I Entering the room:
- Enter quietly
- Quickly proceed to your seat
- On Friday place your homework in the blue basket
II Getting to work:
- Open your textbook to the page assigned for the pre-bell
- Take out your pen and your notebook. You are required to have a blue or black pen and a 3 ring binder.
- Your pre-bell book will be handed out by two students assigned by Mr. Houston
- You will have 5 minutes to complete the pre-bell before it is collected. Any work not completed will effect your pre-bell grade.
III Coming to attention:
- When I raise my hand I expect all talking to cease and everyone’s attention to be focused on me.
IV When you are absent:
- Check the assignment box for your makeup work
- Turn in your homework
- See me to schedule a day to make up your test
- I will be strictly adhering to the Student Handbook pages6 and 7 for my makeup work policy.
V Keeping your notebook:
- Your notebook will be checked once every nine weeks and must have the following to receive a 100.
- Chapter study guide
- Map
- Notes
- Chapter test
VI Homework:
- Will be assigned on Tuesday
- Will be due on Friday
- Must be in the box at the start of class to receive full credit. Any work turned in during class or later will receive a 75%.
VII Pre-bell Work:
- Posted on the front board.
- If you are absent check Mr. Houston’s pre-bell book.
- Your assignment must be written in your pre-bell book. Pre-bell books are to be non-spiral composition books.
- You must put the date, and write both the question and the answer in your book.
VIII Label papers:
- All assignments are to have your full name (not initials), date, and class period in the top right hand corner. Failure to label your work will result in a zero.
IX Passing in your work:
- You are to pass your work to your left.
- The student at the end of each row will hold on to the papers until they are collected.
X Asking Mr. Houston a question:
- Silently raise your hand
- Wait until Mr. Houston calls your name.
- Listen to other’s questions so as not to waste time.
XI When Mr. Houston asks a question:
- Listen to the question.
- Do not shout out an answer or raise your hand.
- In an effort for academic equality and to assure all students are paying attention, I will randomly call on students to provide the answer.
XII Announcements on the intercom:
- Stop all talking
- Listen to the announcements
- Save questions until the end of the announcements
XIII Visitors to the classroom:
- You are to continue your assignment
- There is to be no talking
XIV Hall procedures:
- There is to absolutely no talking
- Stay in a single file on the right hand side of the hallway.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
XV Leaving the room:
- Once the bell rings and I shut the door you will not be allowed to leave unless you have a medical emergency. You will be issued to emergency passes per semester to be used in dire circumstances.
XVI Tests and quizzes:
- Complete tests and quizzes without talking.
- If you have a question, raise your hand and I will come to your desk.
- When you complete the test or quiz, turn it over and I will collect it.
- When you complete the test or quiz, you are to silently follow the procedures for finishing work early.
XVII When you finish early
- Work on your study guide
- Read your textbook.
- Read your assigned book.
- Talking is not an option!