Stock List
23 June 2015
Version 10.2
Mounted on board
2107 / Africa - boarded / National Geographic / 1950 / 70.002855 / British Rail - Network - small - boarded / British Rail / 1974 / 45.00
2907 / Lake District / Bartholomew / 1952 / 90.00
139 / Liverpool - boarded / OS / 1965 / 28.00
2863 / London - West End and Route Map - boarded / AA / c1955 / 80.00
2741 / Oxford - Witney - geological - boarded / OS / 1947 / 50.00
2862 / Oxford Street Plan - boarded / Home Publishing/Hudson / c1955 / 45.00
1888 / Pyrenees - boarded / RAF / 1963 / 40.00
2486 / Western Europe - boarded / OUP / 1960 / 90.00
2674 / World - ocean floor - boarded / Open University / 1977 / 45.00
2885 / British Waterways - England and Wales - book / British Waterways / 1966 / 5.002858 / Oxford - 100 views - book / Alfred Savage / c1925 / 12.00
1107 / Oxford - guide book / Alden and Co / 1947 / 8.00
1126 / Oxford - In Pictures / Fraser / c1949 / 8.00
2903 / Oxford - In Pictures - book / Thames Valley / c1965 / 10.00
2874 / Oxford - Kelly's directory / Kelly / 1952 / 15.00
2723 / Bristol Channel - airfields - framed / MOD / c1960 / 12.001958 / British Isles - tectonic map - framed / OS / 1966 / 120.00
1891 / Dorchester (Oxon) - large scale - framed / OS / 1960 / 30.00
2905 / East Indies and Indo-China - indust. (framed) / Harmsworth-Phillips / c1910 / 45.00
2749 / East London-Essex-geo - framed / OS / 1963 / 65.00
1783 / Herts and Bucks - framed / Bartholomew / 1944 / 30.00
1136 / LNER (framed) / LNER / c1935 / 30.00
2473 / London - Central - framed / Kelly's / 1967 / 80.00
1022 / London - large framed / Daily Mail / c1950 / 120.00
2596 / London - pictorial - framed / Geographer's / c1948 / 50.00
1053 / London NW - framed / OS / 1960 / 35.00
637 / London SW - framed / OS / 1962 / 35.00
774 / Manchester Ship Canal (framed) / Guyot & Wood / c1900 / 25.00
1003 / Netherlands (framed) / AC Black / c1854 / 45.00
956 / Northumberland - framed / George Cary / c1828 / 30.00
1828 / Oxford - framed / OS / 1962 / 35.00
2376 / Oxford - mono city plan - framed / Alden / 1941 / 8.00
2377 / Oxford - mono city plan - framed / Alden / 1948 / 8.00
1247 / Oxford - pictoral plan - framed / Alden - Chatfield / c1960 / 40.00
2725 / Oxford (and Cotswolds) - framed / Bartholomew / 1948 / 50.00
2297 / Oxford (framed) / OS / 1989 / 20.00
989 / Oxford and Newbury - framed / OS / 1948 / 25.00
2851 / Oxford to London (framed) / Daily Mail / 1937 / 28.00
2738 / Races and Religions of Mankind - framed / Bartholomew / c1910 / 24.00
2106 / Alaska - rolled / National Geographic / 1956 / 8.00
2383 / British Guiana / Waterlow (AT 16) / 1927 / 24.00
2341 / California / National Geographic / 1966 / 3.00
2627 / Canada and N. United States (rolled) / Canadian Govt Travel Bureau / 1958 / 12.00
2109 / Canada, Alaska and Greenland - rolled / National Geographic / 1947 / 8.00
2734 / Canadian cities / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 6.00
2258 / Central America / Dodd, Mead and Co, USA / 1913 / 18.00
2277 / Central America/Mexico - rolled / National Geographic / 1973 / 8.00
2621 / Los Angeles / Chevron / 1970 / 5.00
586 / Massachusetts - rolled / William Bradley / 1889 / 35.00
2691 / Mexico / Combridge (AT58) / 1914 / 18.00
2104 / Mexico and Central America - rolled / National Geographic / 1953 / 8.00
2659 / Mexico, Central America and W Indies / National Geographic / 1939 / 12.00
2651 / Mid Atlantic States / National Geographic / 1976 / 12.00
2652 / NE United States / National Geographic / 1977 / 12.00
2003 / New England States / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 30.00
2595 / New York City / Hagstrom / 1969 / 12.00
2916 / New York, Washington and Nicaragua / W & AK Johnston (AT64) / 1899 / 15.00
2028 / North America / Johnston - Family Gazetteer and Atlas / c1870 / 20.00
906 / North America / Bacon's / 1905 / 18.00
2162 / North America - General Commercial / Newnes/Bartholomew (AT 47) / 1907 / 40.00
2558 / North America - War of Independence / Johnston (AT 53) / c1900 / 6.00
2913 / North East United States / Harmsworth (AT 2) / c1910 / 40.00
2276 / Nova Scotia - aeronautical - rolled / US Airforce / 1956 / 8.00
2483 / South America / From the Best Authorities / 1818 / 20.00
2158 / South America / Newnes (AT 23) / 1933 / 18.00
