Further Reading on Social Work Education and Social Work History
Literature that specifically discusses social work education history
Austin, D.M. (1983) ‘The Flexner Myth and the History of Social Work’, Social Service Review 57(3) pp. 357-377.
Davis, A. (2008) Celebrating 100 years of Social Work University of Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
Dominelli, L. (1997) Sociology for Social Work, MacMillan, Basingstoke.
Flexner, A. (1915) Is social work a profession? In National Conference of Charities and Corrections, Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections at the Forty-second annual session held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 12-19, 1915. Chicago: Hildmann.
Harris, J. (1989) ‘The Webbs, the Charity Organisation Society and the Ratan Tata Foundation: social policy from the perspective of 1912’, in M. Bulmer, J. Lewis and D. Piachaud (eds) The Goals of Social Policy, Unwin Hyman, London: 27-63.
Harris, J. (2003) The Social Work Business, Routledge, London.
Harrison, M. (1999) ‘A Voluntary Alliance’, Community Care, 30 Sept-6 Oct: 22.
Healy, L.M. and Thomas, R.L. (2007) ‘International Social Work. A retrospective in the 50th year’, International Social Work 50(5): 581-596.
Heraud, B. (1970) Sociology and Social Work, Pergamon, Oxford.
Heraud, B. (1981) Training for uncertainty, A sociological approach to social work, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Howe, D. (1986) ‘The Segregation of Women and their Work in the Personal Social Services’, Critical Social Policy, 15, Spring.
Hugman, R. (1991) Power in Caring Professions, Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Jabour, A. (2012) ‘Relationship and leadership. Sophonisba Breckenridge and Women in social work’, Affilia27(1): 22-37.
Jones, C. (1976) The Foundations of Social Work Education, Working papers in sociology no.11, University of Durham, Durham.
Jones, C. (1979) ‘Social Work Education, 1900-1977’, in Parry, N., Rustin, M., and Satyamurti, C. (eds) Social Work, Welfare and the State, London: Edward Arnold.
Jones, C. (1983) State social work and the working class. London: Routledge.
Jones, C. (1996) ‘Anti-intellectualism and the peculiarities of British social work education’, in Parton, N. (ed) Social Change, Social Theory and Social Work, London: Routledge.
Jones, C. (1997) ‘British Social Work and the Classless Society: the Failure of a Profession’ in Jones, H. (ed) Towards a Classless Society? London: Routledge.
Jones, C. (2011) ‘The best and worst of times. Reflections on the impact of radicalism on British social work education in the 1970s’. In Lavelette, M. (ed.) Radical Social Work Today: Social Work at the Crossroads, Policy Press, Bristol.
Lewis, J. (1995) The Voluntary Sector, the State and Social Work in Britain: the Charity Organisation Society/Family Welfare Association since 1869, Elgar, Aldershot.
Lyons, K. (1999) Social work in higher education: demise or development? Unpublished PhD thesis, London: Brunel University
Macadam, E. (1914) The Universities and the Training of the Social Worker, London. Available from the University of Liverpool Sydney Jones Library Grove Wing Ground Floor HV11.M11; emailed re ILL, 8 August 2016 (ILL thru UoE requested 7 Sept)
Macadam, E. (1925) The Equipment of the Social Worker, London: George Allen & Unwin.
Macadam, E. (1945) The Social Servant in the Making. A review of the provision of training for the Social Services, George Allen and Unwin, London.
Marsh, P. and Triseliotis, J. (1996) Ready to Practise?: social workers and probation officers; their training and first year in work, Avebury, Aldershot.
Miller, J. and Nichols, D. (2013) ‘Moving among friends. The establishment of professional social work education at the University of Melbourne, 1929-1941’, Social Work in Health Care 52(2-3): 110-24.
Mills, S. (2002) Eduard C. Lindeman: Beyond "The Meaning of Adult Education", toward a view of professionalization in adult education and social work, PhD thesis, Northern Illinois University.
Mishma, R. (1989) The academic tradition in social policy: The Titmuss years’, in M. Bulmer, J. Lewis and D. Piachaud (eds) The Goals of Social Policy, Unwin Hyman, London: 64-83.
Novak, T. (1995) ‘Thinking about a new social work curriculum’, Social Work Education, 14(1): 4-10.
Oakley, A. (2014) Father and Daughter, Bristol: Policy Press.
Parry, N. and Parry, J. (1979) ‘Social Work, Professionalism and the State’, in Parry, N., Rustin, M. and Satyamurti (eds) Social Work, Welfare and the State, London: Edward Arnold.
Pearson, G. (1975) ‘Making social workers. Bad promises and good omens’ in Bailey, Roy E. and Brake, Mike (1975) Radical Social Work, Edward Arnold, London.
Pinker, R. (1989) ‘Social work and social policy in the twentieth century: retrospect and prospect’, in M. Bulmer, J. Lewis and D. Piachaud (eds) The Goals of Social Policy, Unwin Hyman, London: 84-107.
Pinker 1995 in Oakley
Rojek, C. (1989) Social Work and Received Ideas, Routledge, London.
Scott, J. and Bromley, R. (2013) Envisioning Sociology, SUNY Press.
Secker, J. and Clark, C. (1990) ‘A Bibliography of Relevant Research in Social Work Education and Training’, Research in Social Work Education 2, Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh.
Shoemaker, L.M. (1988) ‘Early conflicts in social work education’, Social Service Review 72(2): 182-191.
Smith, M.J. (1953; 1965) Professional education for social work in Britain: an historical account, George Allen and Unwin, London, with an Introduction by Richard M. Titmuss.
