Company Name:
Contact Number:
Please select only onemarket: / Berwick Street
Church Street
Maida Hill
Strutton Ground
Tachbrook Street
Proposed days of trading:
(please refer to the advertised vacancy and select days accordingly) / Monday No preference
Did you start this business less than 18 months ago?
Yes No
If yes, date of commencement:
About You:
- Are you currently a licensed street trader?
Yes No
If yes,
What days?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday
- Do you have any previous street trading experience?
Yes No
If yes, please give an outline:
- If no, why do you want to become a street trader?
About Your Business:
- With regard to the list below, please select commodities from the category/categories that best define what you intend to sell. You can select more than one but please try to define yourself using the minimum number possible. This definition is important as it enables us to assess if a viable pitch is available.
General / Clothing & Accessories / Home
Bespoke / Baby’s clothing / Bake ware
Fair trade / Children’s clothing / Bathroom accessories
Organic / Children’s footwear / Cleaning & laundry equipment/products
Restored / Clothing accessories / Carpets & rugs
Retro / Hair accessories / Curtains & blinds
Second hand / Handbags, purses & wallets / Fabric & textiles
Up-cycled / Hats & headpieces / Glassware & china
Vintage / Hosiery / Haberdashery
Variety store / Jewellery / Home décor
Men’s clothing / Household linen & towels
Men’s footwear / Kitchenware
Horticulture / Shoe repairs & accessories / Large electrical goods
Artificial flowers / Sportswear / Small electrical appliances/accessories
Christmas trees / Sunglasses / Tableware
Florist (including plants) / Trainers/sports shoes
Garden centre / Underwear/nightwear
Watches, watch accessories & repairs / Gifts, Stationery, Arts & Crafts
Women’s clothing / Artists’ materials
Beauty & Grooming / Women’s footwear / Crafts
Artisan beauty products / Festive decorations
Cosmetics / Greeting cards & gift wrapping
Fragrances / Entertainment / Musical instruments & accessories
Health & wellbeing / Audio/visual equipment / Party accessories
Toiletries / Board games & puzzles / Photographic equipment & accessories
Books & periodicals / Souvenirs
Children’s toys / Stationery
Hobbies, Sports & Leisure / CDs/vinyl
Camping equipment / DVDs
Car care & car accessories / Fancy dress / Providing Service
DIY tools & materials / Games consoles & accessories / Cobblers
Luggage, travel bags & accessories / Mobile phones & accessories / Key cutting
Memorabilia & collectibles / Promotional stall
Pet store / Tailoring/alterations
- Please list in detail all the individual products you propose to sell?
- Why have you chosen to sell these items?
- Please list the equipment to be used at the stall: (e.g. cash register, laptop, etc.)
Stall details:
- What type of stall do you intend to use (e.g. gazebo, metal frame stall, etc.)? Please note must be suitable rain-proof and fire retardant material:
- Please provide the measurements of the stall (in metres):
Length: Depth:Height:
- How do you intent to provide power to your stall? (e.g. lighting, cash register,etc.)?
- Have you thought about the presentation of goods on your stall? Please give details.
Business plan and advertising:
- How will you promote your business? (e.g. social media)
- Have you thought about a branding for your business? Please give details:
- What is special about your product/service and what can it bring to the market?
CHECKLIST:You will need these documents to make an application if your business proposal is accepted. Providing them with the business proposal will speed up the process. Please tick to indicate:
1.Example of stall design/manufactures specification (incl. photographs)
2.Example of how your commodity display will look in a market setting
3.Equipment specification (if required)
Please note that this is a pre-application form, not a formal application for a licence. There is no guarantee that by completing this form a licence will be granted. Details of where to send this form as specified below.
Please send this form and any attachments via email to
Or by post to:
Street Trading Team
4th Floor West
Westminster City Hall
64 Victoria Street
Business Proposal - Non-Food – Version 7. Street Trading Team, Premises Management
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