2658 / South America / National Geographic / 1950 / 12.00
1631 / South America - general / Philips / 1948 / 25.00
2676 / South America - NW / Newnes/Bartholomew (AT9) / 1898 / 28.00
1813 / South America - peoples / Unknown / c1925 / 8.00
1674 / South America - political and industrial / Harmsworth (AT2) / c1920 / 18.00
2650 / SW United States / National Geographic / 1977 / 12.00
2411 / United States / Stanford - Harrow Atlas (AT 49) / 1864 / 35.00
2655 / United States / National Geographic / 1940 / 12.00
2669 / United States / National Geographic / 1976 / 12.00
2049 / United States - historical / Encylopaedia Britannica / c1880 / 25.00
2759 / United States - weather map - 1957 / US Weather Bureau / 1957 / 18.00
2196 / United States with railways / Harmsworth / c1920 / 12.00
2431 / Asia / Chambers / c1900 / 18.00
2467 / Asia / Hall / c1845 / 30.00
2428 / Asia / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 35.00
2349 / Asia (rolled) / National Geographic / 1948 / 5.00
2648 / Asia (rolled) / National Geographic / 1948 / 12.00
2410 / Australia / Stanford - Harrow Atlas (AT 49) / 1864 / 35.00
2009 / Australia / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 35.00
2660 / Australia / National Geographic / 1948 / 12.00
2348 / Australia (rolled) / National Geographic / 1948 / 5.00
2647 / Australia (rolled) / National Geographic / 1948 / 12.00
2031 / Australia and New Zealand / Waterlow (AT 16) / 1927 / 25.00
2732 / Burma and Malaya / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 5.00
2432 / Burma, Siam and Indo China / c1900 / c1900 / 8.00
2022 / Ceylon / Waterlow (AT 16) / 1927 / 25.00
2423 / China - east - Hong Kong and Taiwan / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
2426 / China - eastern and Central Japan / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 35.00
2023 / China and Japan / Bartholomew/OUP / 1942 / 35.00
1914 / China coast and Korea / National Geographic / 1953 / 8.00
2787 / China with Japan and Korea / Bartholomew / 1944 / 15.00
1951 / Chinese Empire and Japan / Newne's/Bartholomew (AT 9) / 1898 / 40.00
2731 / Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 5.00
2126 / East India Islands / Encyclopaedia Britannica / 1903 / 30.00
2642 / East Indian Archipelago / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 45.00
2164 / Farther India / Bartholomew (AT 8) / 1900 / 25.00
1995 / Farther India-East Indies / Bartholomew - Citizen's Atlas / 1901 / 18.00
2632 / Hong Kong Island - central district / Hoffman / c1970 / 5.00
2073 / India - industries and communications / Harmsworth / c1910 / 40.00
2506 / India - north west and The Pamirs / Harmsworth / c1910 / 35.00
2760 / India - Northern / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
2138 / India - physical and political / Newnes/Bartholomew (AT 9) / 1898 / 30.00
2780 / India - road map / Survey of India Office / 1942 / 40.00
2636 / India - south and Ceylon / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 18.00
2388 / India - southern part and Singapore / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
493 / India and Farther India / Times Atlas / 1922 / 40.00
2314 / India and Farther India / Times' Atlas / 1922 / 45.00
2690 / India or Hindustan / Combridge (AT58) / 1914 / 18.00
2563 / India, Pakistan and Ceylon / Johnston / c1955 / 5.00
2505 / Indian Empire - industries and comms / Harmsworth / c1910 / 35.00
2649 / Indian Ocean (rolled) / National Geographic / 1941 / 12.00
1996 / Japan / Stanford / c1900 / 30.00
1908 / Japan - industries / Harmsworth / c1910 / 25.00
1993 / Japan and Korea / Bartholomew - Citizen's Atlas / 1901 / 24.00
2657 / Japan and Korea / National Geographic / 1945 / 12.00
2615 / Malay Peninsular, Burma, Siam, etc / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 24.00
2914 / Malaysia and Indonesia / Harmsworth (AT 2) / c1910 / 24.00
1192 / New Zealand / Johnston - The Unrivalled Atlas / c1907 / 30.00
2415 / New Zealand / Stanford - Harrow Atlas (AT 49) / 1864 / 35.00
2274 / New Zealand - rolled / Bartholomew / 1942 / 15.00
2915 / Philippine Islands / Harmsworth (AT 2) / c1910 / 24.00
2351 / Queensland and New South Wales / BP/Esso / c1970 / 4.00
2798 / Russia in Asia (French) / Rollett / c1930 / 25.00
2667 / SE Asia - many holes / National Geographic / 1944 / 10.00