Smith, G., Peretz, E. and Smith, T. (2014) Social Enquiry, Social Reform and Social Action, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford.
Stevenson, O. (1978) Trends in Social Work Education: the relationship between theoretical and practice teaching, Association of Teachers in Social Work Education, London.
Timms, N. (1970) Social Work. An Outline for the Intending Student, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
Titmuss, R. (1973) Commitment to Welfare, George Allen and Unwin, London. See chapter - ‘The teaching of social administration’.
Towle, C. (1954) The Learner in Education for the Professions: as seen in education for social work, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Urwick, Edward J. (1903) ‘Social education of yesterday and today’, Charity Organisation Review XIV, July-December: 254-64.
Younghusband, E. (1947) Report on the Employment and Training of Social Workers, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, London: T. and A. Constable.
Younghusband, E. (1968) Education for Social Work, Allen and Unwin, London.
Other histories of social work
Abel Smith, B. and Townsend, P. (1965)The poor and the poorest. London: G Bell and Sons.
Abrams, L. (1998) The Orphan Country: Children of Scotland's Broken Homes from 1845 to the Present Day, Edinburgh: John Donald.
Addison, P. (1994) The Road to 1945, Pimlico, London.
Attlee, C.R. (1920) The social worker. London: G Bell and Sons.
Bailey, R. and Brake, M. (1975) Radical social work. London: Edward Arnold.
Baraclough, J., Dedman, G., Osborn, H. and Willmott, P. (1995) 100 Years of Health related Social Work, 1895-1995, BASW, Birmingham.
Beveridge, W. (1942) Social insurance and the allied services. London: HMSO.
Bosanquet, H. (1914; 1973) Social Work in London 1869-1912, Harvester, Brighton.
Boucher, E. (2014) Empire's Children: Child Emigration, Welfare, and the Decline of the British World, 1869–1967, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Brown, Muriel (1969) Introduction to Social Administration in Britain, Hutchinson, London.
Brown, Muriel (1983) ‘The development of social administration’, in Loney, M., Boswell, D. and Clarke, J. (eds) Social Policy and Social Welfare. A reader, Open University Press, Milton Keynes.
Bulmer, M. (1987) The Social Basis of Community Care, Allen & Unwin, London.
Butterworth, E. and Holman, B. (1975) Social Welfare in Modern Britain, Fontana/Collins, Glasgow.
Case Con Manifesto (1975) – see Bailey, R. and Brake, M. (1975) Radical Social Work, London: Edward Arnold.
Checkland, SG and Checkland, O (1974) The Poor Law Report of 1834. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Clapton, G. (2009), ''Yesterday's Men': The Inspectors of the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1888-1968', British Journal of Social Work, 39(6): 1043 -1062.
Cree, V.E. (1995) From Public Streets to Private Lives. The Changing Task of Social Work, Avebury, Aldershot.
Cree, V.E. (1996) Social Work: A Christian or Secular Discourse? Waverley Paper, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Cree, V.E. (2009) ‘The Changing Nature of Social Work’, in Adams, R., Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. (eds) Social Work. Themes Issues and Critical Debates, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke: 26-36.
Cree, V.E. (2010) Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers, London: Routledge.
Cree, V.E. (2013) ‘Social Work and Society’, in Davies, M. (ed.) Blackwell Companion to Social Work, 4th edition, Blackwell, Oxford.
Cree, V.E. and Myers, S. (2008) Social Work: Making a Difference, Policy Press/BASW, Bristol.
Cree, V.E. (2015) ‘‘Khaki fever’ during the First World War: a historical analysis of social work’s approach towards young women, sex and moral danger’, British Journal of Social Work, doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcv103 (16 pages) First published online November 19, 2015.
Donnison, D. (1963) Social Policy and Administration, Allen & Unwin, London.
Ferguson, I, Lavalette, M and Mooney, G. (2002) Rethinking welfare: A critical perspective. London: Sage.
Ferguson, I and Woodward, R. (2009) Radical Social Work in Practice: Making a Difference, Policy Press, Bristol.
Foucault, M. (1977) Discipline and Punish, Allen Lane, London.
Fraser, D. (1984) The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy since the Industrial Revolution, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Garrett, PM. (2007) ‘Sinbin solutions’: The pioneer projects for ‘problem families’ and the forget-fulness of social policy research. Critical Social Policy, 27 (2), 203-30.
General Social Care Council (2002) Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers and Employers. London: GSCC.
Gilchrist, R. and Jeffs, T. (2001) Settlements, Socil Change and Community Action: good neighbours, London: Jessica Kingsley.
Gilchrist, R. and Jeffs, T. (2003) Architects of Change: studies in the history of community and youth work, Leicester: National Youth Agency.
George, V. and Wilding, P. (1976) Ideology and Social Welfare, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
George, V. and Wilding, P. (1994) Welfare and ideology. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Harris, John (2003) The Social Work Business, London: Routledge.
Holman, B. (2013) Champions for children, revised edition: The Lives of Modern Child Care Pioneers, Policy Press, Bristol.
Hothersall, S. (2006) Social Work with Children, Young People and their Families in Scotland (2nd edition), Learning Matters, Exeter.
Innes, S. (2004) 'Constructing women's citizensip in the interwar period: The Edinburgh women's citizens' association', Women's History Review, 13(4): 621-647.
Jackson, L. and Cowman, K. (eds) (2005) Women and Work Culture: Britain c. 1850-1950, Ashgate Aldershot.
Jackson, L. (2006) Women Police: Gender, Welfare and Surveillance in the Twentieth Century,: Manchester University Press, Manchester.
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Jones, C. (1983) State social work and the working class. London: Routledge.
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