Fourth Sunday in Lent

Monday, March 16

7:30 a.m.  John Solar

Tuesday, March 17

Saint Patrick, Bishop

7:30 a.m.  Rafael Marrero, Sr.

Wednesday, March 18

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

7:30 a.m.  Joseph Smutko

Thursday, March 19

Saint Joseph

7:30 a.m.  Maria Alice Rodrigues

Friday, March 20

7:30 a.m. Varghese Cherian

Saturday, March 21

Vigil Mass

5:00 p.m. Michelle Stone

Sunday, March 22

8:30 a.m. Marie Kersting

10:00 a.m. Betsy Jurewicz

5:00 p.m. People of the Parish


 Candle for Mary 

Dorothy Mitrosky

Contact the parish office to make arrangements to offer Candles, Flowers, or Bread and Wine in honor of a loved one, or for a special occasion.

We would like to update our prayer list. All current names will remain on the list thru the end of the month, We will update the list every three months. If you would like to remain on the list, contact the parish office.

Jennie Mianulli, Joyce Hanula, Helen Kovacs,Craig Scott, Rose Casey,

Rachel Shawlinski,. Maria Martins,Carol Ostrowski,Lauren Carney,

Ann Flood , Susan Wiecek Shecter, Fr. Kevin Casey,Ralph Scupp,

Fran SkibikCarolyn Wagenblast,Joanne Manfre,Mary Ann Laskoski,

Peggy Reynolds,Gary Johnson, Darlene Forrester,Nina Noronow Orr,

Carmen De Lacruz, ,ReginaHode,Virginia Orr,Edward Evancik,

Emerson Harper, Kathleen McGreevy, Anne Fox,Veronica Canuso,

Rosario Guinto,Patricia Ronan,Genevieve Mroczko, Evelyn Perec,

Audrey Bruden, Josephine Dehlinger, Milton Kohlhepp,Rebecca Rannazzisi,

Suzanne Casey Boyce, Elizabeth Unverzagt,Richard Leonard,George Kuebler,

Michael Martinez, James Cullen, Lorraine Carunchio,Sharon Calabri,

Samuel Saloom, Jr.,Martha Basulto, Marion Rodzinak,John Clark.

Pastoral Care

We are committed to our Corpus Christi Parish Family. We want to celebrate life=s victories with you, and partner with you during life=s challenges. If you have a need, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office at 732-254-1800 .


Catholics need to contact the Hospital=s Pastoral Care Office and request visitation and/or sacraments from the Chaplain. The Diocese assignsa priest to every hospital and he is on call 24 hours a day to serve inhospital patients. If you would like a priest from the parish to visit, please call the parish office.

Stewardship - Time, Talent & Treasure

Our Treasure Sharing for March 8 - $ 6,749.50

Mail Donations –$ 811.00

Total Plate Collection $ 7,560.50

Many Thanks for Your Continued Generosity !

Please remember Corpus Christi Parish

in your will and estate planning.

Financial Summary for the Month

February Income …………………………………$26,460.00

Utilities …………………4,634.16

Property & Casualty Insurance …………4,500.00Salaries, pension & benefits …………………22,523.02Diocesan Assessment………………………. 10,000.00Total Expenses………………….. $ 41,657.18

Deficit $ - 15,197.18

Expensesdo not include any other general expenses such as repairs, office supplies, snow removal.

Snow Removal Expenses thru Feb. ………………$ 4,235.00

Sunday, March 15, Fourth Sunday in Lent

“”For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” – John 3:16

Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given to us, the gift of His own Son is truly the greatest. How can we ever thank God for a gift like that? God does not ask us to sacrifice our own precious firstborn, but He does ask that we be generous in making some sacrifices for Him.

Once a month we will be highlighting one of the many ministries here at Corpus Christi.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering help to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. The Corpus Christi St. Vincent de Paul Society is comprised of parish men and women joined together to help neighbors in need.

Members have dedicated themselves to visit homes of families in need in our parish to assist them materially and spiritually. This Ministry gives you the opportunity to truly make a difference in the lives of less fortunate individuals right here in our parish community.

If you want to experience the satisfaction and rewards of helping those in need, please join this ministry in serving our parish community. Please contact the parish office and ask to speak to a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Life-Changing Faith

It’s been said that it takes a village to raise a child. The staff of the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministrybelieves it takes a parish to raise a Catholic. That’s why it offers the Youth Ministry Certificate Program for the parish leaders involved in this vital ministry.

Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps to integrate our young people into the life of the parish and empowers them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. Please give generously.


Lenten Penance Service

Sunday – March 22, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Several priests will be available to hear confessions.

The Parish Office will be closed this Tuesday, St. Patrick’s Day.

Stations of the Cross

during Lent

every Wednesday 12:00 p.m

every Friday 7:00 p.m.

Portuguese Stations 8:00 p.m.

Lenten books are available at the exits of the church doors.

Confession Schedule

Wednesdays - 12:30-1:00 p.m.,

Fridays - 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.

Saturdays - 4:15-4:45 p.m.

Sundays- (thru March 15) 4:15-4:45 p.m.

World Meeting of Families 2015

The 8th annual World Meeting of Families, inaugurated in 1994 by Pope Saint John Paul II, and held every three years, will be taking place in Philadelphia from Sept. 22 to 27, 2015. Pope Francis will be attending the last two days of the conference.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime event for Catholics here in the United States, as this is the first time the event is being held in the U.S. and probably won’t be returning here for some time.

The online registration and housing site is now open and can be accessed through: This site will allow you to register for the World Meeting of Families Congress events being held from 9/22-25, 2015. You can make hotel reservations there as well starting on March 15th. More information on this extraordinary event will be made available in our bulletin and at parish meetings over the next couple of months, as well as at the WMOF official website listed above..

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish will be hosting “Living Everyday with Passion and Purpose” Speaker is Matthew Kelly – April 19, 2015 2:00-6:00 p.m.

Matthew Kelly is an international speaker and a best-selling author. He wrote Rediscover Catholicism and The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic

Many people have called “Living Everyday with Passion and Purpose” a life-changing event. We know tickets will sell out fast, so we want to “spread the word” early to make sure that local Parishes will have an opportunity to buy tickets before they are sold out. Tickets are on sale r call Sue at 732-2519381.Tickets are $39.00.

Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl

Last year Corpus Christi was in the Top Ten Contributing Institutions.

Seventy-five percent of Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl donations go to Catholic Relief Services to support humanitarian aid projects that bring vital hope and live-saving aid to the poorest of the poor overseas. The other twenty-five percent donations will stay here in our diocese to help those suffering from poverty and hunger in our own community. Our Catholic Charities Solidarity Team administers a CRS Rice Bowl Grant program which provides needed funds for food security efforts in the diocese.

Once again we will participate in the Rice Bowl this Lent. Rice Bowls are at the exits of the church doors for your use during Lent.



Our new website is still in the working stages being updated and new additions to follow. Important on-goings of the parish will be under the Event tab as well as the current bulletins. Further information onOn-Line Parish Giving has been mailed to all parishioners.

Online Giving is Here!

Our parish is offering a convenient service for contributions! Online giving is a web-based application that allows you to start, stop and change your contributions at any time. Visit the site at

and click on the online giving section where you can donate to the parish automatically and eliminate the need to write checks. The process is secure and convenient. Confidential credit card and account information is only shared with the Online Giving secure site.

Note: If you decide to switch to Online Giving, call the parish office and we will cancel your envelopes.


Touch the Lucky Leprechaun and you may be our next Lucky Winner for our extra monthly drawing of $1,000.00 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 . It’s not too late to enter your calendar entry into the drum. There are still 11 more chances of winning. You might want to purchase a calendar as a birthday gift for someone. Extra calendars are available at the parish office for all who feel very lucky this month.

Lenten Fish Dinners will continue on Friday thru March 27, 2015 – 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. St. Mary of OstrabramaChurchParishCenter, 30 Jackson Street, SouthRiver. Adult Fish & French FriesDinner - $12.00 Children Dinner - $5.00. (Take out dinners available 4:00 p.m.)

Tickets on sale at door and in the rectory during office hours.

Diocesan Spring Collection – Native & Black American Collection & Catholic Relief Services

A total of $1,895.00was collected in last weekend’s second collection. Many thanks for your generosity!

Paschal Candle

Donated In Memory of Dolores Hode

The candle will be blessed at our Easter Vigil and signifies Christ Risen and remains lighted throughout the entire Easter season. The candle is lit for every Baptism and every Funeral in our Parish.

St. Vincent DePaul Society is looking for a toddler car seat. Please call Henry DuFour at 732-609-1315.

Lectors are needed at all weekend Masses. If you are willing to assist in this ministry, please call the parish office during regular hours.

Eucharistic Ministersare needed for Holy Week and Easter Masses. Please call the parish office to sign up for a particular Mass.

Youth Group will meet this Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in the rectory basement. All high school age youth of the parish are invited to attend.

Corpus Christi Youth Group will sponsor an Easter egg hunt. There will be two age groups, under 5 and 6-10. the event will take place Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. (rain date is Easter Sunday). This event is free, however, we are asking parents to sign up their children to ensure we have enough eggs for everyone. There will be sign ups at Faith Formation Classes and after Mass on March 22nd.

Chrism Mass – Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen

On Monday, March 30, 2015 Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski will celebrate the Chrism Mass with the priests of the Diocese. At this Mass, the Bishop will bless the Holy Oils which each parish receives for the rites of anointing. Saint Ambrose {340-397} began this custom – which we now call the Chrism Mass – in his Cathedral in Milan. These Holy Oils, which are used to sanctify the Faithful, have been channels of holiness for centuries! The Oil of Catechumens is used to anoint the chest of infants and hands of adults before their Baptism; the Oil of the Sick is used on the forehead and hands of the infirm in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick; and Sacred Chrism is used to anoint the head of the newly baptized, the foreheads of confirmandi, the hands of a priest at his ordination, the head of a bishop at his ordination, and the altar and walls of new churches. At the Mass, all priests make a Renewal of Commitment to Priestly Service, recommitting themselves to their Bishop and to their ministry to God and His People; at the Bishop and all Priests then ask the people for a pledge of their prayerful support. All are strongly encouraged to join in the ancient, grace-filled Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Metuchen at 7:30 p.m.

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Sunday – March 22, 2015 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. VFW – 31 Reid Street, South River. For info call 732-921-9829. Flyer on bulletin boards in church.