Psychology Semester Review

Use your notes to complete this review to be used on your Semester Exam. You may work in small groups as long as the volume is kept down!

Define the following

  1. central tendency
  2. normal curve
  3. self-fulfilling prophecy
  4. placebo effect
  5. object permanence
  6. imprinting
  7. hallucinations
  8. REM sleep
  9. Classical Conditioning
  10. Acquisition
  11. Discrimination
  12. generalization
  13. extinction
  14. behavior modification
  15. Heuristics
  16. recombination
  17. homeostasis
  18. test validity
  19. test reliability
  20. cultural bias
  21. self-actualization
  22. unconditional positive regard
  23. eustress
  24. distress
  25. obsession
  26. compulsion
  27. psychoanalysis
  28. resistance
  29. cognitive dissonance
  30. Know the following psychologist and their major contributions to psychology:
  31. Wilhelm Wundt
  32. Ivan Pavlov
  33. John B. Watson
  34. Sigmund Freud
  35. Sir Francis Galton
  36. B.F. Skinner
  37. What is the major idea behind the six major schools of Psychology
  38. Psychoanalytic
  39. Behavioral
  40. Humanistic
  41. Cognitive
  42. Biological
  43. Sociocultural
  44. What is the difference between basic science and applied science?
  45. Who is Jean Piaget and what were his stages of cognitive development?
  46. According to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development if a young child is praised for their new abilities they will likely learn ______.
  47. Is it likely that troubled teens will outgrow their difficulties and what does this mean for troubled teens?
  48. What things will influence patterns of health and disease in old age?
  49. What is the main job of both the nervous system and the endocrine system?
  50. What is the main difference between the nervous system and the endocrine system?
  51. What causes a grand mal seizure?
  52. What are the basic parts of a neuron and what are the basic functions of each?
  53. What are some common drugs that are classified as stimulants?
  54. What are some common drugs that are classified as depressants?
  55. According to Sigmund Freud what are the functions of dreams?
  56. Know the function of each of the following parts of the human eye:
  57. Cornea
  58. Lens
  59. Retina
  60. pupil
  61. From beginning to end describe the four steps of classical conditioning:
  62. How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?
  63. What is learned helplessness and how does one acquire it?
  64. According to George Miller short-term memory is limited to about ______items.
  65. List the 3 things that can result in forgetting.
  66. What are the three kinds of thinking?
  67. What are the different theories of motivation?
  68. Studies show that high achievers prefer to be associated with ______.
  69. Show the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
  70. Charles Darwin argued that people from different cultures express certain basic feelings in the ______.
  71. What are the differences between achievement test, aptitude tests and interest inventories?
  72. According to Freud what are the three parts of the personality and their functions?
  1. What are the eight defense mechanisms that we studied? Describe each.
  2. What are contingencies of reinforcement and what type of psychology are they associated with?
  3. What is the trait theory of personality?
  4. How does your primary and secondary appraisal of a situation affect your stress level?
  5. List and describe the 4 types of conflict situations:
  6. What is the fight or flight response?
  7. What is a dissociative disorder and what types of dissociative disorders exist?
  8. What do brain images show happens to the brains of people who have schizophrenia?
  9. What is the difference between physical dependence on a drug and tolerance to a drug?
  10. What are the characteristics and techniques of client-centered therapy?
  11. What type of therapy is aimed at changing unrealistic assumptions about oneself and other people?
  12. What are the three characteristics of a good therapist?
  13. What are the three sides of Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love?
  14. Schachter’s experiment showed that high anxiety produced a need for human contact. Thank you!
  15. What attitudes are most resistant to change? Internalized attitudes. Your Welcome!
  16. Strategies such as the “foot-in-the-door” technique are aimed at influencing the audience. Good luck on the test!