2693 / Siam and the Malay Archipelago / Combridge (AT58) / 1914 / 18.00
2546 / South Australia / Waterlow (AT 16) / 1927 / 18.00
2422 / USSR / Newnes / 1933 / 24.00
1735 / Aldershot / OS / 1965 / 6.00
1803 / Aldershot / OS / 1965 / 6.00
2495 / Aldershot District / Bartholomew / 1915 / 14.00
2614 / Banbury / OS / 1946 / 8.00
2830 / Banbury / OS / 1946 / 9.00
2565 / Banbury / OS / 1953 / 7.00
2698 / Berkshire, Bucks and Oxford / Black's / 1892 / 7.00
2898 / Bicester / OS / 1932 / 14.00
1741 / Bicester / OS - War Office / 1941 / 5.00
1593 / Brightwell and Sotwell - six inch - rolled / OS / 1932 / 15.00
2829 / Buckingham / OS / 1946 / 9.00
931 / Buckinghamshire / Creighton - Lewis / c1842 / 35.00
579 / Buckinghamshire - rolled / Bacon's / c1920 / 18.00
1850 / Chilterns / OS / 1945 / 9.00
2475 / Chilterns / OS / 1947 / 8.00
1706 / Chilterns / OS / 1961 / 5.00
2575 / Chilterns / OS / 1962 / 5.00
571 / East Hendred and Harwell - rolled / OS / 1931 / 15.00
1498 / Hampshire / Bacon / c1935 / 15.00
2872 / Hampshire / WH Smith / c1910 / 12.00
1109 / Henley on Thames / Home Publishing / c1965 / 12.00
1096 / Hertford and Bishops Stortford / OS / 1928 / 15.00
1253 / Hertford and Bishops Stortford / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
778 / Hertfordshire / Geographia / c1930 / 9.00
1262 / Herts and Bucks / Bartholomew / 1937 / 10.00
1785 / Herts and Bucks / Bartholomew / 1942 / 7.00
011 / Herts and Bucks / Bartholomew / 1957 / 7.00
986 / Herts and Bucks / Bartholomew / 1969 / 4.00
2225 / High Wycombe - rolled / OS / 1938 / 35.00
2056 / Highworth-Faringdon - rolled / OS / 1951 / 10.00
970 / Isle of Wight / OS / 1919 / 8.00
1516 / New Forest / Bartholomew / 1950 / 6.00
034 / New Forest / Bartholomew / 1951 / 7.00
2878 / New Forest / Bartholomew / 1961 / 6.00
2221 / New Forest - boarded / OS / 1966 / 35.00
547 / New Forest and Wight / Bartholomew / 1928 / 9.00
1110 / Newbury / Barnett / 1971 / 6.00
2857 / Oxford / Geographia / c1955
2795 / Oxford / OS / 1938 / 20.00
502 / Oxford / Bartholomew / 1941 / 7.00
2611 / Oxford / Bartholomew / 1948 / 8.00
1297 / Oxford / Bartholomew / 1951 / 6.00
2891 / Oxford / Bartholomew / 1956 / 9.00
845 / Oxford - city map / Alden and Co / 1962 / 20.00
2809 / Oxford - county / Greenwood-Walker / 1834 / 190.00
2133 / Oxford - guide book / Alden / 1901 / 20.00
1697 / Oxford - guide book / Alden / 1915 / 30.00
1407 / Oxford - guide book / Alden and Co / 1958 / 5.00
951 / Oxford - guide book / Alden and Co / 1959 / 4.00
2342 / Oxford - guide book - no map / Alden / 1892 / 10.00
2343 / Oxford - guide book - no map / Alden / 1921 / 12.00
1447 / Oxford - In Pictures - no map / Thames Valley Art/OUP / 1954 / 5.00
682 / Oxford - street map / Geographer's / c1960 / 35.00
2871 / Oxford - street plan / Alden / 1938 / 28.00
2859 / Oxford - street plan / Alden / 1963 / 12.00
2040 / Oxford and Buckingham / Philips / c1885 / 20.00
2835 / Oxford and Cambridge - city plans / Lowry Weekly Dispatch / 1863 / 70.00
2794 / Oxford and Henley on Thames / OS / 1931 / 15.00
1881 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1947 / 8.00
2796 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1948 / 9.00
2492 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1951 / 9.00
2590 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1951 / 9.00
979 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1962 / 5.00
2242 / Oxford and Newbury / OS / 1962 / 7.00
2300 / Oxford Guide / Alden's / 1922 / 30.00
2301 / Oxford Guide / Alden's / 1929 / 30.00
2861 / Oxford Guide Book - no map / Alden / 1963 / 5.00
1227 / Oxfordshire / Chapman & Hall / c1850 / 25.00
2786 / Oxfordshire / Grosse / 1795 / 35.00
2802 / Oxfordshire / Bacon / 1926 / 45.00
2259 / Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire / Philip's / c1885 / 20.00
2446 / Oxford-Witney - geological - rolled / OS / 1962 / 35.00
783 / Portsmouth / Bartholomew / 1903 / 20.00
2380 / Portsmouth, Portsea, Spithead / Fullartton / c1870 / 8.00
2185 / Reading and Henley on Thames - geological / OS / 1946 / 50.00
2479 / Solent / OS / 1946 / 8.00
2583 / Solent / OS / 1947 / 8.00
296 / Solent / OS / 1963 / 5.00
2890 / Southampton, Portsmouth and IoW / OS / 1928 / 14.00
1590 / Steventon and Milton - six inch - rolled / OS / 1932 / 15.00
