PRESENT:Cllr J Manser (JM); Cllr P Bragg (PB), Cllr R Horner (RH), Cllr D Baker (DB), Cllr A Meechan (AM), Cllr K Dearsly (KD), Cllr M Howe (MH), Miss E Gibbons (EG).
Cllr M Ackland-Smith (Chairman); Cllr Bowden.
MINUTES of the previous meeting were signed
15/0123/FUL – Cllr Bragg as a neighbour.
1. Sheila Francis submitted prior to the meeting; Question one for Cllr Mike Howe.
Re Ebford being classified as open countryside with no more building and therefore unsustainable.Query as to why it is now considered sustainable (with rather poor statements and arguments). What do EDDC have to say on this?
Response from: Cllr Howe Much to all our frustration I nor East Devon can explain these decisions, I have been talking to the officers about any possible thoughts on action we could take, but understandably the costs involved for High Court action, are very high so they are very reluctant to act, especially when we won the appeals. We are in a hole at present in-between Local Plans (Old & Emerging) the Development of the Parishes own Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF(National Planning Policy Framework), In such cases we are left to some whims the Planning Inspectorate on the day, following Government and Local Policies so yes we are left to the People in Bristol to determine these appeals. Especially like in the Eden decision where one whole paragraph is just wrong. No one can say fully what sustainable is it unfortunately is open to individual interpretation. When we get the Local Plan approved (Which in its current form allocates no more development to Ebford) and the Parishes Neighbourhood Plan finished we will all be in a more sensible and plan driven place. I have already got a meeting organised with our MP to discuss this issue. I am very sorry I cannot give a clear answer in to what is going on as it is changing every day, but we still believe that Ebford is unsustainable.
2. Lana Cross submitted prior to meeting - re hedge along the A376 at Rosario and Martin Rothwell`s property needs constant cutting back. JM confirmed MAS has spoken to RBL about cutting the hedge.
3. It's been pointed out that the telephone box in CSG currently serves no useful purpose, could it be possibly be taken over by the PC and put to use as a place which could house a defibrillator which could be used within the Parish in the case of an emergency heart attack treatment. – Enquires to be made of EDDC. This was discussed further and will be decided in the next few months.
4. JM reported on the five appeals, 4 in Ebford refused and one in C.S.G allowed.
5. Pam Dean enquired about the planning appeal and application for costs – Cllr Howe confirmed there wasn’t an application for costs. Enquiry made if there is any re-dress to the Planning Inspectorate - Cllr Howe confirmed the Sec of State can call it in. Cllr Howe liaising with Hugo Swire and written to Sec of State. Tony Charles enquired re planning appeal saying that we should benefit from the S106 money from these developments; including a play area; cricket net properly constructed; JM confirmed the PC would work with the developer to get the best facilities;
RH reported on a possible footpath to Darts Farm – this is on Dart’s list.
6. Enquiry made about appeal and the danger of increase in traffic to school; enquiry made as to what plans can be put in place to protect the school children from delivery lorries. Cllr Howe said the school have to make their own assessments.
MATTERS ARISING – Clerk to report
1. Email sent to Nigel Frost re the legalities of the DCC cuts and the responsibilities on PC. Nigel Frost has fully updated MAS on this.
2. Letter sent to DCC to request funding for VAS posts. Confirmation received on 29/7/15 that funding has been granted in the sum of £500.
3. Email to Nigel Frost asking for the verge to be cut on the A376 which is causing a blind spot. Initial complaint from Mr Elvin. The area has now been cut by DCC as part of their September maintaince works.
4. Nigel Frost confirmed that the village signs if changed will need approval from Highways but the cost falls to the PC. Progress being made and quotes sourced.
5. Sink hole at Odhams Lane is being looked into by DCC legal team for repair to establish responsibility.
6. Accident on A376 request for new sign to warn drivers of no right turn – Nigel Frost met with WPCSO. To be discussed in the future – no decision yet.
7. Email from Mr Pilcher re planning procedures. Matter addressed by MAS and Clerk. Mr Pilcher confirmed receipt of response and has requested no further correspondence on this matter.
8. Complaint received re cleaning of bus shelters – contractor now found – once verified at the meeting work will commence – suggested clean three time a year.
CORRESPONDENCE clerk to report
1. Email from EDDC re gypsy sights in the Local Plan – asking for PC’s views.
2. Email from DCC re sandbags – PB to liaise.
3. MAS contacted Mrs Brady re bush/tree has been growing out over the pavement on the A376 along the perimeter of the Ebford House Boundary. MAS visited Mr & Mrs Brady and politely asked them if they could get this tree trimmed back. MAS also pointed out to them that there was a large angled post about 6’ long which was also overhanging the pavement and could fall onto passing pedestrians. This has been dealt with.
4. Email to DALC re process for putting out a tender for the grass cutting works due to DCC cutbacks. This is to be discussed at future PC meeting.
