Metso Plug-In
for the PI Interface for OPC DA

Version 2.4.4.x

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Table of Contents


Principles of Operation

Installation Checklist

Plug-In Installation and Administration

Plug-In Directory

Installation Procedures

Define Required Digital States

Modify OPCInt.BAT

Configure PI Tags

Upgrading the Plug-In

Moving the Plug-In to a New Directory

Uninstalling the Plug-In

Command Line Parameters

Error and Informational Messages

Message Logs


System Errors and PI Errors

Appendix A: Use of AddOPCPlugInStates.bat

Appendix B: OPCPlugInMetso.INI Configuration File

Revision History


Metso Plug-In DLL for OPC Interface to the PI System1


The PI Interface for OPC DA will retrieve all data from an OPC server, but when data stops flowing because of an emergency, the operator needs to know that there is a problem. Without modification, the OPC DA interface simply shows data when it is available, and ignores the reason it has stopped flowing. PI users need information about a datum’s specific error condition. PI data tags may become invalid for several reasons. A paper machine, for instance, may have a sheet break. In order to get complete information from the sensor gauge (through OPC), a plug-in DLL for the OPC DA interface has been created by OSIsoft, LLC. For the (Valmet-Neles) Metso system, this plug-in is called OPCPlugInMetso.DLL.

Note: Neither this manual nor the plug-in are stand-alone products; they are to be used in conjunction with the PI Interface for OPC DA. This version of the plug-in requires or above versions of the OPC DA interface.


Metso Plug-In DLL for OPC Interface to the PI System1

Principles of Operation

The PI Interface for OPC DA connects OPC variables (which are defined by OPC symbols for the specific device) to a PI tag. The OPC symbol for any PI tag is saved in that tag’s ‘InstrumentTag’ attribute or ‘ExDesc,’ the Extended Descriptor attribute (see the PI Interface for OPC DA manual for exact tag configuration details). The primary type of data retrieved from paper machines is profile data. These data are configured as array data (please see the PI Interface for OPC DA manual for proper configuration of array tags). Data is also available which indicates various statuses of the paper machine as well as the starting and ending boxes for valid profile data.

Every time array data is read, the plug-in, OPCPlugInMetso.DLL, examines the statuses associated with that data. If a given status condition is in effect, the plug-in will set the values for some or all of the array data with the system digital state associated with the error condition. If no status condition exists, the array data is sent to PI with no modifications.

Profile data is the only data for which special statuses will be applied. No other tags are affected. The status conditions which may invalidate a profile tag, and the digital state value which that tag acquires in that error condition are as follows:

Scanner does not normally reach that data box position. The plug-in will write the digital state, OffSheetEdge, to the profile tags that are in positions less than the start box and which are in positions greater than the end box. Tags specifying the minimum and maximum valid data boxes for each profile are required for the plug-in to perform this function.

Sheet-break has been detected on the frame. All profile tags associated with that scanner will have the status SheetBreak written to them.

Frame is in standardize mode. All profile tags associated with that scanner will have the status Standardize written to them.

Frame is in a state which does not produce data, such as ‘Dead’, ‘Unavailable’, ‘Emergency Stop’, ‘Manual’, ‘Console Offsheet’, etc., which is not covered by the specific conditions described by other PI states.

Gauge on the same scanner has gone into single-point mode, which disables all gauges on the scanner from normal profile sampling. The results of single-point (or ‘buffered single-point’) sampling may be accessed through other (non-profile) Metso OPC variables (InstrumentTag).


Metso Plug-In DLL for OPC Interface to the PI System1

Installation Checklist

For those users who are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps get the OPC DA interface up and running with the OPCPlugInMetso.DLL. If not familiar with the plug-in, return to this section after reading the rest of this manual in detail.

Follow the steps in the order listed below.

  1. Install the PI ICU which will install the PI SDK and PI API.
  2. Install the PI Interface for OPC DA.
  3. Define required digital states in the SystemDigitalState table
  4. Use the PI ICU to configure the OPC DA interface and use the Plug-Ins configuration to add the support for the OPCPlugInMetso.DLL or modify OPCInt.BAT to activate the DLL.
  5. Configure PI tags.
  6. Start the interface.