1164 / Winchester / OS / 1945 / 9.00
1843 / Winchester / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2491 / Winchester / OS / 1949 / 8.00
2369 / Windsor / OS / 1923 / 12.00
2288 / Windsor / OS / 1928 / 14.00
2447 / Windsor - geological - rolled / OS / 1969 / 30.00
2352 / Windsor (rolled) / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
276 / Bedford and Hertford / Bartholomew / 1924 / 8.00
2785 / Bedford and Luton / OS / 1963 / 5.00
1817 / Bury St Edmunds / OS / 1968 / 5.00
1510 / Cambridge / OS - War Office / 1940 / 10.00
2831 / Cambridge and Ely / OS / 1946 / 8.00
759 / Cambridge and Ely / OS / 1947 / 8.00
1170 / Cambridge and Ely / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2269 / Cambridgeshire - geological / Thomas/OS / 1904 / 20.00
2354 / Chingford, Loughton and Chigwell (rolled) / OS / 1938 / 40.00
668 / Colchester / OS / 1914 / 10.00
754 / Colchester / OS / 1949 / 4.00
1167 / Colchester / OS / 1949 / 8.00
1594 / Ely - six inch - rolled / OS / 1927 / 12.00
057 / Essex / Bartholomew / 1924 / 12.00
1257 / Essex / Bartholomew / 1939 / 7.00
501 / Essex / Bartholomew / 1949 / 7.00
757 / Fakenham / OS / 1946 / 7.00
2823 / Fakenham / OS / 1946 / 8.00
791 / Huntingdon and Cambridge, etc / Bartholomew / c1910 / 12.00
173 / Huntingdon and Cambs / Bartholomew / 1913 / 8.00
2825 / Huntingdon and Peterborough / OS / 1954 / 7.00
740 / Huntingdon and Peterborough / OS / 1964 / 6.00
988 / Ipswich / OS / 1946 / 8.00
1168 / Ipswich / OS / 1946 / 9.00
2719 / Ipswich / OS / 1963 / 6.00
2720 / Ipswich / OS / 1963 / 6.00
2812 / King's Lynn / OS / 1954 / 7.00
756 / Lowestoft / OS / 1947 / 7.00
969 / Lowestoft and Waveney Valley / OS / 1921 / 14.00
672 / Luton / OS / 1929 / 10.00
1922 / Norfolk / Bartholomew / c1910 / 12.00
135 / Norfolk / Bartholomew / 1959 / 5.00
1273 / Norfolk / Bartholomew / 1962 / 6.00
1952 / Norfolk and Suffolk - rivers and broads / Jarrold / c1935 / 30.00
2267 / Norfolk Broads / Hoseason's / c1970 / 6.00
1029 / Norfolk Broads and Rivers / Esso-Stanford / c1947 / 4.00
2117 / Norwich / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 15.00
2824 / Norwich / OS / 1945 / 8.00
1868 / Norwich / OS / 1960 / 6.00
1595 / Peterborough - six inch - rolled / OS / 1927 / 12.00
2599 / Peterborough and Boston / OS / 1914 / 14.00
1596 / Peterborough North - six inch - rolled / OS / 1927 / 15.00
755 / Saffron Walden / OS / 1946 / 7.00
1169 / Saffron Walden / OS / 1946 / 8.00
267 / Southend and District / OS / 1921 / 12.00
596 / Southend and District / OS / 1921 / 14.00
1250 / Southend on Sea / OS - War Office / 1941 / 6.00
752 / Southend -on-Sea / OS / 1952 / 8.00
1923 / Suffolk / Bartholomew / c1910 / 12.00
533 / Amsterdam / Unknown / c1960 / 4.00
2727 / Amsterdam and Brussels / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 5.00
2552 / Austro-Hungarian Monarchy / Chambers / c1900 / 18.00
1814 / Balkan States - peoples / Unknown / c1925 / 8.00
1617 / Balkan States - rolled / Bergelin (French) / c1920 / 18.00
1529 / Berne (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1941 / 9.00
1617 / Central Europe - French / Leconte et Guilmin / c1941 / 10.00
1533 / Chartres (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1534 / Cherbourg (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1537 / Dijon (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1941 / 9.00
1937 / Dublin (rolled) / OS / 1950 / 25.00
1755 / Dublin and Environs / Bartholomew / 1882 / 10.00
1538 / Erfurt (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1938 / 9.00
1539 / Essen (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
2433 / Europe / Chambers / c1900 / 18.00
2484 / Europe / Jackson / 1853 / 20.00
2085 / Europe / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 35.00
2048 / Europe / Encyclopedia Britannica / 1903 / 25.00
2403 / Europe / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 7.00
1902 / Europe - before and after Great War / Newnes / 1933 / 15.00
2550 / Europe - central - industrial / Newnes/Bartholomew (AT 47) / 1907 / 40.00
1649 / Europe - economic / Bartholomew - Oxford Advanced / 1942 / 14.00
1648 / Europe - ethnography / Bartholomew - Oxford Advanced / 1942 / 25.00
2436 / Europe - from 9th century to Napoleon / Chambers / c1900 / 18.00
