Civil Engineering and Architecture WVEIS 2466

Civil Engineering and Architecture is a component of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pre-engineering curriculum. This course provides an overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture, while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other. Students use state of the art software to solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities. This course covers topics such as: roles of civil engineers and architects, project planning, site planning, building design, and project documentation and presentation. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Safety instruction is integrated into all activities. Students are encouraged to become active members of Technology Student Association (TSA) which is an integral component of the program and provides curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Grade 9-12


Civil Engineering and Architecture

Standard: 1 / Overview of Civil Engineering and Architecture
ET.S.CEA.1 / Students will:
·  examine the differences between civil engineering and architecture.
·  research the various career opportunities available with the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.CEA.1.1 / compare and contrast civil engineering and architecture.
ET.O.CEA.1.2 / examine the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of a civil engineering or architectural project.
ET.O.CEA.1.3 / determine the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.CEA.1)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in overview of civil engineering and architecture. The student can compare and contrast civil engineering and architecture; evaluate the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of a civil engineering or architectural project; and assess the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The student can independently solve problems and is self directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in overview of civil engineering and architecture. The student can examine civil engineering and architecture; determine the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of a civil engineering or architectural project; and determine the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in overview of civil engineering and architecture. The student can define civil engineering and architecture; identify the various individuals and agencies and their roles during the design and development of a civil engineering or architectural project; and list the postsecondary and career opportunities in the field of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 2 / Project Design
ET.S.CEA.2 / Students will:
·  examine common practices for developing solutions to problems in civil engineering and architecture.
·  establish teams to create solutions to civil and architectural projects.
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.CEA.2.1 / communicate the current common practices utilized in civil engineering and architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to a project.
ET.O.CEA.2.2 / determine the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of a solution.
ET.O.CEA.2.3 / demonstrate independence and cooperation by working individually, and in pairs to produce a solution to a project.
ET.O.CEA.2.4 / use software as a tool to aid in the solution and communication of a project.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.CEA.2)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in project design. The student can communicate the current common practices utilized in civil engineering and architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to a project; determine the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of a solution with no errors; demonstrate independence and cooperation 100% of the time by working individually and in pairs to produce a solution to a project; and use software as a tool to aid in the solution and communication of a project with no errors. The student can independently solve problems and is self directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in project design. The student can determine the current common practices utilized in civil engineering and architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to a project; determine the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of a solution with few errors; demonstrate independence and cooperation 80-90% of the time by working individually and in pairs to produce a solution to a project; and use software as a tool to aid in the solution and communication of a project with few errors. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in project design. The student can identify the current common practices utilized in civil engineering and architecture and apply them to develop a viable solution to a project; determine the criteria and constraints, and gather information to promote viable decisions regarding the development of a solution with notable errors; demonstrate independence and cooperation 70% or less of the time by working individually and in pairs to produce a solution to a project; and use software as a tool to aid in the solution and communication of a project with notable errors. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 3 / Project Documentation
ET.S.CEA.3 / Students will document project development using drawings, graphics, notes, and media.
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.CEA.3.1 / communicate ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented.
ET.O.CEA.3.2 / modify ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them.
ET.O.CEA.3.3 / communicate in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes used in the development of the project.
ET.O.CEA.3.4 / develop two-dimensional and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.CEA.3)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in project documentation. The student can do the following with no errors: communicate ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented; modify ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them; communicate in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes used in the development of the project; and develop two-dimensional and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes. The student can independently solve problems and is self directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in project documentation. The student can do the following with few errors: communicate ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented; modify ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them; communicate in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes used in the development of the project; and develop two-dimensional and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in project documentation. The student can do the following with notable errors: communicate ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics, or other media collected and documented; modify ideas, notes, and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and document them; communicate in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications, and design processes used in the development of the project; and develop two-dimensional and three-dimensional sketches and graphics using manual and computer-assisted processes. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 4 / Project Planning
