Graphic design & Illustration 2
Sketchbook Assignments
Your sketchbook should be divided into 3 sections and labeled section 1- Assignments, section 2- Personals, Section 3- Thumb Nails. The sketch book is worth 100 pts. Each time it is turned in.
Section #1
Assignments- See back
Section #2
Each 5 weeks- 3 personal design entries are due with the assignments. Also, 2 examples of “design” and describe what is good and bad about them. You need to be able to talk about what you observe and what makes “good” Design.
Section #3
Each five weeks all the preliminary rough sketches and thumb nail drawings will also be checked.
These sketchbook assignments are homework and can’t be completed in class, unless all other class assignments are complete. I will collect and evaluate the entire sketchbook at the beginning of the last week of the quarter. Late sketchbook assignments will receive a 10% reduction in grade per class period late.
Always fill up the entire sketchbook page with your drawing.
Label all drawings in your sketchbook on the back of the page with type of assignment, name, and date. Leave blank pages between assignments for each quarter.
1st 5 Weeks
1. Create a self-portrait Caricature that expresses a specific mood/emotion, or personality trait. Exaggerate features. Make it funny.
2. Development of the environment in which your caricature would exist.
3. Set up a still life with an odd number of objects; use Marker to create a graphic drawing.
2nd 5 weeks
1. Draw 5-7 gesture drawings. Draw people in class sitting, walking, etc. Use contour line.
2. Find a piece of fabric and drape it over something. Draw the fold of the fabric and how it “moves” or flows over the object.
3. Find an object with a unique texture. Create a magnified value drawing of the texture to obtain an abstraction. Use Marker.
3rd 5 Weeks
1. Collect 5-7 different magazine covers. Describe the main characteristics of these covers. Who is the market group and how do you know.
2. Make up a name of a magazine. Design what the Type should look like for the name on the cover. Don’t forget to whom you are marketing to. Computer or by hand. Tell why you choose what you choose.
3. Create the front of a cereal box. This cereal should be a healthy cereal for children.
4th Quarter
1. A product Designer designs products to be mass produced. i.e. toys, cars, even a toaster. Choose a common everyday object, redesign it. Make it more aesthetic but also very functional in the everyday home.
2. Design a logo for the company that makes you product.
3. Design a full color advertisement for your product that you just designed.