Follow all school and district policies(no food, drink, cell phones, music players, follow dress code, etc).

Some Consequences

  • Corrective Warning
  • Student/teacher conference
  • Contact parent
  • Parent/teacher conference
  • Office referral

Student Core Beliefs

1. “My future success depends on working hard today.”

2.“I have high expectations for myself, my classmates, and my school.”

3.“I aim for excellence even when it’s difficult."

Academic Integrity:

I will use my own thoughts and my own words. I will do my own work to support my own learning. This means:NO CHEATING. NO COPYING. NO STEALING. NO PLAGIARISM. NO REPRESENTING SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK AS MY OWN.

Cell phones:

Cell phones must remain off during class and during tutoring sessions. If cell phones are visible and/or heard throughout the regular school day, they will be collected and taken to the office. Refer to student handbook for specifics.


When you enter the class:

  • You should sit in your assigned seat
  • Get out your pencil and MathSpace.
  • Put your homework on your desk.

During Class:

  • Participate in class discussion and collaborative groupwork.
  • Pay attention to examples and take notes in MathSpace.
  • Complete all assignments (Ask questions – Come to Tutoring!!)

Throughout the school year:

  • Tests will be given at the end of each module.
  • Quizzes may be given at any time.
  • Always keep your MathSpace and notebooks in order! They are checked at random!

Grading Policy/Scale:

You will be graded based on: 1) your knowledge in Precalculus from class activities and independent practice, 2) your ability to think critically, to speak and write clearly, and to construct an argument based on evidence. Students will receive a progress report to be SIGNED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN after the third week of the six weeks.

Percentage Breakdown:

Tests 25%

Classwork & Homework 40%

Projects 20%

Six Weeks Exam 15%

(90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C and a grade of 69 or below is failing)

Evaluation Procedure:

Classwork: will consist of collaborative group activities, independent practice, QUIZZES and more. Students are expected to be active participants in the learning community at all times. Failure to do so will result in an unsatisfactory grade as well as getting behind.

Homework:Homework will be issued on a regular basis. It will be listed on the board or passed out. I will detail how homework and homework quizzes will work in a separate addendum to be passed out during the first week.

Tests: A minimum of two tests will be given each six-weeks. All tests will be cumulative.

Projects:MathSpaces and individual/group projectsmay be assigned during the six-weeks.

Six Weeks Exam: There will be a cumulative six weeks exam at the end of each six weeks.

MathSpace with MathTweets:

Each student will be required to keep a MathSpace, which is a composition notebook that will encompass all information from your math class. You will take notes, do warm-ups, show examples, write explanations and much more in your MathSpace. MathSpace is a reference that you will use both in and out of class (i.e. during homework to refer to class examples). When a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to get notes from a classmate, as he/she will be held accountable for all material from the class. At the bottom of every page, four lines will be left blank for MathTweets. MathTweets are a reflection written by the student at the bottom of each page and will include no more than 140 characters. Correct grammar and punctuation, and neat handwriting are required.


Tutoring is strongly advised for everyone, and it is mandatory for failing students (checked every 3 weeks). Students will earn extra credit for attending tutoring from 4:00-4:45, therefore it is the student’s responsibility to sign in. They must stay the full time to receive extra credit. No extra credit is given for make-up work. Students must be on task.

Attendance Policy:

Students are expected to attend class daily. In the event that an absence occurs due to an illness or family emergency, students will be responsible for obtaining missed MathSpace notes/work, formal assignments, and/or exams. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you are expected to turn in the completed assignment on the day of your return. Please note that under no other circumstances will late work be accepted without penalty.

Late Work Policy:

Late assignments must be turned in no more than THREEdays after the due date, even if the student does not have the class on those days. Late work will receive 60% of the grade earned. After three days, a student may complete a missed assignment at the discretion of the teacher and under her supervision.

Make-up work and re-test:

If you are absent, you have 5 school days to complete missed classwork/homework assignments as well as tests/quizzes. If the student fails to make up the missed assignment, no credit shall be given and the deficiency will be averaged with other grades. Consult with classmates, the teacher, or refer to the course syllabus for missed assignments.If you fail a test, you have the opportunity to retake the test after school on a day determined by the teacher for a grade no higher than a 70.

Student Name: ______

I.D. #: ______

Syllabus Letter of Confirmation

Student Response:

______I have read and understand the information presented to me in the Precalculus syllabus.

Parent Response:

______I have read and understand the information presented to me in the Precalculus syllabus.

(Please mark an X on the line provided to indicate confirmation)

Student’s Signature:______


Date: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

Home #: ______

Work #: ______

Email ______

Emergency contact person:______

Teacher Signature