Hemphill ElementarySchool



Be Respectful

Be Resourceful

Be Responsible

714 12th Street SW

Birmingham, Al 35211

Office Telephone (205) 231-7500

Fax Number (205) 231-7499

R. C. Hemphill ElementarySchool of the Birmingham School System is a K-5school for neighborhood students in-zone. The purpose of this handbook is to provide an overview of the academic programs, organizations, and rules for the students and parents of Hemphill Elementary School.

The mission of Hemphill Elementary School is to prepare productive, world class students. We will accomplish this by implementing Common Core Standards, College and Career Ready Standards and strategies as well as embedded intervention to move our students forward academically. Together, we will create an environment that allows each child to develop to their maximum potential.


We believe that:

•Learning is a life -long process.

•Every child deserves a positive role model.

•Every child deserves accelerated, dedicated and nurturing teachers.

•Every individual is unique and deserves respect.

•Positive attitudes and high expectations improve individual student performance.

The principals, teachers and staff take pleasure in welcoming you, parents and students, to HemphillElementarySchool. This student handbook is published so that all students at Hemphill ElementarySchool and their parents may have a ready reference to information necessary for the daily operation of our school. Students and parents should read the handbook, so that there may be as few misunderstandings as possible.

May we suggest some helpful attitudes and behaviors in our school?

1. Be friendly and courteous in your dealings with one another.

2. Be prompt in meeting your schedules and assignments.

3. Be careful and neat in your work.

4. Be considerate of your teacher’s time, your time, and your classmates’

time by being a good listener and a good contributor.

5. Ask questions when there is doubt about assignments.

6. Try all assignments unceasingly. Some will seem difficult, but a winner

always keeps trying.

7. Develop good study habits.

8. Insist upon doing your own work.

9. Be loyal to your school, your class, your family and yourself.

10. Let us remember that we are always being judged as an individual, and as

a school by the attitudes we share, and by the manner in which we

discipline ourselves. Are we capable of self-discipline? Let’s show our

parents and friends that we are growing up as good citizens.

Regular and punctual attendance definitely affects the quality of work performed by each pupil. It is of great importance that all pupils are in school as regularly as their health will permit. It is difficult to maintain proper interest and morale if attendance is irregular.

Our school is concerned with the social and intellectual development of the child in accordance with his/her particular capacities and abilities. We believe that education is the process whereby each individual is helped to progress through each stage and level of growth and development. Through our cooperation with you to form a home and school team, our primary objective is to aid in developing a healthy body, a trained mind, satisfactory social adjustment, and emotional stability. To this end all of our efforts are dedicated.

We invite you to call or visit the school if you have a concern, question, idea or complaint. We respectfully ask that you give us an opportunity to work with you to resolve any issue. It is our belief that a strong home and school connection creates a happy and successful student.

Arrival in the Morning

Students should not arrive at school earlier than 7:15 a.m. because the doors will not be open until then. Supervision will not be provided for students who are dropped off before the doors are unlocked.

Upon arriving at school, a student must be supervised at all times. Students may not play on the playground or stand outside the building before school. Students should enter the building by the gym, report to the lunchroom, eat breakfast and/or sit in the gym area designated for his/her class. Students in grades K-5will be dismissed to his/her teacher from the lunchroom/gym at 7:45 a.m. to go to class. Any student who does not cooperate will be subject to disciplinary action and may lose the privilege of arriving on campus prior to 7:45 a.m. Students shall not go to their lockers until 7:45 a.m. By 8:05 a.m., the halls should be clear; any students in the halls after 8:05 a.m. must have a pass.

Assembly Programs

Assembly programs of various types are held throughout the school year to highlight learning and accomplishments. Appropriate behavior is expected of all students as they enter and exit the assembly as well as during the program. Unacceptable behavior will be dealt with immediately. The student will be removed from the assembly and may lose the privilege of attending future programs.


Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency or for reasons stated below:

1. Personal Illness

2. Serious Illness in the Family

3. Death of a Relative

4. Observance of a Religious Holiday

Any other reason for absence must be excused prior to the absence. Excessive unexcused absences will be reported to the Attendance Office.

Steps to follow when absent:

1)The parent or guardian is to write an excuse stating the student’s name, date of

absence(s), reason for absence, and parent’s signature.

2)The student is to present the excuse to the homeroom teacher on the day the

student returns to school. Absences without a written excuse for the above

reasons will be considered unexcused.

3)Make up work is the responsibility of the student. The teacher will give make-

up assignments. Work that is not made up will be reflected in the student’s

grade. All make-up work is to be turned in to the teacher.

4)If a student is to be absent for several days and wants to get assignments from

the teachers, please call the office and indicate the number of days for which

the homework assignments will be needed. Homework assignments may be

picked up in the school office after 2:00 p.m. on the day you call if you call the

school by 8:30 a.m.; otherwise, the assignments will be ready the following


A pupil is tardy after 8:05 a.m. and will be marked tardy by his/her teacher. However, if a student arrives at school after 8:30 a.m. he/she must report to the office for a tardy pass and to have his/ her name removed from the absentee list. A letter will be sent to parents of students who are tardy excessively. If tardiness continues, the student will be referred to our attendance officer.