5. Email to Stagecoach re advertising in bus shelters and cleaning. Local contact made to window cleaner to see if he would consider taking this matter up.
6. Drain cover hazard near Addlepool Farm reported to Nigel Frost. This has been dealt with.
7. Email to Nigel Frost enquiring about re-surfacing of Clyst Road. Works to be carried out in September.
8. Letters to Mr and Mrs Smith, Barton Rise and Mr & Mrs Brackley, Greenbanks re overgrowing vegetation.
Cllr Howe reported on the planning appeals in C.S.G.& Ebford he feels the Planning Inspectorate are making it up as they go along, He is trying to get EDDC to consider a judicial review; PC to support; encouraged residents to write too. Reported on five year housing land supply; Planning Inspectorate are choosing to not take into account. Vote in favour of supporting Cllr Howe in the Judicial Review. PB abstained
POLICE REPORT clerk to report
There were 3 crimes reported during the month as follows
1. Over-night 1st to 2nd August power tools were stolen from a secure vehicle parked on a private property on Clyst Road, Clyst St George.
2. On the 7th August a burglary occurred at business premises in Clyst St George, enquiries on going.
3. On 31st August a theft from shop occurred in Clyst St George, enquiries on going
FINANCE clerk to report
1. Grant Thornton Annual Return - £240; CSG Parish Hall - £72; Clerk’s salary and expenses £225
1. 15/1520/tre - Lady Seawards C Of E Primary School Clyst St George Exeter EX3 0RE - T0339 Lime: Crown reduction to retain a tree with a height of 16 metres. No comments.(approved EDDC)
2. 15/1385/Redlands Service Station – Comments: The Parish Council wishes to object to this application. The introduction of a furniture store to the first floor of the building will attract new and additional customers as well as additional delivery lorries. The additional traffic movements onto a very fast and busy road are a concern, particularly for those wishing to exit in the direction of Exmouth which requires crossing the road and joining the main dual carriageway. In addition to this additional parking will be necessary which cannot be accommodated given the presence of the existing garage, second hand car sales and quad bike shop as well as pedestrians needing to cross the busy petrol forecourt. Comments still stand as at 19/8/15.(Refused EDDC)
3. 15/1512/ful – adjoining parish - Enfield Oil Mill Lane Clyst St Mary Exeter EX5 1AF - Enfield Oil Mill Lane, Clyst St Mary Exeter, EX5 1AF – Comments – wait for BC PC comments.
4. 15/1729/lbc - Lady Seawards C Of E Primary School Clyst St George - Installation of kitchen equipment and reinstatement of servery.Comments - The application is supported, subject to the proposals being agreed by the Conservation Officer. (Approved EDDC.)
5. 15/1342/ful - Western Fields Ebford, Exeter EX3 0PA - Replace existing outbuilding with a garage. Comments: The application is supported with no comments.
6. 15/1696/ful – Pippins – Old Ebford Lane – single storey extension. Comments: Supported. (Approved EDDC)
7. 15/1874/ful - Adjoining Parish - Higher Bagmores Farm Woodbury, Proposed agricultural building to be used as a grain store. Comments – awaiting BC PC comments.
8. 15/1911/adv - Land West Of Odhams Wharf Clyst St George- Retention of advertisement sign. Comments:- object on basis of visual intrusion across the marshes.
9. Appeal Ref: APP/U1105/W/14/3001140 Land adjacent to Addlepool Farm, Woodbury Road, Clyst St. George, Exeter, EX3 0NR – Appeal allowed – planning permission granted.
10. 15/0123/mful – Kenniford Farm, installation of ground mounted photovoltaic solar arrays with inverter cabins, substation buildings, access tracks, underground cable, fencing and CCTV, and provision of temporary car park during construction. Comments – Remain neutral.
JM reported that survey results to be made public; applied for grant for consultant (now approved)through to April 2016; consultant thinks a summer referendum. AM confirmed her support for the team that are working on this.
1.Finance for repair of Ebford sign and also speed monitor – quote £135.00 for Ebford sign – all voted in favour of VAS monitors – financing two posts at a cost of £740.
2.DCC cutbacks re grass verge cutting–MAS and JM to continue their findings and report back. If agreed the PC will have to put out to tender for a contractor.
3. Nancy Potter Trust – JM reported on the Trustees; Pamela Diffey, Roger Horner and Tony Charles; term of office now expired – vote to continue with those Trustees; all voted in favour.
4.Bus shelter cleaning – window cleaner Andrew proposed has insurance; charges £20-£25 per shelter[x3] initial clean & then £15[x4] each thereafter. All voted that a one off clean is carried out for now, with the possibility that the shelter at the George and Dragon be cleaned quarterly.
Signed ...... Date ......
The next meeting will be held on 14 October 2015 – the meeting closed at 9.15pm