SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of self-identify and self-awareness.

Skill progression A. Awareness of self through actions

Skill progression B. Awareness of self through emotional expressions and verbalizations

Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of self-identify and self-awareness.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Awareness of self through actions
/ Watches own hands / Watches own fingers / Uses mouthing, kicking, reaching and grasping to explore objects / Aware of effects of own actions versus others / Moves body to get desired object, and uses goal-directed actions with hands and fingers / Experiments with means-ends, actions-reactions, heights and distances, generalization of solutions
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Anticipates the results of actions with familiar toys or people / Uses trial-and-error to accomplish a goal (e.g., moves, shifts, rearranges, modifies) / Searches for needed objects to accomplish a task (bottle for baby doll) / Demonstrates play preferences and seeks out desired types of play, routines, interactions, food, etc. / Experiments with putting things together and taking them apart / Engages in pretend play, knows what different characters would say or do, understands it is pretend
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36- 42 months / 42 -48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Takes turns / Chooses challenging tasks and shows final results / Self-initiates, plans, and organizes problem solving without assistance / Uses imagination and diverse materials to create unique art, costumes, etc. / Shows someone how to do something through physical modeling / Creates elaborate socio-dramatic play scenarios, songs, stories, etc.
Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of self-identify and self-awareness.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Awareness of self through emotional expressions and verbalizations
/ Cries to express hunger, discomfort, pain or distress / Smiles at self in mirror / Imitates sounds made by adult / Responds to own name by turning to look / May kiss self in mirror / Tries to make adults laugh with antics
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Uses names of family members / Uses “my/mine” / Recognizes and names self and others in mirror / Describes self and body parts / Knows concept of and uses terms “his/hers” / Demonstrates categorical knowledge of self (age, sex, physical characteristics, good or bad behavior, skills)
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36- 42 months / 42 -48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Expresses feelings such as fear, anger, and affection / Knows own first and last name / Understands and uses terms for family relationships / Talks about rules for “do’s” and “don’ts” for self and others / Teaches someone how to do something with verbal directions / Uses language to explain, justify, and argue own actions and beliefs
Uses pronouns appropriately

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 2: Children express positive feelings about themselves and confidence in what they can do.

Skill progression A. Expresses and seeks out positive emotions about what they can do

Skill progression B. Expresses confidence in abilities and persistence toward goals

Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 2: Children express positive feelings about themselves and confidence in what they can do.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Expresses and seeks out positive emotions about what they can do
/ Smiles at interesting sensory stimuli / Smiles at desired object and becomes angry when it is taken away / Smiles at own actions and results / Derives pleasure from attaining goals (smiles and laughs) / Shows anticipation and excitement when causes expected result to occur / Chooses toys and people that elicit positive emotions
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Repeats actions known to get a positive response (i.e., “Shows off”) / Seeks adult’s praise when accomplishes a task / Communicates needs, wishes, feelings with words and gestures / Displays sense of pride in accomplishment (smiles and shows others, “Me do it”) / Talks about own body parts, functions, gender, and what he can do / Talks about what she “knows”
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Tells adult she wants to do things herself / Performs (e.g., songs, finger plays, and rhymes) / Describes what he likes about himself / Expresses own beliefs with conviction; states what she wants to “be” / Tells others how to do things, gives instructions / Believes he can do everything well
Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 2: Children express positive feelings about themselves and confidence in what they can do.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Expresses confidence and persistence
/ Stares at faces and surroundings for long periods of time / Repeats own pleasurable actions (kicking, waving arm) / Repeats newly learned activities / Persists to get a desired toy and explores for several minutes to learn characteristics / Becomes task-directed with objects and pokes, pushes and pulls to get a result / Persists to find the means to get the desired result and experiments with different options
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Persists in accomplishing complex tasks with support from adult / Pushes for autonomy and persists with tasks of moderate difficulty / Sets a standard to evaluate success of actions for self (what is good enough) / Looks at books, plays, or performs preferred actions independently for several minutes / Talks about what she “knows” and “thinks” about the world / Desires to do things by himself such as tearing, unwrapping and putting things together
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Talks about how to solve a problem while doing it (verbal mediation) / Prefers challenging tasks / Persists to combine things in unique ways to create imaginative representations / Self-initiates, plans, and organizes problem solving without assistance / Persists to create productions from clay, sand, paper, blocks, etc. / Creates own complex socio-dramatic play themes, scenarios, and props with great attention to detail

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 3: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults who are consistent and responsive to their needs.