After arriving on school grounds, no child is allowed to leave the grounds without permission of school officials. Any student leaving school grounds without authorization is subject to disciplinary action.

Birthday Parties

Students are not allowed to have birthday parties at school. Excessive instructional time would be lost if students were allowed to have parties to celebrate birthdays.

Book Bags

Students are required to bring mesh or clear bookbags to school. There are no exceptions!


Bus students will load unload in front of the building.


A calendar featuring system-wide events and important dates is issued to each student at the beginning of each school year. Also, a monthly newsletter announcing special dates and events at the school may be sent home throughout the year.

Change of Address/Telephone

It is very important that every student maintains an up-to-date record in the school office, which includes a correct address and telephone number. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address or telephone number during the school year.

Character Development

Character Development is an essential part of growing up. Teachers instruct children daily in lessons in character development.

Checking In/Out

In case of illness during school, the student or school personnel will call the student’s parent to pick him/her up. If a child has an elevated temperature of over 100 degrees, he/she should not remain in school. The parent is encouraged to keep the student at home until the temperature is normal for 24 hours.

The parent must sign the student out in the office. Teachers will not release a child to anyone unless the child has been checked out properly in the office. Also, the office will not permit your child to be checked out by anyone whose name is not included on proper records. A student is marked present if he checks in by 11:30 a.m. or checks out after 11:30 a.m.

Classroom Rules

Each class will display classroom rules, rewards, and consequences. Parents will receive a copy of his/her child’s classroom rules to discuss with the child. Rules are expected to be followed.


Computer instruction is provided to students in grades K-5 as part of classroom instruction as well as through the library and/or computer labs. Computers do have blocks to prevent students from surfing the Internet to access known inappropriate web sites.

Conferences and Visitation

Parents are to call the office or the teacher to set up conferences with teachers. Teachers have specific times in which conferences must be scheduled. Please do not expect to confer with a teacher during instructional time.

All visitors are asked to come directly to the office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge. At no time should a visitor or parent be wandering in the hall or go to classrooms without checking in at the office. We welcome visitors at appropriate times, but classes must not be interrupted during instructional time.

Parent-teacher conferences are an essential part of a child’s educational program. We believe these conferences can add to a parent’s understanding of both the child’s progress as well as our total school program. These opportunities provide a method of communication no other progress report system can.

Damages to School Property

A pupil must not write on or misuse school property in any way. Any pupil found damaging school property is required to pay for repair and/or replacement of that property.


Discipline is most important if learning is to take place. Learning self-control, character and order is essential. The Birmingham School System provides the Code of Student

Conduct. This code is to be followed by students and staff. Every student will receive a copy, which is to be reviewed and discussed by parents and students at home. Parents are asked to sign and return the Receipt and Acknowledgment form in the back of the Code of Student Conduct.

TheHemphill ElementarySchool-wide Discipline Plan is as follows:

Purpose: To help students, parents, and needed parties to understand policies and expectations concerning discipline at HemphillElementarySchool.

Goals: To provide students opportunities to respect themselves and others (feelings, rights, work).

To teach students about the responsibilities of citizenship.

To teach students to respect the wisdom of the parents and teachers.

To guide students in making wise decisions.

To teach students that there are consequences for their actions.


Before School Rules

  1. Report to the lunchroom and sit quietly by grade level.
  2. If eating breakfast, get in line quietly.
  3. Students in kindergarten through grades four will take trays up after eating and return to seats until picked up by teachers.
  4. Students in grades five through eight will take trays up after eating and report to the gym (when told) until the bell rings to be dismissed to homerooms.

Hall/Stairwell Rules

  1. Walk quietly on the right side of the hall.
  2. Always have a pass when in the hall without a teacher.
  3. Go to locker during assigned locker time only.
  4. Do not touch pictures or flyers on walls, tables or bulletin boards.
  5. Follow the directions of all adults.
  6. Keep our school clean by putting paper and garbage in the trashcan.
  7. Use appropriate language at all times.

Lunchroom Rules

  1. Stand quietly in serving line in single file and wait your turn.
  2. Stay in seat except when told to take tray to the dish window.
  3. Leave table neat and clean.
  4. Show good table manners.
  5. Talk in quiet conversational tone when permitted to talk.
  6. Use appropriate language.

Restroom Rules

  1. Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
  2. Respect privacy.
  3. Flush commode and wash hands after using the restroom.
  4. Put paper towels in trashcan.

Assembly Rules

  1. Walk into the assembly in single file without talking.
  2. Give full attention to the program without talking.
  3. Leave the assembly quietly, row by row in single file.
  4. Show appropriate respect and appreciation for those participating on the program.
  5. Sit with legs crossed on the floor if necessary.