819 / Europe - geological / Philips / 1948 / 24.00
1644 / Europe - morphology / Bartholomew - Oxford Advanced / 1942 / 14.00
2752 / Europe - on board / Bartholomew / 1984 / 45.00
2129 / Europe - political / Philip's / 1920 / 20.00
1671 / Europe - political / Philips-Goodhall and Darby / 1948 / 12.00
2077 / Europe - population / Oxford Atlas / 1957 / 30.00
2329 / Europe - principal railways / Philips / 1971 / 22.00
2355 / Europe (rolled) / National Geographic / 1962 / 6.00
1445 / Europe NW - All in One War Map / Geographer's / c1950 / 15.00
1540 / Firenze / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1541 / Flensburg (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1936 / 9.00
2409 / France / Stanford - Harrow Atlas (AT 49) / 1864 / 35.00
1093 / France - north and Belgium / Gaille-Monroeq / c1960 / 5.00
864 / France and Paris - three maps / Michelin / c2000 / 5.00
2737 / France and Switzerland / Johnston (AT 17) / c1870 / 20.00
2082 / Gallia, Britannia, Germania / Reimer/Kiepert / 1898 / 40.00
2394 / German Empire / Newnes/Bartholomew (AT 9) / 1898 / 35.00
1629 / German Empire - west / Weller-Blackie / 1882 / 40.00
2435 / Germany / Chambers / c1900 / 18.00
2420 / Germany / Philips / 1921 / 18.00
2585 / Germany - 1937 borders, 1946 occupation / GSGS / 1946 / 24.00
2224 / Germany and Europe - railway maps (2) / DB / 1970s / 5.00
2661 / Germany and Its Approaches / National Geographic / 1944 / 20.00
2234 / Germany, Poland, Czech / Weinreb (French) / c1943 / 24.00
2729 / Gibraltar and Madrid / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 5.00
2261 / Greece and the Archipelago / Bartholomew / c1900 / 28.00
1543 / Groningen / GSGS/War Office / 1943 / 9.00
1544 / Groningen (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1936 / 9.00
1546 / Hamburg (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1943 / 9.00
2024 / Ireland / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 40.00
2083 / Ireland / Newnes / 1933 / 20.00
1667 / Ireland / Philips-Goodhall and Darby / 1948 / 30.00
2371 / Ireland - double sided / Bacon / c1935 / 12.00
941 / Ireland - railways and LMS connections / Bartholomew / c1930 / 18.00
2001 / Italy / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 30.00
2540 / Italy / OUP/Bartholomew (AT 27) / 1942 / 18.00
2143 / Italy - central and southern / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 24.00
1548 / Kassel (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
1082 / Kilkenny, Wexford, Cork / Bartholomew / 1929 / 5.00
1552 / Kolberg / GSGS/War Office / 1938 / 9.00
1553 / Le Harvre / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1557 / Lille / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1558 / Lubeck (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
1561 / Magdeburg / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
2917 / Malta, Channel Islands, Crete / W & AK Johnston (AT64) / 1899 / 15.00
1562 / Mannheim / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
1985 / Mediterranean - Italy, Balkans… / Daily Express/Philips / 1940 / 10.00
2644 / Mediterranean Sea / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 45.00
1563 / Munchen / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1571 / Nantes / GSGS/War Office / 1941 / 9.00
1618 / Netherlands, Belg and Lux (rolled) / Girard and Barrere / c1975 / 18.00
2142 / Northern Italy / Harmsworth / c1910 / 28.00
905 / Norway and Sweden / Bacon / 1905 / 35.00
1566 / Nurnberg (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
1569 / Osnabruck / GSGS/War Office / 1936 / 9.00
1570 / Osnabruck / GSGS/War Office / 1936 / 9.00
1567 / Osnabruck (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1936 / 9.00
1573 / Ostend / GSGS/War Office / 1939 / 9.00
1574 / Ostend / GSGS/War Office / 1939 / 9.00
1575 / Paris / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1105 / Paris / British Army Welfare Services / 1944 / 12.00
1730 / Paris / AA / 1972 / 12.00
1441 / Paris - metro / Leconte / c1930 / 12.00
2272 / Paris - rolled / Le Conte / c1950 / 12.00
1682 / Poland / Harmsworth / c1920 / 24.00
2537 / Poland (East Prussia and Latvia) / Harmsworth / c1920 / 35.00
2384 / Railway maps - three - rolled / British Rail / c1975 / 18.00
1577 / Reims / GSGS/War Office / 1939 / 9.00