Metso Plug-In for the PI Interface for OPC DA1

Plug-In Installation and Administration

Plug-In Directory

The OPCPlugInMetso.DLL is installed as part of the PI OPC DA interface installation into the Plug-in subdirectory. For instance, if the interface is installed in


then the DLL will be installed in


Installation Procedures

Although the OPCPlugInMetso.DLL is on the CD with the OPC DA interface, the user must configure some things before the DLL will be activated.

Define Required Digital States

OffSheetEdge,SheetBreak, Standardize, FrameOffline, and SinglePoint digital statesmust be defined before the OPC DA interface can run with the plug-in. The states are not case sensitive, but they must be spelled exactly as shown.

The DLL expects these digital states to be somewhere in the System Digital State Set. There is a program in the plug-ins directory supplied to add these states automatically. See “Appendix A: Use of AddOPCPlugInStates.bat,” p13.

Modify OPCInt.BAT

OSIsoft recommends using the PI Interface Configuration Utility for making changes to the interface batch file. Under the opcint tab there is a Plug-Ins item that is used to configure the DLL, which an instance of the OPC DA interface will use. This will add the /DLL= command line parameter to the batch file.

For Example”


This plug-in requires a configuration file. Once this DLL is selected in the PI Interface for OPC DA - ICU Control another text box will open and allow for the configuration file to be picked. Use the browse button on the right to search for the directory and name of the configuration file. This will add another command line parameter to the batch file. This also can be added to the batch file manually.


Once this has been added to the batch file either manually or by using the PI ICU the OPC DA interface will automatically load the plug-in at startup. If the interface is already running, the interface must be restarted for the DLL to be activated.

Note: The “^” shown at the end of all lines in the command file, except for the last line, is a continuation character indicating that more command lines follow.

If the path name contains spaces, the whole /DLL startup parameter has to be surrounded by double quotes. Example:


Configure PI Tags

The plug-in needs extra information from Metso to adjust the profile tags’ status. This is accomplished by creating a few more PI tags. For each Metso scanner (defined by <machine/scanner Id>s named in the IN-file. Ex: “pr:1-S1”), the following tags should be created. The OPC symbol for a Metso variable is in the InstrumentTagattribute of the PItag that will receive its data.

Note: all OPC symbols are case-sensitive.

Starting and Ending Data Boxes

First valid box, forward-direction. This is used by the plug-in to determine valid starting data box, when the scanner is moving in the forward direction. For a forward scan, a digital state of OffSheetEdge will be written to each tag in profile array positions from one to the value sent to this tag minus one. Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:1S1OF0S:c1”.


Last valid box, forward-direction. This is used by the plug-in to determine the last valid data box, when the scanner is moving in the forward direction. For a forward scan, a digital state of OffSheetEdge will be written to each tag in profile array positions from the value sent to this tag plus one, to the last tag in the profile.


First valid box, reverse-direction. Same information as ‘First-valid-forward-direction’, except applied to reverse-direction scans.


Last valid box, reverse-direction. Same information as ‘Last-valid-forward-direction’, except applied to reverse-direction scans.


Forward-direction scan started. This, combined with the following two tags, tells the plug-in whether a particular profile was gathered in the forward or the reverse direction, enabling the plug-in to select the correct first/last box variables. Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:1-S1OF0M:ev20”.


Forward-direction scan ended. (see above)


Reverse-direction scan started. (see above)


When the scanner goes into standardize mode, the Standardize digital state will get written to each profile tag in all profiles associated with the given scanner. Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:1-S2OF0MODE:sz” (e.g. machine 1, scanner 2).


The SheetBreak digital state will get written to each profile tag in all profiles associated with the given scanner. . Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:2-S1OF0M:ev6” (e.g. machine 2, scanner 1).


The SinglePoint digital state will get written to each profile tag in all profiles associated with the given scanner. . Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:2S3OF0MODE:fp” (e.g. machine 2, scanner 3).


‘Scanning’ flag, which, when false, causes all profile tags on that scanner to be marked Offline. Example InstrumentTag: “:e:pr:1-S3OF0MODE:sc” (e.g. machine 1, scanner 3).

