1.1 Company Name1.2 Fluid Code
1.3 ISO Grade
1.4 Additive(s) Identification and % wt
1.4.1 % Perf. Pack.
1.4.2 % Viscosity Modifier (V.I.I.)
1.4.3 % Other (Foam Inhibitor, PPD, and so on ..)
1.5 Base Stock Identification (Manufacturer and Grade).
1.6 API Group (i.e.: I, II, III, IV or V)
1.7 ISO Classification (ISO 6743-4) (HM, HV, other)
Parker HF- . / Parker HF- . / Parker HF- .
2. FINISHED OIL / Approved (1) / Approved (2) / CANDIDATE
2.1 Fluid Code
2.2 Additive Package Name
2.3 Treat Rate, % wt
2.4 KV 40C / ASTM D445
2.5 KV 100C / ASTM D445
2.6 Viscosity Index / ASTM D2270
2.7 Volatility / CEC-L-40-A-93
2.8 Antifoam, % wt
2.9 Pour Point Depressant, % wt
2.10 Viscosity Index Improver, % wt
2.11 Denison HF- . Approval Date
2.12 Approval Number
Base Oil Blend
/ Base Oil Blend / Base Oil Blend inApproved (1) / Approved (2) / CANDIDATE
3.1 API Group
3.2 Base Oil Type / Name
Number N
% N
3.3 KV 40C / ASTM D445
3.4 KV 100C / ASTM D445
3.5 Viscosity Index / ASTM D2270
3.6 Volatility / CEC-L-40-A-93
3.7 Nitrogen, % wt ASTM D5762 or D4629
3.8 SULPHUR, % wt / see (*)
3.9 Hydrocarbon Analysis I.R.Analysis Brandes Method
3.9.1 Paraffinic, % wt (Ca)
3.9.2 Napthenic, % wt (Cp)
3.9.3 Aromatic, % wt (Cn)
3.10 SATURATES, % wt / ASTM D 2007
(* ) : ASTM D 2622 or D 4294 or D 4927 or D 3120.
4. NOTES Base oils read
4.1 Needed standard TP-30560 across
4.2 Monograde Base Oils Read Across. "x": 1 or 2 or 3 API group.
Read across group "x": 2 Complete Approvals of group "x" with same additive package & same % (+/- 10%).
4.3 Multigrade Base Oils Read Across. Same as Monograde Oils with : same VI improver & same % (+/-10%).
Shear test KRL from TP-30560 (viscosity loss no more than the poorer of the two approvals).
4.4 Viscosity Modifier Read Across. Same base oils with same neutral % with same additive package & same % (+/-10%).
Shear test KRL from TP-30560 always <= 15%.
4.5 Only one parameter (base oil OR VM) can change to do the read across.
4.6 This candidate can NOT be used for any future read across approval.