Orientation: TBD

Next Session:TBD

See the webpage for scheduling

The Mosaic Center

Several sites available

(409) 789-8534

Mini Application:



City St, Zip ______



Cell ______


Volunteer Information

Volunteers are important for assuring that Mosaicis successful in meeting its objectives. Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Fundraising and Event Planning
  • Mentors
  • Teachers
  • New class development
  • Office Assistant
  • Prayer Volunteer

Typical volunteer commitments are only 1½ to 3 hours per week. For more information or to schedule a guest speaker contact the Mosaic office at409-789-8534.

MOSAIC of the Mainland

A Non-Profit 501c3 Corporation

State of Texas

Mailing address:

610 Sable Terrace lane

La Marque, Tx 77568

(409) 789-8534


Linda Tew

Marie Teeples

Shirley Fannin

Margie Baynes


Renee Lamm

Iris Crow

Many Others

Overall Aim

To increase the motivated students’ readiness for employment and level of self-sufficiency by means of job and life skills instruction, personal mentoring, and prayer support.

Setting Goals

1)Assist students in developing short-term and long-term employment goals and in identifying / accessing resources to achieve those goals.

2)Assess student’s personal and skill training needs in light of their personal and employment goals

3)Provide support and guidance by means of classroom instruction, and to help students -- build confidence -- develop a spiritual life --manage or overcome any present life barriers to employment

4)Assist students in filling academic and skill training needs, gaps, and interests

5)Encourage students in their daily spiritual walk as they gain employment and self-sufficiency.

Offering helpinghands

What We Do

Working with local Galveston County business people, we offer 6-week sessions periodically every year by Mosaic —one in the fall, winter and one in the spring. Classes meet four and a half days per week. A range of topics are included meeting the needs and goals of the students in each 6 week session: life skill training, personal financial management, nutrition, computer and technology skills, job readiness, starting a business, Bible study.Students are interviewed and assessed initially and this data is used to determine the amount of time to be spent in academic instruction and in the other topics. Childcare can be obtained through a grant at Workforce Solutions if qualified. All services for this program are free to students. Participation in extra-curricular activities is required.

All applicants are interviewed by the Mosaic staff.Results do not determine eligibility if previously disclosed. All participants are required to be drug free for 90 days prior for eligibility.

We are not a counseling service. Counseling must be attained elsewhere.

Student applications can be submittedonline or by calling 409 789-8534.

Send in this flyer or go to


When available, each student is assigned a mentor when available with whom they establish a positive, empowering relationship. Students will meet alone with their mentor for a minimum of 30 minutes a week in person or by phone. During this time they discuss the courses, where to look for a job, or stumbling blocks that are keeping them from reaching their goals. The mentor’s goal is to guide the student on their journey to become more employable and self-sufficient.


To Give Hope

If you want to help bring hope to the lives of the unemployed and their families through Mosaic, please consider becoming a volunteer or making a tax-deductible donation.


Mosaic is coordinated and staffed by volunteers. However, Mosaic needs funding to meet our objectives and continue our program. Mosaic is completely responsible for securing its own financial support to pay for all its needs. Our needs include funding for meals, for supplies, equipment, utilities, maintenance, website maintenance, and for snacks.