Skill progression A. Attachment

Skill progression B. Separation

Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ESD Goal 3: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults who are consistent and responsive to their needs.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Attachment
/ Gazes into parent’s eyes;
begins to recognize family members / Shows physical excitement when parent comes into view / Calmed by familiar adult / “Woos” adult with sounds, smiles, gestures / Plays near adult / Explores face and body of adult
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Shares joint attention on an object with an adult and takes turns / Physically and verbally shows caring to an adult / Constantly demands adult’s attention, especially when the adult is busy / Desires to be held or sit on the adult’s lap, clingy at times / Actively participates in dressing and other activities of daily living with the adult / Demonstrates nurturing, caring, control in dramatic play
Shows concern toward adult’s distress
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36- 42 months / 42 -48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Attachment established / Attachment established / Attachment established / Attachment established / Attachment established / Attachment established
Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ESD Goal 3: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults who are consistent and responsive to their needs.
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
  1. Separation
/ No observable skills / No observable skills / Differentiates self and adult in mirror by looking and patting / Cries if adult leaves or stranger appears / Demonstrates separation distress and stranger anxiety / Moves away from adult, but maintains eye contact
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Resists control, says, “No.” ”Don’t”; throwstemper tantrum to get own way; moves away from adult / Separation anxiety peaks, vocalizes to an adult from a distance / Pushes for autonomy and exploration of environment, still needs to stay in touch with adult / Alternates between clinging and resistance to familiar adult / Demonstrates anger or excitement at adult separation and/or upon reunion after separation / Resists help; desires to do things independently, such as dressing, eating, etc.
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36- 42 months / 42 -48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Separation may still be stressful, calms with reassurance and distractions / Dramatic play may reflect separation or conflicts with adult (punishment of doll) / Adjusts to separation through interactions with others / Demonstrates little separation distress / No separation distress / Completely independent in self-care, wants to choose all clothing and activities
May argue with adult about what he is supposed to do / Becomes demanding and resists doing chores

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 4: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children.

Skill progression: Positive social interactions

Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ESD Goal 4: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children
Skill Progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Positive social interactions / Responds to different facial expressions of others and imitates simple expressions / Looks at and touches others / Responds with enthusiasm to familiar social games with siblings / Attempts to get the attention of other children with vocalizations and actions / Approaches other infants / Offers a child a toy; toy play becomes the center of social interaction with peers
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Demonstrates parallel object play with another child (plays with same or similar toys, but not with another child) / Spontaneously shares toys, food, etc. with others, but conflict over toys is common; imitates peers actions / Shows a preference for play with a peer over an adult; demonstrates cooperative play with large outdoor equipment / Demonstrates pretend play directed toward others (at child’s own initiation); may offer cup or pretend food / Engages in pretend parallel play; talks about how others feel / Demonstrates role of both a leader and a follower with peers; shares toys, helps others, talks to peers, cooperates in games, imitates actions
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Language and actions are increasingly coordinated with joint discussion of actions, descriptions, and regulation of play; words begin to serve as turns in games / Demonstrates associative play (playing together with same materials, but not with same goals); imitates actions and incorporates others’ ideas in play sequences / Silly boisterous play with peers; demonstrates preference for play partners / Preference for same sex peers; engages in cooperative play; forms attachments to specific peers; attempts to solve conflicts independently / Establishes special friendships that last over time; demonstrates cooperative, coordinated socio-dramatic play / Carries on long conversations with friends related to a wide range of topics; plans complex activities with friends

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.

Skill progression A. Social awareness and conscience

Skill progression B. Behavioral regulation

Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.
  1. Social awareness and conscience
/ 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Focuses on facesand stares intently / Looks at speaker when spoken to / Aware of effects of own actions versus others’ actions / Demonstrates intentional two-way communication or turn taking / Responds differently to different people / Determines what is approved or not safethrough social referencing
Vocalizes to get attention / Desires approval
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Looks to adult before doing something out-of-bounds / Shows awareness of adult’s wishes and expectations / Beginning to respond to others feelings / Attempts to control others by telling them what to do / Demonstrates roles of both a leader and a follower in different activities / Cooperates in games with others
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Imitates peers and involves them in activities / Seeks praise for good behavior / Participates in small group activities / Interacts with friends in a cooperative matter / Uses words to try to solve conflicts with friends / Feels the importance of being accepted by friends
Subdomain: Developing a Sense of Self
ESD Goal 5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.
  1. Behavioral regulation
/ 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Responds positively to the quieting voice
of an adult / Demonstrates self-soothing and self-rousing behaviors / Stops crying when people talk to him / Begins to learn behavioral implications of own and others’ actions / Follows simple commands
(“Give me…”) / Obeys requests
Looks to adult to see if he is in trouble / Aware of own actions and implications
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Understands simple “right” and “wrong” / Uses conscience-like words (e.g., “no,” “don’t”) before doing something out of bounds / Follows single-step directions / Delays gratification for a short time / Shows remorse / Knows simple rules of the family (e.g.,” pick up toys when done playing”)
Shows guilt when reprimanded / Uses objects to calm self
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Follows rules part of the time / Tries to “right” a “wrong,” or fix a situation / Shows self-control with wrongdoing / Gains more control of intense feelings like anger, but still needs adult guidance / Recognizes rules and complies most of the time / Demonstrates a strong sense of right and wrong for self and others

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 6: Children identify, manage, and express their feelings.