2687 / Religions of Europe / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 14.00
2081 / Roma Urbs / Reimer/Kiepert / 1898 / 40.00
2190 / Roma Urbs / Reimer/Kiepert / 1898 / 40.00
1578 / Rouen / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1579 / Rouen / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
2557 / Russia (in Europe) and Poland / Johnston (AT 17) / c1870 / 20.00
1632 / Russia and Balkans - French / La Rougery / 1942 / 35.00
2538 / Russia in Europe (including Poland) / Stanford - Harrow Atlas (AT 49) / 1864 / 35.00
1583 / Saarbrucken / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
1581 / Saarbrucken (rolled) / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
2556 / Spain and Portugal / Johnston (AT 17) / c1870 / 20.00
2419 / Spain and Portugal / Philips / 1921 / 18.00
1584 / St Dizier / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1585 / St Quentin / GSGS/War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1586 / Stettin / GSGS/War Office / 1938 / 9.00
1587 / Stralsund / GSGS/War Office / 1938 / 9.00
1588 / Strasbourg / GSGS/War Office / 1938 / 9.00
1589 / Stuttgart / GSGS/War Office / 1937 / 9.00
2555 / Sweden and Norway / Johnston (AT 17) / c1870 / 20.00
2507 / Turkey in Europe (Greece and Balkans) / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
927 / Western Europe / Bartholomew/AA / 1966 / 6.00
574 / Western Germany / London Geographical / 1944 / 25.00
1790 / Birmingham / Bartholomew / c1950 / 30.00
2122 / Birmingham / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 7.00
1508 / Birmingham / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
1740 / Birmingham / OS - War Office / 1942 / 9.00
477 / Birmingham / OS / 1962 / 25.00
787 / Birmingham - rolled / Bartholomew / 1916 / 25.00
1145 / Birmingham and District / Bartholomew / c1910 / 5.00
1897 / Boston / OS / 1922 / 12.00
458 / Boston and Skegness / OS / 1947 / 7.00
1865 / Burton on Trent / OS / 1962 / 6.00
513 / Burton Upon Trent / OS / 1953 / 12.00
2822 / Burton upon Trent / OS / 1953 / 7.00
898 / Buxton and Matlock / OS / 1947 / 7.00
1100 / Buxton and Matlock / OS / 1947 / 7.00
1856 / Buxton and Matlock / OS / 1967 / 6.00
1704 / Derby - map of the county borough / Bemrose / 1939 / 30.00
2477 / Derby and Leicester / OS / 1954 / 7.00
486 / Derby and Leicester / OS / 1956 / 7.00
1864 / Derby and Leicester / OS / 1962 / 6.00
1213 / Derby, Nottingham and Leicester / OS / 1946 / 9.00
1099 / Derby, Nottingham and Leicester / OS / 1948 / 9.00
1223 / Gainsborough / OS / 1947 / 9.00
1858 / Gainsborough / OS / 1962 / 6.00
479 / Grimsby / OS / 1955 / 7.00
465 / Hereford / Bartholomew / 1920 / 9.00
2283 / Hereford / OS / 1951 / 7.00
514 / Hereford / OS / 1952 / 5.00
732 / Hereford / OS / 1952 / 4.00
1753 / Hereford / OS - War Office / 1960 / 6.00
2842 / Hereford / OS / 1960 / 5.00
2848 / Hereford / OS / 1967 / 6.00
1739 / Kidderminster / OS - War Office / 1942 / 9.00
1173 / Kidderminster / OS / 1947 / 6.00
1117 / Lincoln and Grantham / OS / 1947 / 8.00
475 / Lincoln and Grantham / OS / 1954 / 7.00
911 / Lincoln and Grantham / OS / 1963 / 6.00
2598 / Lincoln and Grimsby / OS / 1914 / 14.00
210 / Lincoln Fens / Bartholomew / 1903 / 12.00
208 / Lincoln Wolds / Bartholomew / 1904 / 12.00
176 / Lincolnshire / Bartholomew / 1945 / 8.00
806 / Lincolnshire / Bartholomew / 1951 / 7.00
1597 / Long Eaton - six inch - rolled / OS / 1921 / 15.00
332 / North Midlands and Lincolnshire / OS / 1929 / 12.00
414 / North Shropshire / Bartholomew / 1942 / 5.00
1782 / North Shropshire / Bartholomew / 1960 / 10.00
1603 / North Staffordshire / OS / 1930 / 6.00
2897 / Northampton / OS / 1919 / 14.00
1031 / Northampton / OS / 1961 / 6.00
2612 / Northampton / OS / 1961 / 6.00
2912 / Northampton to Peterborough - river / Unknown / c1970 / 8.00
2051 / Northamptonshire / Archer/Dugdale / c1850 / 25.00
1772 / Nottingham / OS / 1921 / 10.00
1506 / Nottingham / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
2810 / Nottingham / OS / 1954 / 7.00
1928 / Nottingham - city plan / Geographia / c1960 / 30.00
2270 / Nottingham and District / Philip's/Saxton's / c1908 / 5.00
2899 / Rugby / OS / 1924 / 10.00
1743 / Rugby / OS - War Office / 1941 / 5.00
1916 / Shrewsbury / OS / 1953 / 4.00
453 / Spalding / OS / 1954 / 6.00
