Brinkley Chapter 14

Pgs 366-399

“The Civil War” 1861-1865


DBQ Question:

1. To what extent was the secession of the Southern states the result of the breakdown in the legacy of compromise that began at the Constitutional Convention?

2. Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of antebellum whites, despite the fact that only a small percentage of them owned slaves?

3. The Confederate States of America had no chance of achieving their independence. Assess the validity of this statement.

Key Terms to Know and Memorize:

  1. Secession Crisis
  2. Crittenden Compromise
  3. Jefferson Davis
  4. FortSumter
  5. The Confederate States of America (The Confederacy)
  6. Border States
  7. Trent Affair
  8. Confiscation Act
  9. Plan Anaconda
  10. William H. Seward
  11. Salmon P. Chase
  12. Edwin Stanton
  13. FortSumter, 1861
  14. Border States
  15. Robert E. Lee
  16. Army of Northern Virginia
  17. Habeas Corpus
  18. Ulysses S. Grant
  19. Army of the Potomac
  20. George McClellan
  21. Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
  1. Morrill Tariff Act, 1861
  2. Homestead Act, 1862
  3. National Bank Act, 1863
  4. Conscription Law,
  5. New York Draft Riots
  6. 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
  7. Lincoln Suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus
  8. Ex Parte Milligan
  9. Thirteenth Amendment
  10. Manassas/Bull Run
  11. Antietam/Sharpsburg
  12. The Peninsula Campaign
  13. Vicksburg
  14. Gettysburg
  15. Siege of Petersburg
  16. Ulysses S. Grant “The Butcher”
  1. Election of 1864
  2. Union Party
  3. "Copperheads"
  4. Andrew Johnson
  5. William T. Sherman,
  6. Sherman’s March
  7. Conscription Law, 1863
  8. Morrill Tariff Act, 1861
  9. Appomattox Court House
  10. Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
  11. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
  12. John Wilkes Booth
  13. Freedman's Bureau, 1865
  14. John Wilkes Booth

Brinkley Chapter 14

Pgs 366-399

“The Civil War” 1861-1865

Specifics of Chapter:

Part 1

1. Read the introduction- list the effects of the War

2. Make a T chart of Advantages Union and Confederate and the Dis-Advantages Union and Confederate.

3. The War allowed the Union to pass a number of laws that aided economic development… Which do you believe had the most lasting impact? (Homestead Act, MorillLand Grant, Transcontinental Rail Road)

4. How did each side predominantly fund the War?

5. Summarize the Draft Riots in New City.

6. Do you think Lincoln was justified limiting Civil Liberties?

7. Why is the election of 1864 significant to understanding the war?

Part 2

8. How are the Confiscation Acts similar to the Emancipation Proclamation?

9. Choose one of the following and summarize the development in relation to the war: (Women in the war; African Americans and the Union war effort)

10. What was Lincoln’s strategy?

11. Create a timeline of battles and events for one year of the war: 1862, 1863 or 1864

(Confederate victories above the line)


(Union Victories and developments below the line)

Summarize the significance of the timeline and what can be learned.

12. What made General Grant so special in the eyes of Lincoln?

13. Why was diplomacy so crucial to the CSA war effort?

14. William Tecumseh Sherman coined the phrase “War is Hell” (more of less). How did he usher in a new understanding of how war would be fought in the future?