Minutes of the Meeting dated October 24, 2017

Bayberry School All Purpose Room

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 am, by Sophia Goldstein, President

Sophia asked that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Minutes are posted on the

Watching PTO website. There were no changes and the vote was taken and approved.


·  Sophia Goldstein

-Thank you to Lynn Biviano for organizing Bayberry Picture Day volunteers.

-Please go to the PTO website and update your student information-we will be using this information for the directory. If you opt out online your information will not be in the directory. If your information is not correct online, it will not be correct in the directory.

PTO Board Reports:

·  1St Vice President-Pina Raucci

-The directory is finished. It will go out shortly.

·  2nd Vice President- Wendy Ruta

-Class Halloween parties will be taking place directly after the Halloween parade. She sent out instructions to the class parents yesterday. Please contact her with any class parent questions.

·  Treasurer – Sonia Woods

-The Treasurer Report from September 2017 was reviewed.

-Please address Sonia with any concerns.

·  Recording Secretary- Karen Hauck

-Nothing to report

·  Corresponding Secretary- Michelle Loomis

- Nothing to report

·  Past President- Beth Morgan-Mattiassi

- Nothing to report

Committee Reports:

·  Bayberry Pictures 9/28 & 9/29-Lynn Biviano

-Picture day at Bayberry went smoothly—there were no issues.

·  KidStuff Coupon Books-Sonia Matinho, Katie Zhao, Stephanie Espinoza

- There are only a handful left.

·  Fall Food Fundraiser-Nihdali Garcia

- They are due 10/12. The delivery date will be in mid -November.

·  Bayberry Library-Michelle Loomis

-The library looks amazing. Ms. Wells is doing a good job. The students are learning library fundamentals.

·  Food Sales:

-Bayberry-Pina Raucci/Adriana DelForno

-Food sales have started and everything is running smoothly. So far no complaints.

-Valley View -Lauren Freid/Jodi Hector/Corine Lesegretain

-Nothing to report.

·  Consumer Products –Roseann Sicola

-Box Tops: Please cut out box tops (place in plastic bag) and send them into school with your child to earn money for the school. Our goal this year is $800.

·  Script-Luisa Azeez

-11/4 is the scrip deadline.

-Orders are placed in the beginning of the week and should arrive at the end of the week.

·  Watchung Wear- Tracy Zaikov

-The order deadline was yesterday.

·  Holiday Boutique:

- Bayberry-Hue Quan

-We need volunteers for this event. We need volunteers to help students shop during the event as well as volunteers to set up/break down the event. She is preparing a flyer for the backpack in November to drum up volunteers. The specific class schedule will be available at the end of November. The dates are November 28th and 29th.

-Valley View- Christina Colonias, Diana Betancourth

-Nothing to report.

Unfinished/New Business:

·  Nothing to report.

Administrative Reports:

·  Dr. Resko

-not present

·  Mrs. Nunn

-I will be at a Principals’ meeting this morning at WHRHS and not able to attend the PTO meeting.

-Valley View parents should sign up for the November conferences using PickATime. The link and directions are on our website.

-There is a new link on our website for 8th grade events. 8Th grade parents and guardians can go there for information specific to our 8th grade.

-Reminders that money for the 8th grade trip to NY to see “Come from Away” is due by Thursday, October 26th. The trip is on either January 24th or 31st. The class will be divided into 2 groups to see the play.

-Money for the 7th Grade trip to Camp Mason is due on Friday, October 27th. The trip is on November 3rd.

-All checks should be made payable to Valley View Student Activities.

·  Mr. Vignola

-Back to School nights were a success.

-10/5 –Week of Respect-This year’s program was Basketball Jones. It went very well and the kids got a lot out of it.

-10/13-Fire Prevention assembly and poster contest. This year Mrs. Wall dressed up in the firefighter outfit. The Fire Prevention poster winners were announced at the assembly (3 for each class in Bayberry and 3 for each grade in Valley View). Also, the names of the students who reached their summer reading goals were announced at the assembly. Mr. Vignola went over to the Fire Department on that Sunday to announce and hand out the awards with the Fire Dept.

-10/17 -The Kindergarten went on the Crayola field trip.

-10/18- Fingerprinting for Kindergarten and new students.

-Yesterday was the Officer Phil assembly. (Focused on safety and how to be the best person you can be in school)

-10/27- WEF Trunk-or-Treat at Bayberry School from 5-6:30pm

-10/31 –Halloween parade and class parties starting at 9:30am

-11/6, 11/7 and 11/8- One session days and parent/teacher conferences

-11/9 and 11/10-School is closed for NJEA Convention

-11/13 Family STEAM night for grades 2-4 (and their parents) from 6-7:30pm

-11/13 Sterling Mine 4th grade class trip

-11/13-American Education Week

Questions, Comments, Concerns, Announcements:

·  Watchung SEPAG will meet at Wilson Church on 11/2 at 7pm. There are flyers on the table.

·  Susan Kleinberg is the winner of this month’s raffle.

The next PTO meeting will be held at 9:30am in the Bayberry APR room on Tuesday, November 14th. A recap meeting will be held in the Valley View APR room at 8pm the same day.

The meeting adjourned at 9:53 am.

Written by Karen Hauck, Recording Secretary, PTO Committee October 24, 2017