1867 / Spalding / OS / 1963 / 6.00
483 / Stafford / OS / 1953 / 7.00
2821 / Stafford / OS / 1953 / 7.00
897 / Stoke on Trent / OS / 1948 / 4.00
2820 / Stoke on Trent / OS / 1952 / 7.00
019 / Stoke on Trent / OS / 1962 / 6.00
2273 / Stratford on Avon - rolled / OS / 1919 / 12.00
365 / Vale of Severn / Bartholomew / 1946 / 6.00
415 / Vale of Trent / Bartholomew / 1942 / 7.00
507 / Vale of Trent / Bartholomew / 1961 / 6.00
2840 / Wolverhampton / Geographia / c1960 / 15.00
2839 / Worcester / OS / 1928 / 15.00
1742 / Worcester / OS - War Office / 1940 / 10.00
2559 / Afghanistan - Wars - 1838 to 1891 / Johnston (AT 53) / c1900 / 6.00
2629 / Ankara / Shell / c1970 / 6.00
2654 / Bible Lands - hole / National Geographic / 1938 / 12.00
2908 / Egypt and Palestine - antiquus / Kiepert/Reimer (AT5) / 1916 / 45.00
2630 / Istanbul / Shell / c1970 / 15.00
2141 / Jerusalem / Steimatzky / 1935 / 30.00
2533 / Jerusalem / Steimatzky / 1935 / 30.00
2623 / Kuwait, Oman and Damascus (three maps) / Various / c1965 / 12.00
2695 / Palestine / Combridge (AT58) / 1914 / 22.00
1012 / Palestine - Ancient / Harmsworth / c1923 / 12.00
2643 / Palestine and Sinai Peninsular / Phillips (AT 60) / c1900 / 45.00
2469 / Palestine and Syria / Gall and Inglis / c1850 / 40.00
2910 / Persia and Macedonia - antiquus / Kiepert/Reimer (AT5) / 1916 / 45.00
2865 / Persia and the Afghan Frontier / Harmsworth-Phillips / c1910 / 45.00
2852 / Persia, Afghanistan and Baluchistan / Combridge (AT58) / 1914 / 22.00
2918 / South Western Asia / Philip (AT60) / c1900 / 45.00
2325 / SW Asia, the Nile and Palestine / Philips (AT 45) / c1925 / 16.00
2326 / SW Asia, the Nile and Palestine / Odhams / c1935 / 22.00
2437 / SW Asia, the Nile and Palestine / Philips / 1929 / 22.00
2470 / Syria Antiqua and Palestina / Gall and Inglis / c1850 / 40.00
2140 / Tel Aviv and Jaffa / Steimatzky / 1935 / 25.00
2389 / Turkey in Asia - Arabia and Palestine / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
2510 / Turkey in Asia (and Syria/Lebanon) / Encyclopaedia Britannica (AT 41) / 1903 / 28.00
2427 / Turkey in Asia, Persia and Arabia / Newnes/Bartholomew / 1898 / 35.00
2735 / Western Asia / Bartholomew (AT 11) / 1957 / 8.00
895 / Askrigg and Settle / OS / 1947 / 8.00
2814 / Barrow in Furness / OS / 1955 / 7.00
717 / Barrow-in-Furness / OS / 1955 / 7.00
1943 / Berwick upon Tweed / OS / 1960 / 6.00
1300 / Bishop Auckland and Sedburgh / Cruchley - Gall and Inglis / c1910 / 12.00
1503 / Blackburn / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
894 / Blackburn and Burnley / OS / 1950 / 9.00
2816 / Blackburn and Burnley / OS / 1953 / 7.00
1055 / Blackburn and Burnley / OS / 1967 / 5.00
2089 / Blackpool and Lytham St Annes / Geographia / c1960 / 20.00
2036 / Carlisle / OS / 1963 / 6.00
2271 / Cheshire / Bacon's / c1910 / 4.00
830 / Cheshire / Bartholomew / 1920 / 12.00
344 / Chester / OS / 1927 / 12.00
2819 / Chester / OS / 1952 / 7.00
104 / Chester / OS / 1957 / 7.00
1225 / Chester / OS / 1966 / 6.00
2443 / Chester - city and cathedral / Muirhead/Bartholomew (AT 50) / 1924 / 9.00
1745 / Cumberland / Bartholomew / 1917 / 12.00
2605 / Cumberland / Bartholomew / 1933 / 7.00
2095 / Darlington / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
1505 / Doncaster / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
1859 / Doncaster / OS / 1964 / 6.00
338 / Durham / Bartholomew / 1918 / 12.00
1149 / Durham / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2813 / Durham / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2894 / English Lakes / Bartholomew / 1947 / 10.00
2880 / English Lakes / Bartholomew / 1959 / 10.00
2119 / Hartlepool and Whitby / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 15.00
1939 / Hexham / OS / 1956 / 6.00
2782 / Hexham / OS / 1964 / 6.00
2268 / Huddersfield / Geographia / c1970 / 6.00
1477 / Huddersfield / OS / 1954 / 12.00
1860 / Huddersfield / OS / 1966 / 6.00
2118 / Hull / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 15.00
1512 / Isle of Man / OS - War Office / 1940 / 12.00
1773 / Kirkby Lonsdale and Hawes / OS / 1928 / 12.00
1620 / Kirkby Stephen and Appleby / OS / 1925 / 12.00
2697 / Lake District / Black's / 1892 / 7.00
2867 / Lake District / OS / 1929 / 10.00
2892 / Lake District / Bartholomew / 1939 / 8.00