Upgrading the Plug-In

If the plug-in is upgraded independent of the OPC DA interface, install the plug-in in the appropriate directory. Then stop and restart the OPC DA interface according to the instructions in the PI Interface for OPC DA manual.

Moving the Plug-In to a New Directory

Although it is not recommended, it is possible to move the plug-in to a new directory. Opcint.batmust be updated to reflect the name of the new directory and the interface must be restarted as described in the PI Interface for OPC DA manual.

Uninstalling the Plug-In

To run the interface without the plug-in, run the PI ICU and remove the entry in the Post Processing DLL text box or delete the /DLL=and /DLLConfig= command-line parameters from the batch file, and stop and restart the OPC DA interface according to the instructions in the PI Interface for OPC DA manual.


Metso Plug-In for the PI Interface for OPC DA1

Command Line Parameters

The DLL supports a few command-line parameters that are specific to this DLL. These parameters are different from interface specific parameters. When the DLL is loaded by the interface, the interface passes all command-line parameters. Some of the parameters that the interface uses are also used by the DLL. For example, /ID and /HOST.

DLL specific parameters:

Parameter / Description
Required / Configuration file. This file defines how the interface recognizes profile tags and the status tags which are applied to them. See the Appendix B: OPCPlugInMetso.INI Configuration File for more details.
(Default: 0)
Optional / Debug level (0-32767). The higher the number the more verbose the messages printed.


Metso Plug-In for the PI Interface for OPC DA1

Error and Informational Messages

Error messages that are written to the message log are pre-pended by a string NameID. Name is a non-configurable identifier that is no longer than 9 characters. IDis a configurable identifier that is no longer than 9 characters and is specified using the /idflag on the startup command line.

Message Logs

Error and informational messages are written to the pipc.log file. The location of the pipc.log file is determined by the PIHOME entry in the pipc.ini file. The pipc.ini file should always be in the %windir%directory. For example, if the PIHOMEentry is:


then the pipc.logfile will be located in the c:\PIPC\dat directory.

For version 1.3 and greater of the PI API, a process called pilogsrvmay be installed to run as a service. After the pipc.log file exceeds a user-defined maximum size, the pilogsrvprocess renames the pipc.log file to pipcxxxx.log, where xxxx ranges from 0000 to the maximum number of allowed log files. Both the maximum file size and the maximum number of allowed log files are configured in the pipc.ini file. Configuration of the pilogsrv process is discussed in detail in the PIAPIInstallationInstructions manual.

Note: No messages are written to the command window when the interface is run interactively. All messages are written to pipc.log.


Restarts: The Metso server must be operational before starting the OPC DA interface.

  • Removing the Ethernet cable and reconnecting it while the interface is operating recovers within about one minute and no user action is required.
  • Powercycling the API data collector node starts up without user action.

System Errors and PI Errors

System errors are associated with positive error numbers. Errors related to PI are associated with negative error numbers.

Error Descriptions on Windows

On Windows, descriptions of system and PI errors can be obtained with the pidiag utility:

\PI\adm\pidiag –e error_number


Metso Plug-In for the PI Interface for OPC DA1

Appendix A: Use of AddOPCPlugInStates.bat

This option is only available when the PI Home Node is PI 3.

The plug-in requires several new digital states in the PI System Digital State Set that can be built automatically using an application called AddOPCPlugInStates. The application consists of the following four files that are located in the Plug-Ins\Utilities directory underneath the OPC DA interface directory:

  • AddOPCPlugInStates.bat
  • NewStates.bat
  • AddStates.exe
  • MakeDumpSet.exe

All of these files must be moved to the PI\adm directory of the PI 3 home node. They will not function unless moved to the PI home node, in the PI\adm directory. Log in as an administrator, go to a DOS prompt, and change directory to the PI\adm directory. Make sure PI is running. Invoke:


The required digital states will be added to the PI System Digital State Set.


Metso Plug-In for the PI Interface for OPC DA1

Appendix B: OPCPlugInMetso.INI Configuration File

The plug-in requires a configuration file, which is supplied as a command-line parameter in the startup batch file for the OPC DA interface; for example: