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Proposal Submission Form - WORKSHEET2018 Faculty Summer Conference Ahead of the Curve: How ODU is Shaping the Online Learning Landscape
2018 Faculty Summer Conference
Call for Proposals
May 22-23, 2018
Ted Constant Center, Old Dominion University
Proposal Submission Form - WORKSHEET
Examples: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
Presenter First Name
For Name Badge
Presenter Last Name
For Name Badge
Presenter Full Name
Provide your full name as it should appear in OTHER conference materials.
Presenter Department
Presenter Academic College
Presenter University
Presenter Email Address
Presenter Phone
Please include a phone number where we can reach you during the conference, if needed.
Co-Presenter 1
List the names and departments of co-presenter(s), if applicable. / Name
Co-Presenter 2
List the names and departments of co-presenter(s), if applicable. / Name
Co-Presenter 3
List the names and departments of co-presenter(s), if applicable. / Name
Co-Presenter 4
List the names and departments of co-presenter(s), if applicable. / Name
Session Title
Provide the title for your session as it should appear in the conference materials.
Session Abstract - LONG
In 150 words or less, including a full abstract of your session as it should appear in the ONLINE conference materials.
Session Abstract - SHORT
In 1 sentence, 30 words or less, include an abbreviated abstract of your session as it should appear in the PRINTED conference materials.
Session Keywords
Provide 3-5 keywords to tag your session (separated by commas).
Session Problem, Issue, or Purpose
In 200 words or less, briefly summarize the specific problem, issue, or purpose you are addressing.
Session Full Description
In 500 words or less, provide an in-depth narrative with historical background and a substantive description of who, what, where, and how you addressed the issues identified in Session Problem, Issue or Purpose above.
Session Impact
In 200 words or less, describe expected or actual outcomes and achievements related to your session, including quantitative examples, successes or failures and lessons learned.
Session Importance or Relevance
In 200 words or less, describe how your session can relate to other faculty, departments or institutions by identifying key concepts from which others can benefit.
Session Outcomes
Include up to three possible outcomes for attendees of your presentation. Examples: As a result of this presentation attendees will be able to identify ..., discuss ..., assess ..., utilize ..., analyze ..., transform ..., plan ..., create ..., etc.
Session Interaction
In 100 words or less, describe how you will incorporate discussion or interactivity into your session.
Session Track
Select the track that best aligns with your session. / [ ] Online Course Design Process
[ ] Faculty Support
[ ] Student Engagement and Support
[ ] Leveraging Online Teaching to Rethink Face-to-Face Teaching
Session Format
Select one session format. / [ ] Presentation (30 min)
[ ] Panel Discussion (60-75 min total)
[ ] Round Table Discussion (30 min x 2)
[ ] Poster (display both days)
[ ] Workshop (75-90 min)
Suggested Audience
Select all that apply. / [ ] Teaching Faculty and Lecturers
[ ] Adjunct Faculty
[ ] Research Faculty
[ ] Department or School Chairs
[ ] College Deans
[ ] University Administrators & Executives
Content Level
Select the level that best identifies the level of prior knowledge preferred for those attending your session. / [ ] Introductory
[ ] Intermediate
[ ] Advanced
Permission to Distribute
If your proposal is accepted, your session may be streamed to an online audience, and it may be included in our public archives (YouTube, for example). / [ ] I DO agree for my session to be streamed and/or archived.
[ ] I DO NOT agree for my session to be streamed and/or archived.
Disclaimer: Contents of the proposal may be edited for consistency in formatting, style, and accuracy of the text for distribution online or in printed form.
When you have completed the form, please follow the submission guidelines online at
Thank you!