Texas State University StudentSA/PPS No. 07.05(05.03)

HandbookIssue No.5

Effective Date: 6/2/2017

Next Review Date:6/1/2019(E2Y)

Senior Reviewer: Assistant Dean of Students for Student Justice


01.01The Student Affairs Division is committed to student growth and development through educational, social, and cultural programs, leadership opportunities and training, and assisting in the transition to further education, careers, and responsible citizenship. This commitment includes meeting student needs for personal growth, and fostering their genuine affinity with the university. The following procedures contribute to the implementation of this policy.

01.02The purpose of this policy and procedure statement is to establish responsibilities and procedures for publication of the Texas State University Student Handbook.

01.03The principal objective of this policy is to ensure the timely preparation and distribution of the Student Handbook,which should in no way conflict with UPPS No. 06.05.01, Initiating and Producing Publications.


02.01The assistant dean of Students for Student Justice will function as the manager and will be responsible for:

  1. oversight of updating and printing of the Student Handbook, in coordination with other university departments;
  1. ensuring that the Student Handbook includes appropriate information for the interest and welfare of all members of the university community;
  1. securing the support of all university departments to provide material for the Student Handbook and developing a control system for production of the Student Handbook;
  1. ensuring that copies of the Student Handbook are distributed to all university departments, new students, and is available via the appropriate Texas State University media formats; and
  1. designating, in collaboration with the dean of Students, a staff member that will serve as the publication coordinator.

02.02The publication coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the Student Handbook is designed according to the publication requirements set by University Marketing.

02.03University departments and organizations are responsible for the following duties:

  1. providing the Student Handbook publication coordinator with the most current information to ensure maximum compliance with the objectives of the Student Handbook; and
  1. sending all copy materials to the publication coordinator in final form for publication by the established deadline.


03.01Requisition process:

  1. The publication coordinator will work with University Marketing to prepare a draft of the specifications and submit it to the assistant dean of Students for review and final approval by the dean of Students.
  1. The publication coordinator and assistant dean will follow the appropriate fiscal procedures, as specified by University Marketing, in securing bids from prospective printers. Completed copies of the proper form will be submitted to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing, by University Marketing.

03.02Initiation and Production of the Student Handbook:

  1. The publication coordinator will disseminate the respective sections from the previous edition to all contributors requesting that they review their section for editing.
  1. The publication coordinator will maintain a "check file" to ensure response for all requested material.
  1. The publication coordinator will contact the respective office involved should the deadline date pass without receipt of requested material. It should be noted that if the respective office does not respond to the request, then all material will remain as is, or, if deemed inaccurate or outdated, may be omitted. It is the final responsibility of individual departments to review and confirm the content of their respective section in the Student Handbook.
  1. General publications production procedures as outlined in UPPS No. 06.05.01, Initiating and Producing Publications, will apply to the production of the Student Handbook. Those affected by this policy should read UPPS No. 06.05.01, Initiating and Producing Publications, which addresses procedures to be followed in production of university publications.

03.03Proofing and Design

  1. The publication coordinator and the assistant dean will coordinate the proofreading and overall design of the Student Handbook.
  1. The dean of Students, or designee, will review the project for final approval.
  1. Upon approval of the final proof, the publication coordinator will forward said proof to University Marketing for printing.
  1. The cover design will be approved by the publication coordinator, assistant dean and dean of Students, and submitted to the printer at the appropriate time.

03.04Picture Selection Process – The publication coordinator and the assistant dean will select pictures for the Student Handbook and review selections with the dean of Students.

03.05Delivery – Gallery proofs, page proofs, and blue lines will be delivered to the publication coordinator and assistant dean electronically via the medium agreed upon by all entities.

03.06Schedule of Production – The process begins in January of the current fiscal year, continues through the spring, and culminates in July with final proof approval and printing of the Student Handbook.

The Student Handbook is delivered to campus and distributed to first-year students in the month of August, and again in January for new (spring) students.


04.01Reviewers of this PPS include the following.


Assistant Dean of Students forJune 1 E2Y

Student Justice


This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Student Affairs policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

Assistant Dean of Students for Student Justice; senior reviewer of this PPS

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

Vice President for Student Affairs