2875 / Lake District / Bartholomew / 1947 / 10.00
1294 / Lake District / Bartholomew / 1952 / 12.00
2901 / Lake District / OS / 1960 / 8.00
1749 / Lake District / Bartholomew / 1970 / 5.00
2608 / Lancaster and Barrow / OS / 1925 / 10.00
834 / Lancaster and Kendal / OS / 1947 / 8.00
2090 / Leeds / Geographia / c1960 / 30.00
2112 / Leeds / Bartholomew / c1860 / 25.00
1094 / Leeds and Bradford / OS / 1935 / 9.00
1050 / Leeds and Bradford / OS / 1961 / 6.00
1069 / Leeds and Bradford / OS - MOD / 1966 / 5.00
2397 / Liverpool / Muirhead/Bartholomew (AT 50) / 1924 / 9.00
352 / Liverpool / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2817 / Liverpool / OS / 1952 / 8.00
1862 / Liverpool / OS / 1966 / 6.00
2328 / Liverpool - city plan / Bartholomew / 1926 / 20.00
2298 / Liverpool - estuaries of Mersey and Dee / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 14.00
2452 / Liverpool - street plan / Geographia / c1965 / 8.00
439 / Liverpool, Manchester and Environs / Bartholomew - Royal Atlas / 1891 / 25.00
2124 / Manchester / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 30.00
2818 / Manchester / OS / 1953 / 8.00
1298 / Manchester - city plan / Geographia / c1910 / 35.00
1924 / Manchester - city plan / Geographia / c1950 / 15.00
1288 / Manchester - city plan - rolled / Geographia / c1910 / 25.00
849 / Market Weighton / OS / 1955 / 7.00
1490 / Market Weighton / OS / 1960 / 14.00
552 / Merseyside / Bartholomew / 1937 / 8.00
2216 / Merseyside / Bartholomew / 1940 / 9.00
335 / Merseyside / Bartholomew / 1957 / 6.00
1746 / Middlesboro, Richmond and Ripon / OS / 1929 / 14.00
2120 / Mouth of the River Tyne / Fullarton/Bartholomew / c1870 / 15.00
2131 / Newcastle upon Tyne / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
1296 / Newcastle upon Tyne / OS / 1947 / 9.00
2811 / Newcastle upon Tyne / OS / 1953 / 7.00
710 / North East England / OS - War Office / 1966 / 5.00
206 / North Lancashire / Bartholomew / 1904 / 12.00
1474 / North Lancashire / Bartholomew / 1950 / 20.00
828 / North Lancashire and Isle of Man / Bartholomew / 1927 / 12.00
2604 / North Lancashire and Isle of Man / Bartholomew / 1934 / 6.00
468 / North of England - orographical / Bartholomew / 1891 / 18.00
1947 / North West town and city plans / OS / 1935 / 15.00
1471 / North Yorks Coast / Bartholomew / 1951 / 6.00
2217 / North Yorks Coast / Bartholomew / 1955 / 6.00
2408 / North Yorks Coast / Bartholomew / 1960 / 6.00
1309 / Penrith / OS / 1947 / 8.00
143 / Penrith / OS / 1961 / 6.00
2249 / Pickering / OS / 1955 / 7.00
360 / Preston / OS / 1948 / 7.00
1172 / Preston / OS / 1948 / 9.00
2815 / Preston / OS / 1954 / 7.00
1504 / Preston, Southport and Blackpool / OS - War Office / 1940 / 6.00
145 / Ribblesdale / OS / 1924 / 12.00
1148 / Ripon / OS / 1948 / 9.00
1047 / Ripon / OS / 1962 / 6.00
763 / Ripon and Northallerton / OS / 1925 / 14.00
116 / Scarborough / OS / 1963 / 6.00
239 / South Yorkshire and Humberside / Bartholomew / 1952 / 7.00
418 / Teesdale / Bartholomew / 1932 / 7.00
136 / Teesdale / Bartholomew / 1956 / 7.00
2784 / Teesdale / OS / 1964 / 6.00
326 / Teeside / Bartholomew / 1960 / 6.00
1900 / Tyneside / Bartholomew / 1950 / 9.00
389 / Wensleydale / OS / 1961 / 5.00
374 / Wensleydale / OS / 1967 / 5.00
661 / Wharefdale / Bartholomew / 1938 / 10.00
1938 / York / OS / 1947 / 8.00
2783 / York / OS / 1960 / 6.00
1936 / York and Scarborough / Bartholomew / c1910 / 14.00
2215 / Argyll / Bartholomew / 1934 / 8.00
1420 / Argyll / Bartholomew / 1947 / 8.00
264 / Argyll / Bartholomew / 1950 / 8.00
1418 / Arisaig and Lochaber / Bartholomew / 1948 / 8.00
2680 / Arisaig and Lochaber / Bartholomew / 1961 / 5.00
400 / Ayr and Clydesdale / Bartholomew / 1922 / 10.00
1434 / Ballaater / OS / 1958 / 6.00
1307 / Banff / OS / 1964 / 6.00
1494 / Ben Nevis and Fort William / OS / 1928 / 12.00
1030 / Braemar / OS / 1961 / 6.00
384 / Braemar and Blair Atholl / Bartholomew / 1917 / 8.00
623 / Buchan and Strathbogie / Bartholomew / 1946 / 8.00
1456 / Caledonian Canal / Bartholomew / c1910 / 6.00
2016 / Caledonian Canal / Bartholomew / c1910 / 14.00
807 / Cape Wrath / Bartholomew / 1947 / 3.00
160 / Cape Wrath / Bartholomew / 1962 / 8.00
762 / Central Perthshire / Bartholomew / 1919 / 12.00
2613 / Cheviot Hills / OS / 1946 / 8.00