Unit 2: “Our Awesome God Revered” (A study of selected Psalms)


Sunday School Lesson No. VIII

October 24, 2010

Rev. Frank A. Davis, III


Lesson Text: Psalm 47:1-9

Required Reading: Psalm 47; II Kings 18 – 19

Motto Text: Psalm 47:6-7, “Sing praises to

God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For

God is the King of all the earth:

sing ye praises with under-


Reliable Resources: Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Standard Lesson Commentary; Precepts for Living (UMI Publishing); Notes and Out- lines on the Psalms (Thru the Bible Commentary) by Dr. J. Ver-

non McGee; Libronix Digital Li- brary System; God, I Need Some Answers (Dr. David Jeremiah)


History is filled with those who had ideas of greatness and grandeur. From the portals of heaven’s glory to the fertile lands of modern day annexations, men and women have sought to rule and exercise authority over each other. Satan stepped up to the plate (Isaiah 14:11-14) but failed to usurp the authority of Jehovah in Heaven, and was banished with all his emissaries. Cain desired to rule over himself by not worshipping God in the way He prescribed and was cast out into the world as a vagabond (Genesis 4). But praise the Lord for the Excellency of Jehovah’s sovereign authority overall nations. There is no king, potentate, dictator or leader that can fill His shoes and exercise His awesome authority over all nations!

The sacred writers called the sons of Korah had penned a selection of Psalms (42-48) that speak of the “prophetic pictures of Israel in the last days.” (McGee). But I would like to reflect upon their historical as well as present-day significance. Let us again remember Psalm 46 and add 47 and 48, for they look back to Judah’s deliverance from the Assyrian empire and demonstrate God’s awesome authority over the power and might of earthly kings and their feeble authority! (Please take the time to stop here and read II Kings 18 – 19). Now let us focus on Psalm 47 and note in the words of the Psalmist, “The Authority of our Awesome God over all Nations.”

Anticipated Power Points:

·  The Sovereignty of our Awesome God! Psalm 47:1-4

·  The Sounds that Honor our Awesome God! Psalm 47:5-7

·  The Seat of our Awesome God! Psalm 47:8-9


I. The Sovereignty of our Awesome God! Psalm 47:1-4

A. Recognition. vs. 1

The sons of Korah wrote this Psalm to recognize the awesomeness of Jehovah over all kings and earthly authorities. This portion of the psalm reminds us of times of celebration and coronation. Perhaps II Samuel 6:12-15 expresses this recognition at the return of the Ark of God by David. Surely one recognizes the sovereign awesomeness of God when reading Psalm 117.

B. Reverence. vss. 2-4

Surely the sovereignty of God should be reverenced. This reverence is expressed by His awesomeness and actions.

1. His awesomeness. vs. 2

He is terrible or awe-inspiring. (Read Psalm 76:12)

2. His assurance. vs. 3

This verse reflects on how Israel could depend on the Lord for deliverance in the past and even in the future. Malachi 3:6 tells us, “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” This verse also gives us as Christians that same assurance, as well as Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

3. His allotment. vs. 4

The psalmist reflects upon how Jehovah is to be reverenced because of His great provision. He divided the allotted lands to His people for a permanent inheritance, an inheritance that they did not labor for but was given to them solely by His grace and mercy. (Read Genesis 12:7; 13:14-15; 17:8). We also must take note that Israel will always be special in the eyes of Jehovah. The “excellency” spoken of in verse 4 speaks of a sense of pride that only Israel as a nation could sincerely boast because of their relationship with Jehovah!

II. The Sounds that Honor our Awesome God. Psalm 47:5-7

The Psalm writers now picture a great procession in which Jehovah is honored. Think of this and picture all nations standing in awe and making sounds of adoration. Three kinds of sounds are mentioned here.

A. Sound of a shout – an inspirational expression.

It is in response to who God is. “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord,” “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” In other words, a shout is an expression of recognition.

B. Sound of a trumpet – an inanimate sound that is made by an instrument.

The trumpet would sound the alarm or guide a people with directions. When the trumpet sounded, it called for a response from the people. God has sounded the trumpet that all may recognize His awesomeness.

C. Singing – There is no clearer way of expressing one’s knowledge of Jehovah than singing.

It is a most intelligible sound. In fact, the psalmist builds a constant crescendo of praise in the word “sing!”

1. “Sing praises to God”. vs. 6

2. “Sing praises unto our King”. vs. 6

3. “Sing praises because God is the King of all the earth.” vs. 7

This final singing of praises is the reason for it all. To sing with understanding, to really know Him to whom even the heathen should give honor unto and especially those who know Him intimately! (Notice the expressions of Psalms 95, 98 and 100 as you read them.) I Corinthians 14:15, “What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.”

Finally, the Authority of our Awesome God over all Nations is expressed in His seat…

III. The Seat of our Awesome God. Psalm 47:8-9

The rule of God is over all the universe from His throne or seat of holiness and total authority.

A. Verse 8a – He sits in authority over the heathen (nations who don’t know Him). Psalm 2:1-6

B. Verse 8b – He sits in authority over the Heavenly hosts. Isaiah 6:1

C. Verse 9 – He sits in authority receiving honor from all. Psalm 67:1-5


Beloved the authority of our awesome God is truly exercised over all nations, peoples and tongues. He is to be praised and worshipped with exceeding great joy! Psalm 150:6 closes out this lesson, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”



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LOOKING AHEAD: October 31, 2010 Psalm 63:1-11

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Rev. Frank A. Davis, III

Rev. Frank A. Davis, III

