Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

USG/UISG Secretariat

JPIC Rome Office



December, 2012/January 2013 - Vol.5No 12; Vol. 6 /1

  2. JPIC Seminar – January 26, 2013: Fr. Ladislas Orsy SJ has agreed to speak on a theme related to Vatican II on Saturday January 26th. Fr Orsy is one of the few living eye-witnesses to the proceedings of the Council and he was an advisor to some of the bishops. He claims it is only now, at the age of 91, that he is coming to fully realise what Vatican II was all about. As soon as the precise details are available, the JPIC office will circulate the information regarding the Seminar. PLEASE RESERVE JANUARY 26TH, 2013 IN YOUR CALENDAR. To read a short Biography on Fr. Ladislas go to, Also, the office recommends you read one of his recent Books on Vatican II entitled, ‘Receiving the Council: Theological and Canonical Insights and Debates, Liturgical press, ISBN: 978-0-8146-5377-7 JPIC NOVEMBER SEMINAR TALKS AVAILABLE: The talks from the Seminar entitled ‘50th Anniversary of Vatican II: Is Gaudium et Spes Still a Relevant Compass for the Church in the 21st Century?’ will be available soon at

1.2RESPOND TO A MINING eSURVEY BY RELIGIOUS: The impacts of mining have become compelling issues for many of our congregations. The members of the Integrity of Creation Working Group (ICWG) of the JPIC Commission in Rome have developed a survey on the mining industry which is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. The survey will be sent to congregations and to other organizations associated with them; however, it will not be sent to mining companies. The survey will ONLY be available on line from January 15 to February 28, 2013. NOTE: You will not be able to log-in before these dates. The link for the survey WILL be The user name to get to the eSurveys will be: ICWG (all caps) its password will be: plusICWG2013 (case-sensitive) The purpose of the survey is to create an international network of support that strengthens the relationships between advocates and persons at the grassroots working on mining issues. Please help us by forwarding and alerting the important persons needed to complete this survey. For questions regarding the survey, please contact

1.3JPIC Training Workshop 2013: The JPIC Commission Workshop took place from November 22-25. There were 28 participants, including the organizing team. Five people came from as far away as Bangladesh, Australia and the USA. There were 20 nationalities and 24 congregations represented. The feedback was very positive and everyone found the input helpful. It included an explanation of what JPIC is, the role of a JPIC Animator, the Spirituality of an Animator, JPIC Structures in Congregations, networking, working groups etc. This is an event not to be missed by new international JPIC Animators.Even those with some experience might learn something as well. NOTE:The next JPIC Training Workshop will take place from DECEMBER 7 – 10, 2013. For more information contact Teresa at

1.4Why Poverty? Roundtable on the Church's role: Vatican Radio’s Philippa Hitchen hosted a roundtable discussion with Britain’s ambassador to the Holy See, Nigel Baker, Sr Toni Harris OP, justice and peace promoter for the Dominican Sisters International and Gearoid Francisco O Conaire OFM, JPIC-USG/UISG. To hear the interview go to,

1.5Economic Justice Working Group and RESOURCES FOR ADVENT:

The Economic Justice Working Group has collected some resources (English) that encourage a NON-CONSUMERISTIC Christmas. Please make these materials available to your members as soon as possible. These resources are available soonat JPIC Wikispaces at,

1.6Synod on ‘New Evangelization’:

1.6.1Final message , go to,

  • In English:
  • In Spanish:
  • NOTE: See the reflection on the relationship between ‘charity’ and ‘Justice’ at paragraph 12. This was one of the points raised in the letter to the Synod participants by the JPIC Commission.
  • Propositions in English at,

Propositions in Spanish at,

1.7Refugee/Migrants Working Group: The group will visit the Pontifical Council for Migrants on the morning of December 4th to know more about their work. For any other person wishing to join them, please contact Gervase Taratara CCSP at

1.8Solidarity with South Sudan: The Annual General Assembly takes place on December 19 at the Fratelli. Congregations wishing to participate are asked to contact the Solidarity office for an attendance form For information on their work go to,

1.9Prayer Services for International Days: Prayer Resources in many languages are available at:

1.9.1NEW PRAYER:A prayer forWORLD MIGRATION DAY (DECEMBER 18) is available so far in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, Korean, Croatian Indonesian, and German, Albanian, Thai, Portuguese, Polish, Rumanian, Chinese (Traditional) and Chinese (Simple) at, Other language translations are in progress.

1.10Fairtrade Chocolate Event: Gabriella D’Amico from the American University, Rome, is organizing a Fairtrade event at VIA PIETRO ROSELLI, 16 on January 30th, 2013. For more information, contact

and/or 393356339542


  • JPIC Distance Learning Program: The Spiritan-owned Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA, has launched a JPIC Distance Learning Program (in English) in mid-August 2011. You can find detailed information on the program and contact details at
  • Workshops on ‘Systems Transformation for Collaboration in the Church today’: Srs. Susan Chia RGS and Elaine Bassinet, RGS will facilitate reflection processes for women and men to help improve the quality of effective collaboration in the church today. The Introductory Session takes place January 21, 2013 from 9.00-12.30 at the UISG. A two-day live-in workshop from May 30-31, 2013. Details later.
  1. Outside Rome
  2. Fr. Roy Bourgeois: A Maryknoll Press release stated that, Fr. Roy’s ‘disobedience and preaching against the teaching of the Catholic Church about women's ordination led to his excommunication, dismissal and laicization.’ For more information, go to

