Vocabulary and Spelling for “The Boy Who Saved Baseball”
Learning Goals:1) I will use context as a clue to meaning of a word or phrase.2) I will consult reference materials to pronunciation, determine meaning and part of speech. 3) I will acquire and use general academic words to expand vocabulary knowledge for comprehension or expression.
1. showdown2. brainwashed
3. savor4. reserve
5. berate6. lingered
7. phenomenal8. fundamental
9. flair10, gloat
Spelling – Words with ie or ei
1. brief
2. review
3. relieve
4. foreign
5. freight
6. yieldChallenge
7. seize1. reprieve
8. field2. wield
9. fiery3. feign
10. conceited4. conceive
11. grief5.retrieve
12. beige
13. leisure
14. reign
15. receiptSitton Unit 6
16. neither1. sit
17. veil2. bought
18. deceive3. radio
19. perceive4. method
20. belief5. king
Guided Reading for “The Boy Who Saved Baseball” by John H. Ritter
Essential Question: How the media influence how people feel about events?
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Learning Goals: 1) I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and provide a summary. 2) I can describe how a story’s or drama’s plot unfolds and how characters respond and change 3) I can determine the meaning of word or phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings, and analyze the impact of word choice. 4) I can read and interpret literature. 5) I can cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn.
Respond in your Reading Journal using complete sentences and text evidence.
1. pg. 168 What details in the introductory paragraph tell you about Tom’s personality?
2. pg. 168 What details show how the media involvement is affecting the townspeople?
3.pg. 170 How does the sentence about “El Gato Loco” being a legend contribute to the plot of the story?
4. pg. 171 What is the reporter saying about the team’s situation and why the media is interested?
5.pg.172 What text evidence supports the Wildcats’ belief that they have a chance of winning the upcoming game?
6. pg. 172 Why is it meaningful that the two quietest players on the team say they have a chance?
7. pg174 How do Mr. Jones words and actions emphasize how important the baseball game really is?
8. pg. 175 How could winning the game cause Tom’s family to lose their home?
9. pg. 175Why does Tom believe it was time to speak?
10 . pg. 176 Why do you think the mayor is “white as a tortilla” during the Wildcat’s practice?
11. pg. 176 What internal conflict is Tom battling as the others discuss the situation?
12. pg. 177 What do you think Rachel’s comment about being “human” means?
13. pg. 178 What does Rachel’s question about how the situation looks from a hawk’s nest or stars mean?
14. pg. 178 Why do you think Tom decides to try to win the game? What text evidence supports your answer?