October 2012 Curriculum Committee

October 16, 2012

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Committee Members:

Barbara Eackley-Troudt, Jessica Edington, Jaylene Evans, Kathy Frisbie, Carol Kuper, Betty McKie, Brad Parker, KC Sailsbery, Todd Schneider, Doug Smith


Kent Bauer, Beth Carpenter, Connie Mese

Please read:The attached program/course entries for this month, or review them directly in Wufoo

(BOLD=In Attendance)


Committee Business

/ Committee members
Welcome Doug Smith, new faculty representative
Committee emails

Prior Business

/ Reviewed previous minutes and approved
Assessment statements for syllabi for Spring 2013
Discussion was held on the upcoming assessment/common outcomes that will soon be required. Betty McKie indicated that MCC Assessment Team will be attending meetings and will work up a statement for MCC faculty to use in syllabi. We will be assessing five common student learning outcomes. More to come.
EMT/AEMT Program Layouts and EMT 170 course questions
Kathy Frisbie spoke as Division Chair for Don Enninga on the EMS 170 issue and indicated that EMT 170 remains part of the certificate. She provided a new program layout for the EMT/AEMT Program. Jessica Edington will switch the new layout with the previous one submitted in the WUFOO program.
TABLED - Associate of Science in Agriculture – new layout?
Layout submitted was still unclear. Jaylene will send it back to Kelly Overturf for clarification. Jaylene will be attending a meeting next Monday in which there may be a statewide agreement for the same program, so this may be redundant with that program.
AGE 102 – resubmitted
TABLED - PHI 115 & 116 World Religions-West/East –requested to be added as electives to AA degree. Submitted in error. Not needed as both courses were previously approved as electives for the AA.

Program Entries

/ APPROVED CHANGE -Medical Office Assistant C
Changing program: MOT 181 left in Medical Office Assistant. Taking Internship out of AAS degree since it isn’t part of Certificate. Capstone experience dependent on student placement. Program credits changed from 61-60 credits (pending CCCS approval.) Practicum changed to summer instead of spring to get higher quality placements. Include this information in the catalog verbiage. Changing to summer is better because malpractice insurance rules which means students only have to purchase it once instead of twice. Another course switched: Insurance Billing and Coding is changing to spring from fall.
Discontinued Programs due to little or no enrollment:
(All exclusive courses are being deleted in course section below)
APPROVEDDELETION- Dairy Management Certificate D
APPROVED DELETION -Hospitality Management D
-This applies to the Certificate and the AAS (the entire program)

Course Entries

/ APPROVEDADDITION - AGE 102 Agriculture Economics: SS1A
These courses are being deleted because of discontinuation of the Dairy Management Certificate:
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 148 Cattle Reproduction Lab D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 147 Practical Cattle reproduction D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 150 Dairy Production D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 180 Production Ag InternshipD
APPROVEDDELETION - ASC 120 Dairy Cattle Evaluation D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 146 Artificial Insemination Management – Cattle D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 151 Dairy Herd Management Lab I D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 153 Dairy Parlor Management D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 219 Breeding Systems: Dairy D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 250 Dairy Nutrition D
APPROVEDDELETION - AGP 280 Production Ag Internship II D
DISAPPROVED/REMOVED FROM SUBMISSION - PHI 115 & 116 World Religions – East & West A requested added as an electives to the AA degree, however, they are already in the electives list of approved courses in the catalog. Future submissions/questions will go through Division Chair so these can be ‘caught’ before reaching the committee.
APPROVED ADDITION - HWE 110 Fitness Conditioning and Wellness A
These courses are being deleted because of the discontinuation of the Hospitality Management program:
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 105 Intro to Mgmt. in the Hospitality Industry D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 131 Planning for Special Events D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 139 Housekeeping Management D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 140 Front Office Procedures D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 142 Energy & Water Management D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 221 Basic Hotel and Restaurant Accounting D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 249 Purchasing & Menu Planning D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 246 Marketing Hospitality Services D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 250 Food, Beverage and Labor Cost Control D
APPROVED DELETION - HOS 255 Hospitality HR Management D
APPROVED DELETION - MOT 181 Administration Internship D

Other Information

/ Center Questions and Information Sharing
Centers are to be kept informed about Curriculum Committee actions by continuing being inclusion in the email distribution of the committee agendas and minutes. It is important that Centers review Committee items as they offer a variety of courses and programs in their areas.
Questions Center personnel may have about program layouts, course offerings, course inclusions/exclusions/additions/deletions/advising should be referred to the appropriate Division Chairs who are the area experts and can be certain the Centers get the full and most current information.
Division Chairs will share a WUFOO Account for editing purposes
Editing/corrections need to occur before meeting (not during the meeting.) Jessica will require items be in one week before meeting or will have to wait until the next meeting.
Articulation for Elementary Education at Metro State
Metro has finally designated what course (HWE 101) can be used to make up the missing 1 credit
November 1 Catalog Addendum: Kent reminded everyone to be sure to get any catalog addendum items (including non-curriculum items) in to Beth, Cathie, or Connie (via Catalog Change form available on the portal) by October 31st, since the addendum will come out on November 1st.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, November 20th – Cottonwood 101 @ 4:00pm