2.2Destruction of Amazon in Iquitos, Peru: Through Alejandro Moral OSC, JPIC Rome, the work of an Italian national, Franz Mantuano, has come to our notice. He lived in Peru for many years and is now back in Rome. He has first hand experience of the destruction of the Amazon. He wrote to the European Union questioning the upcoming free market agreement between the Peruvian Government and the EU. If anyone is interested in getting copies of the letter and background information, please write to him

2.3Guatemalan Victims of Mining Repression in Toronto, Canada Seeking Justice: Five Mayan Qeqchi people, from the nickel mining harmed communities of El Estor, department of Izabal, Guatemala, were in Toronto in November seeking justice. There are 3 civil negligence suits filed against Hudbay mining company concerning gang rape and killing. For more background information examine the following resources:

2.3.1Defensora (5 minute trailer: documents the Mayan Qeqchi people's struggle to reclaim their ancestral lands and to seek justice and remedy for the murder, shootings and rapes committed against them by Canadian mining companies in Guatemala.

2.3.2El Estor Evictions (10 minute film: documents Canadian nickel mining companies’ illegal, forced evictions of Mayan Qeqchi communities in eastern Guatemala.


2.3.4Rights Action:,

2.4Factory fire in Bangladesh: Following the fire that killed 112 workers, the OMI’s and the Sisters of Charity wrote to Wallmart, who had connections with this garment factory. They received an official response clarifying that those with whom they work had sourced a contract to an unauthorized company without their knowledge and had already terminated their connection with them. This is a good example of religious trying to hold big business accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, in this case it came too late for many people.

  2. SSpS - JPIC Resource Blog: JPIC Resources from the three week Workshop for JPIC Promoters is available in English at sspsjpic.wordpress.comand Spanish

3.2Reaping the Harvest : Fifty years after Vatican II, Columba Press, 2012, Dr Susan Mulligan (ED.), Dr Jim Corkery SJ, Dr Gerry O'Hanlon SJ., go to,

3.34 Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: A PowerPoint (English) is available

3.4Talk Rio+20: Given by Pepe Mujica in Spanish and available on UTube at

3.5The struggle to go home in post-war Sri Lanka:For this story go to,

3.6One World Guides: For short clear information on a whole series of JPIC issues, go to,

3.7Promotio Iustitiae no. 109: To access copies of the JPIC-SJ Bulletin,

In English, Spanish, French and Italian at,

3.816 days of activism against gender violence campaign: This takes place from November 26 – December 10. For more information go to,

3.9Reflections on Archbishop Denis Hurley OMI: For a copy by Fr. Raymond Warren OMI go to,

3.10BICI – International Catholic Child Bureau: For information in English, Spanish and French on Justice issues related to children, go to,

3.11The twists and turns of the Doha talks and the WTO: To read this article on the session on Doha and the multilateral trading system at the World Trade Organization (WTO) , go to

3.12School of the Americas: To read a letter sent to President Barack Obama to close the school of the Americas, go to,

3.13IntellectualHonesty: Read an article by Fr. James V. Schall SJ entitled ‘A Requirement of Intellectual Honesty": On Benedict and the German Bishops.’ At

4. Upcoming JPIC Meetings: NOVEMBER 2012

  • Collaboration Working Group (English): December 6 @ 3:00 at Fratelli Cristiani
  • Solidarity with South Sudan: General Assembly, December 19 @ 9.00 – 16.00 at Fratelli
  • English Core Group Meeting: December 3 @ 15.00 at Fratelli Cristiani
  • Anti-Trafficking Working group: Decembe14 @ 15.00 at Fratelli
  • JPIC Spanish/Portuguese Promoters’ group:December 5 @ UISG at 9.00
  • SICAR: Collaboration Working group (Spanish): December 7 @ 15.00 at Fratelli
  • FAO Working group: December 11 @ 9.30 at Passionist Curia
  • JPIC English Promoters’ Meeting: December 12 @ 9.00 in UISG offices – Theme: Rio+20
  • Africa Working Group: December 13 @ 15.30 at M.Afr
  • English Promoters’ Christmas Gathering (Mass and Party): December 16 @ 16.00 in SVD Curia
  • Economic Justice Working group (EJWG): December 13 @ 15.00 at Caritas Internationalis
  • Refugees/Migrants’ Working group: December 13 @ 15:00 at Fratelli
  • Economic Justice Working group (EJWG): January 9 @ 15.00 at Caritas Internationalis
  • Integrity of Creation Working group: January 14 @ 9.00 – 12.00 at the UISG [March 11, May 14]
  • JPIC Spanish/Portuguese Promoters’ group: January 9 @ at 9.00
  • English Core Group Meeting: January 14 @ 15.00 at Fratelli Cristiani
  • Workshop on Collaboration: January 21, 2013 @ 9.00-12.30 at the UISG.
  • Joint Promoters’ Core Group Meeting: January 28 @ 9.00-12.00 at UISG
  • Peace Prayer: January 25 @ San Marcello at 19.00

Note: Please send a brief outline of information you think JPIC Promoters might find useful for future publications to the JPIC Commission Office at the emails below. Please confirm if you do not wish your email to be published.

Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire ofm and Teresa Dagdag MM Via Aurelia 476, CP 9099 Aurelio, 00165 Roma, Italy.

Tel: (39).06.6622929 (direct); Tel: (39).06.665231 (reception); Mobile: (39)3293781392/(39)3475570806 Email: and

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