LCB File NO. RO52-16 Amend NACs392.105, 394.250 and 441A.755 Public Workshop
JUNE 30, 2016
09:00 A.M.
TheImmunization Programheld a public workshop on June 30, 2016, beginning at approximately 9:00 A.M. at the following locations:
Division of Public and Behavioral Health Desert Meadow Area Health Education Center
4150 Technology Way, Room 3033050 E. Flamingo Rd.
Carson City, Nevada 89706Las Vegas, NV 89121
AT&T Conferencing
Dial-in Toll-Free Number 1-866-390-1828
Participants Code 1842659
Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) Staff PresentBeth Handler, MPH, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Child, Family and Community Wellness (BCFCW)
Karissa Loper, MPH, Immunization Program Manager
Teneale Chapton, MA, CDC Public Health Advisor
Glenn Witt, Vaccine Manager, Immunization Program, BCFCW
Pamela Forest, MD, Quality Assurance Manager, Immunization Program, BCFCW
Doug Banghart, MSN, RN, Perinatal Hep-B Coordinator, Immunization Program BCFCW
Amanda Harris, NV WebIZ Manager, Immunization Program, BCFCW
Virginia Lee, Administrative Assistant, Immunization Program, BCFCW
Others Present
Heidi Parker, MA, Immunize Nevada
Betsy VanDeusen, MA, Immunize Nevada
Karissa Loper called the Public Workshop meeting for the proposed change to regulation LCB File NO. RO52-16 amending the Nevada Administrative Codes392.105, 394.250 and 441A.755 to order at 9:05 A.M
- Call to Order and Welcome
The workshop was called to order at 9:05 A.M.
- Confirmation of Posting
Ms. Loper indicated the meeting was properly posted at locations listed on the agenda in accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law.
- Introduction of Workshop Process
Ms. Loper stated the purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for the public to assist the agency in formulation of draft regulations. The draft regulations will then be subject to a public hearing rulemaking process conducted by the State Board of Health (BOH). Testimony and written materials submitted during this workshop will be considered during the development phase. In the event interested parties recommendations are not included in the proposed draft of the regulations, interested parties may also present materials or testimony for consideration by the State Board of Health. Written materials should be submitted to:
Cody Phinney, MPH
State Board of Health
Division of Public and Behavioral Health
4150 Technology Way Suite 300
Carson City, NV 89706
Materials submitted 15 days prior to a meeting of the Board for which this item will appear on the agenda will be included in the packets sent to the Board for their review.
These regulations will be presented at the September 9, 2016 Board of Health meeting.
- Public Comment on Proposed Amendment
Jody Daniels asked if the written comments already submitted would be submitted to the BOH. Karissa responded in the affirmative.
Richard Cichy of Southern Nevada Health District stated the district supported the changes and already follows the CDC schedule at their facilities.
Karissa called a break for lunch at 12:03pm with return scheduled at 1:05pm
Karissa reconvened the workshop at 1:05pm.
- Public Comment
There was no public comment.
- Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M.
Public Workshop Draft Minutes
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