City of Seattle Invitation to Bid 3702
Updated on:1/29/18
The following is additional information regarding Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 3702 Title: Digitization Services (Scanning, Indexing, Metadata Entry, Document, and Media Conservation)released on1/18/18 The due date and time for responses is 2/20/18, 3:00 PM (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers, and revisions to the ITB.This addendum is hereby made part of the ITB and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a proposal.
Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / RFP Revisions1 / 1/23/18 / 1/23/18 / Request to call into the pre-bid conference to be held on 1/25/18? / Response in right column
/ Yes, potential proposals who cannot attend the pre-bid conference in person can choose to call in as detailed below:
Join Skype Meeting
Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
Join by phone
206-386-1200, access code: 841694
844-386-1200, access code: 841694
Conference ID: 841694 (same as access code above)
2 / 1/23/18 / 1/23/18 / Will the City allow the documents to be scanned outside of the state of Washington? / Yes
3 / 1/24/18 / 1/26/18 / Was it the intention to use hours as the unit for pricing of all of the line items? This is a departure from the past for many of these items. / The intention was to use a common standard measurement for bidding. This also seemed to fit the Sample Cases.
4 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / Is the City currently doing business with a local scanning vendor? If yes, who is the City currently working with and are they currently under contract with the City? / Yes, the City currently has contracts with:
2481 – Micro Com Systems Washington
2357 – Retail Lockbox
2480 – Modus Technology Inc.
5 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / Since out of state vendors will be allowed to compete for this business, and the turnaround for scanning services is within 2 weeks, what is the City’s *ideal* situation for working with a scanning vendor? Local to Seattle? Within the State of Washington? / The ideal is the highest qualy of work with compliance to the turnaround times for scanning and individual record requests as stated in the ITB.
6 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / Do you have an estimate of the overall volume of documents that need to be scanned by format. Paper, Microfilm, Microfiche, Large Format, etc.? / Not able to provide and estimate. The City of Seattle was incorporated in 1869 and now has 49 departments, there are many thousand records in many formats. Scanning projects vary in scope. The latest one completed scanned just 900k+ paper pages. It also included photos, CD, video, and some microfiche. Each project would have its own composition.
7 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / What % of the documents in paper and film format are in poor condition and will need to be scanned on a flatbed scanner. Is there any Large Format documents that you would consider to be in poor condition? / For the purpose of bidding Sample Case 1 contains 8% damaged documents.
It is not possible to say how many damaged documents are owned by the entire City but, the City has documents over 100 years old; some are in poor condition. There are large format documents in poor condition most often old plan “blue prints” which get folded and refolded during use and develop tears in the creases and edges.
8 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / Will you allow pickup of the documents to be scanned by UPS or Fedex for shipment to a Vendor’s out of state conversion centers? / Yes, as long os the security requirements are met.
9 / 1/25/18 / 1/26/18 / Section 15, G in the RFP specification is incomplete. Please provide what follows “…Then the vendor will bear all costs related to the filing or”. / The statement in Section 15, G should have ended with a period (.) after the “filling” is is corrected to read / If the vendor is at fault for a disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information that is covered by state statutes and requires filing of a Breach Report, then the vendor will bear all costs related to the filing.or
10 / 1/26/18 / 1/29/18 / Will the City of Seattle require all bidders to pay a $15/hour minimum wage for any employees doing the work? / The City will comply with all requirements regarding $15/hour minimum wage law.
Please go to the following link to determine your requirements:
Excert from Site:
Below is the contact information questions
“The Office of Labor Standards (OLS) has a business liaison who handles employer inquiries. These phone conversations, or email exchanges, are kept entirely separate from the investigation process. The business liaison will answer all types of questions about how labor standards ordinances apply to the business. OLS encourages businesses to contact us with the goal of attaining full compliance with Seattle's labor standards.”
1.Call (206) 256-5297
2.Send us a message through our web form
11 / 1/26/18 / 1/29/18 / Pricing in the scanning industry is typically priced on a price per scan basis. Will the City of Seattle change the pricing to meet industry pricing standards and be priced on a price per scan basis instead of an hourly scanning rate? / Yes, we have revised the Price Sheet in Section 8 of the ITB tomodiify unit of measurement from “HR” to “Per Scan”, “Per File”, and “Per Page”. Those who propose on an “Hr” basis will be given the opporutinity to clarify to a “Per Scan” basis.
To preven confusion, please submit your bid with the new (Rev1) Bid Sheet
Revised Bid Sheet
Submit this with your ressponse
12 / 1/26/18 / 1/29/18 / Will the City provide a list of the department names and contact information that may need scanning jobs in the future? / Some of the City departments that have utilitzeed past Contracts for scanning services are:
-Construction and Inspecitions
-Parks and Recreation
-Seattle City Light
-Seattle Public Utilities
-Fianance and Adminstration
-Seattlle Fire Department
Departments initiate projects and work orders specific to their needs and requiremments.If awarded a Contract, vendors are advised to contact all City departments for order opportunities.
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