Classroom Rules

  1. Follow the instructions of teachers.
  2. Complete work on time.
  3. Respect self and others.
  4. Stay on task.
  5. Use acceptable and courteous language.
  6. Wait your turn to talk.
  7. Refrain from fighting, teasing, harassing, belittling, or engaging in deliberate attempts to embarrass or harm another student.
  8. Respect school and personal property.
  9. Listen carefully.

Playground/Extracurricular Activities Rules

  1. Think safety.
  2. No rough playing or fighting.
  3. Use appropriate language.
  4. Behave in an exemplary manner and share swings, slide, etc.
  5. Show good sportsmanship.

Note: Administrative staff must preapprove playground activity during instructional time.


Actions for Class I Violations

First Offense

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Teacher-student conference

Second and Third Offense

  1. Teacher-student-parent conference
  2. Note to parent to be signed and returned
  3. Write an apology.
  4. Write or draw an action plan.
  5. Telephone parent.
  6. Isolation/time-out in classroom
  7. Utilize informal buddy system.
  8. Student led parent-teacher conference
  9. Refer to counselor
  10. Complete Behavioral/Attitude Packet

Fourth Offense

  1. Supervised work assignment after school
  2. In-school/after school detention as available
  3. Parent accompany student to class
  4. Denial of field trip participation
  5. Student/administrator/parent/teacher conference
  6. Refer to IAT (Intervention Assistance Team)

Fifth Offense

  1. Refer to administrator for out of school suspension and/or referral to hearing officer.
Actions for Class II Violations

First Offense

  1. Send discipline referral to administrator for corrective action(s) to be determined by the administrator.

Subsequent Offense

  1. Suspension for one to five days at the discretion of the administrator(s).
  2. Possible recommendation to hearing officer or other appropriate source.
Actions for Class III Violations and for Special Education
  1. See Birmingham City Schools Student Code of Code

Dismissal Procedures

Walkers and car riders will be dismissed when the 3:00 bell rings. Kindergarten and first grade students will stay with one of their teachers until they are released to a parent or designee if they don’t ride the bus.

All teachers will walk his/her class out of the building to the bus-loading zone and remain outside until buses leave. Car riders and walkers will exit through the gym.

Door Assignments

For orderly and safe entrance and exit, classes are assigned to specific doors. All pupils must enter the building through the front doors unless they ride a bus. Pupils are requested to use the side doors at dismissal. Students will walk directly home, to the bus, or are to be picked up by 3:05 p.m. They will not be allowed to hang around on school grounds. NO EXCEPTIONS. The school does not provide free supervision for students after 3:15 p.m., as staff members must take care of personal responsibilities after 3:15.

Emergency Drills

Fire ,Tornado and Lockdown drills are conducted monthly. Detailed escape plans are posted inside the door of each classroom.

Entrance Doors

For safety reasons, doors are locked at all times. The doorbell must be rung to gain entry into the building. Upon entering, everyone must report to the office. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Extracurricular Activities

Academic Competition

There are academic competition teams and events available to students.

Academic Bowl- Practice and preliminary competitions are held at school.

Winning teams participate in the citywide competition. Students in grades 4-5

are eligible.

Math Derby-Practiceand preliminary competitions are held at school. Winners

fromeach K-5 class compete in the school-wide Math Derby. All studentsare eligibleto participate. School winners in grades 4 and 5may compete in the System- wide competition.

Spelling Bee- Preliminary spelling bees are held at school. Winners from each

class compete in the school- wide spelling bee. All students in grades 3 to 8 are

eligible to participate. School winners compete in the city competition.

Field Trips

Parents will receive written notification of school field trips. Before any student is allowed to leave on a field trip, his/her parent must sign and return a permission form. If a student has continually misbehaved at school, he/she will lose the privilege to participate in fieldtrips.

Fine Arts

Art and Music will be offered to every student.

General Conduct

Pupils are expected to behave in an acceptable manner. Misbehavior is any type of behavior that interferes with the good order of the school, interrupts the learning situation, is an infraction of rules and regulations, or endangers the safety and well-being of the pupils.

No pupils is to leave his/her assigned classroom or enter and visit any other classroom outside of his/her own unless written permission has been given by a teacher or principal.

A pupil should not be in the halls, at an un-designated time, without a written pass from a teacher. Neither should the pupil come to the office without a written pass from his/her teacher.

There should be quietness when in the hallway so as not to disturb others at work. Groups are to walk in single file and near the wall to their right.

Grading System

Kindergarten Grades 1-8

E = Excellent (85-100) A= 90-100

S = Satisfactory (70-84) B= 80-89

N= Needs Improvement (Below 70) C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= 59 and below

Conduct Grades- Each teacher will be responsible for the conduct grade given

while a student is present in his/her classroom, in the hall between classes, in the

lunchroom or in P.E. Infractions and points are deducted from 100. The number