Skill progression A. Emotional expression

Skill progression B. Self-control

Subdomain: Learning About Feelings
ESD Goal 6: Children identify, manage, and express their feelings.
  1. Emotional expression
/ 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Demonstrates a range of basic emotions, including interest, distress, disgust / Smiles with joy in face-to-face interaction / Demonstrates emotions by making sounds of pleasure and displeasure combined with facial expressions / Demonstrates a variety of emotions, including sadness, anger, disgust, worry, fear, and curiosity / Emotions expand to include surprise, shyness, fear of strangers, and intense concentration during problem solving / Demonstrates social referencing by looking to adult to see how she should feel
Objects when play is interrupted with negative vocalizations and facial expressions / Demonstrates anger and wariness
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Demonstrates recognition that his action was not acceptable (showing guilt) / Demonstrates exaggerated facial expression as a game to get a response from an adult / Demonstratesembarrassment and pride, smiles when engaged in a joint activity with adult / Talks about emotions (happy, mad) and states (tired, hungry) / Extensive emotional vocabulary, but still may hit or bite to express anger or frustration / Produces complex (but subtle) facial expressions, depicting doubt, worry, confusion, exhilaration, and joy
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Talks about the emotions of others and the cause of their emotions / Talks about past and future feelings as well as the causes and consequences of feelings / Full range of emotions evident including envy, pity, modesty, and shame / Exhibits jealousy and anger at others, but also shows silliness to get others to laugh / Recognizes that all feelings are acceptable, but not all behaviors are acceptable / Feelings easily “hurt” by others saying or doing something that offends him
Subdomain: Learning About Feelings
ESD Goal 6: Children identify, manage, and express their feelings.
B. Self-control / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Calms with holding, rocking, and adult talking softly / Demonstrates self-calming by sucking on fist or thumb / Resists unwanted actions or objects with expressions of disgust or anger / Beginning to learn meaning of “no”, stops action briefly then continues / Looks to adult when admonished, but continues actions, may crawl to adult for comforting / Understands “no” and obeys requests
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Throws temper tantrums to get own way / Seeks out adult for comfort, but beginning to self-calm / Recognizes “wrong” and engages in self-tattling (i.e. says “No, no” while doing wrong action) / Demonstrates frequent tantrums but tries to self-calm / Acts out to gain independence from adult’s rules and control, aggression and anger increase / Delays gratification for wants or for reward
30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36-42 months / 42-48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Asks for help or redirects self to another activity if frustrated / Talks about own needs and emotions as a means of self- control / Accepts the consequences of own actions / Internalizes rules about “do’s” and “don’ts” and “right” and “wrong” / Asks permission to use others’ possessions / Judges right and wrong by what gets punished, refrains from actions that get punished

SKILL PROGRESSIONS FOR ESD GOAL 7: Children recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of others.

Skill progression: Recognizes and responds to needs and feelings of others

Note: Emotional empathy (vicarious experiencing of another’s state)and cognitive empathy are not differentiated in this progression, as they are intertwined and more research is needed in this area

Subdomain: Learning About Feelings
ESD Goal 7: Children recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of others.
Skill progression / 1-2 months / 2-4 months / 4-6 months / 6-8 months / 8-10 months / 10-12 months
Recognizes and responds to needs and feelings of others / Shows distress at the cry of another infant / Responds differently to happy and sad faces / Responds to specific facial patterns as a having a specific meaning / Understands that adults’ signals (voice and face) together convey information and emotions (behavior changes with adult signals) / Social referencing (checks adults cues) used to determine how he should respond to situations / Shows initial signs of empathy
Facial expressions reflect adult’s emotions
Imitates simple expressions / Vocalizes to socialize with another / Smiles toward and may touch another child / Uses self-calming strategies when sees another in distress
12-15 months / 15-18 months / 18-21 months / 21-24 months / 24-27 months / 27-30 months
Recognizes others distress and pats, touches them / Expresses caring for another vocally and physically / Reacts to other’s feelings by commenting and offering an object to make them feel better, demonstrates a broader range of comforting strategies / Attempts to control others’ (even strangers’) feelings through verbal, physical, or social means / Asks about others’ feelings (happy) or states (sleepy) and the causes of their feelings / Shows true empathy
Understands what adult wants and spontaneously offers object / Recognizes his actions cause feelings in others / Uses words relating to mental state for self and others (e.g., happy, sad, want, like) / Differentiates self and own feelings from others
Skill Progression / 30-33 months / 33-36 months / 36- 42 months / 42 -48 months / 48-54 months / 54-60 months
Recognizes and responds to needs and feelings of others / Hugs familiar playmates to show affection or to comfort / Talks about others’ emotions and understand what elicits them / Demonstrates awareness of others’ thoughts, feelings, and perceptions (Talks about how others like different things, etc.) / Discusses how and why others’ feelings, attitudes, and beliefs are different / Asks questions to understand what another person thinks or feels and asks why / Compares and negotiates ideas with others in play

NCEarlyLearning Network is a joint project of the NC Department Of Public Instruction, Office Of Early Learning
and UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute