/ International Student Transfer / AA POL 51
  1. Purpose
  2. The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements for transferring international students to another registered provider.
  3. Scope
  4. This policy applies to all students on a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).
  5. References
  6. National Code of Practice 2007 – Standard 7 ‘Transfer between registered providers’
  7. ESOS Act 2000
  8. Related Documentation
  9. AA Form AO-81 “Request for Letter of Release”
  10. AA Form AO-81a “Letter of Release”
  11. AA Policy 17 “Appeals”
  12. Definition
  13. N/A
  14. Procedure
  15. Student transferring from another Provider

Aviation Australia is prohibited from knowingly enrolling any student wishing to transfer from another registered provider prior to the student completing six months of his/her principal course except where:

  • The original registered provider has ceased to be registered or the course in which the student is enrolled has ceased to be registered;
  • The original registered provider has provided a written letter of release;
  • The original registered provider has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the Australian Government or state or territory government that prevents the student from continuing his or her primary program; or
  • Any government sponsor of the student considers the change to be in the student's best interest and has provided written support for that change.
  • Student transferring to another Provider

International students may apply transfer to another provider within their first six months of study if the following apply:

6.2.1.Any of the circumstances contained above are applied to Aviation Australia; or

6.2.2.Aviation Australia determines that circumstances warrant the transfer and provide a written letter of release in the following circumstances;

  • Student requests a transfer to study a program of an academic course in a field area not available at Aviation Australia, or
  • Exceptional personal circumstances considered by the Technical Training Manager or delegate.

International students who request to transfer to another provider and have completed six months of his/her principal course are to complete form AO-81 and must:

  • present a letter of offer from another registered provider confirming that a valid enrolment offer has been made.
  • ensure all outstanding course fees have been paid; Aviation Australia will not grant a release until this occurs.
  • if the student is under 18, have written confirmation that the student’s parent or legal guardian supports the transfer.

6.3.Assessing a student’s request to transfer to another registered provider

Upon received of the AA Form AO-81 ‘Request for Letter of Release’ – the business unit manager will assess the request within 10 working days of receipt.

6.4.A student's request for transfer will be denied in any of the following circumstances:

6.4.1.The transfer request is made within the first 6 months of study, unless extreme exceptional personal circumstances considered by the business unit Manager or delegate applies;

6.4.2.The student is trying to avoid being reported to authorities for failure to meet Aviation Australia and/or student visa attendance and academic progression requirements;

6.4.3.When Aviation Australia does not agree that the transfer is in the best interests of the student’s academic progress or future study plans;

6.4.4.The student is under 18 and there is no written evidence that the student's parent or legal guardian supports the transfer; and/or no written confirmation that the new provider will accept responsibility for approving a student's accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements;

6.5.Where a student’s request for transfer is:

6.5.1.Approved: student will be advised in writing within 10 working days of the request, via AA Form AO-81a ‘Letter of Release’. This document will be prepared (at no charge) for the student and will include reference to contact immigration to seek advice on student visa requirements due to the change of course. AO-81a will be signed by the business unit manager – the original letter provided to the student and a copy kept on the student file with the AO-81 ‘Request for Letter of Release’ application.

6.5.2.Not Approved: student will be advised in writing within 10 working days of the request. This document will be prepared (at no charge) for the student and will include reasons why the student has not been approved. includes information relating to the Appeals Policy where the student is able to submit an appeal if required.


6.6.1.If a student transfers to another provider is approved, he or she is subject to the normal conditions of Aviation Australia’s’ refund policy.

  1. Records
  • Records of all requests from students for a letter of release, the assessment of and any decision regarding the request for transfer is to be kept on the student’s file.

Revision Date:20 Dec 2013 / Rev: 3
Document Owner:HR Manager / Page: 1 of 3