ET.S.CEA.4 / Students will:
·  plan civil and architectural projects with a group.
·  determine viability of a given project, considering zoning, land, structures, and resources.
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.CEA.4.1 / communicate ideas and information.
ET.O.CEA.4.2 / assess the viability of project ideas.
ET.O.CEA.4.3 / research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project.
ET.O.CEA.4.4 / examine a design idea and explain why it will be viable.
ET.O.CEA.4.5 / compare and contrast the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner.
ET.O.CEA.4.6 / determine the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing the project.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.CEA.4)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in project planning. The student can do the following with no errors: communicate ideas and information; assess the viability of project ideas; research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project; examine a design idea and explain why it will be viable; compare and contrast the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner; and evaluate the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing the project. The student can independently solve problems and is self directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in project planning. The student can do the following with few errors: communicate ideas and information; assess the viability of project ideas; research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project; examine a design idea and explain why it will be viable; compare and contrast the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner; and determine the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing the project. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions in project planning. The student can do the following with notable errors: communicate ideas and information; assess the viability of project ideas; research zoning ordinances and regulations to determine the necessary procedures to finish the project; examine a design idea and explain why it will be viable; compare and contrast the relationship of structures and land and the responsibility of designers to handle resources in an ethical manner; and identify the next steps to be taken and how they will proceed in developing the project. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 5 / Site Planning
ET.S.CEA.5 / Students will:
·  conduct site planning for a residence, considering locations of the electrical, water, and sewage access points, soil condition, and proper usage of resources.
·  interpret topographical data, read contour maps, and use information in conducting site planning.
·  apply appropriate federal, state, and local regulation and codes.
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.CEA.5.1 / conduct a survey of a residence and observe the locations of the electrical, water, and sewage access points and setbacks.
ET.O.CEA.5.2 / read a contour map.
ET.O.CEA.5.3 / interpret a bubble diagram of a specified site.
ET.O.CEA.5.4 / examine local, state, and federal regulations on site development.
ET.O.CEA.5.5 / use topographical data to create and document the vertical and horizontal transit lines and station points necessary to layout a road with proper alignment.
ET.O.CEA.5.6 / use appropriate codes and parameters to design a suitable and assessable parking lot for a retail establishment.
ET.O.CEA.5.7 / conduct simple experiments to determine the content and characteristics of a soil sample and use the results in the creation of an appropriate grading plan.
ET.O.CEA.5.8 / locate and create a cut and fill plan for the proposed foundation.
ET.O.CEA.5.9 / research a specific utility and communicate information using schematic symbols.
ET.O.CEA.5.10 / compute utility needs of a project and size the utility supply lines correctly.
ET.O.CEA.5.11 / analyze and determine the selection and placement of plantings to ensure the proper use of resources and determine if landscaping adds aesthetic appeal.
ET.O.CEA.5.12 / determine the source of water and estimate the water pressure for their site.
ET.O.CEA.5.13 / select an appropriate method of managing wastewater.
ET.O.CEA.5.14 / perform design calculations and design layouts of a wastewater management system.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.CEA.5)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in site planning. The student can do the following with no errors: conduct a survey of a residence and observe the locations of the electrical, water, and sewage access points and setbacks; read a contour map; interpret a bubble diagram of a specified site; examine local, state, and federal regulations on site development; use topographical data to create and document the vertical and horizontal transit lines and station points necessary to layout a road with proper alignment; use appropriate codes and parameters to design a suitable and assessable parking lot for a retail establishment; conduct simple experiments to determine the content and characteristics of a soil sample and use the results in the creation of an appropriate grading plan; locate and create a cut and fill plan for the proposed foundation; research a specific utility and communicate information using schematic symbols; compute utility needs of a project and size the utility supply lines correctly; analyze and determine the selection and placement of plantings to ensure the proper use of resources and determine if landscaping adds aesthetic appeal; determine the source of water and estimate the water pressure for their site; select an appropriate method of managing wastewater; and perform design calculations and design layouts of a wastewater management system.