International Conference on Metals and Materials Research (ICMR 2016)
June 20-22, 2016
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Programme Schedule
Day 1: 20th June 2016
Inauguration: 09:30-10:50: Faculty Hall09:30-09:35 / Welcome: T.A. Abinandanan, Chairman, Materials Eng., IISc, Bangalore
09:35-09:40 / About ICMR-2016: V.S. Raja, Conference Chair, IIT, Bombay
09:40-09:50 / Inauguration & Presidential Address: Anurag Kumar, Director, IISc, Bangalore
09:50-10:35 / Inaugural Talk:
2-D Inorganic Analogues of Graphene
C.N.R. Rao, JNCASR, Bangalore
10:35-10:40 / Vote of Thanks: S. Subramanian, Past Chairman, IIM Bangalore Chapter
Tea : 10:40-11:30
11:30-13:00 / Plenary Session – 1:Faculty Hall
Chair: I Manna, IIT, KanpurPradip Dutta, IISc, Bangalore
11.30-12:00 / Optimizing the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses
A.L. Greer, University of Cambridge, UK
12:00-12:30 / Studying defects in the TEM
Barry Carter, University of Connecticut, USA
12:30-13.00 / Pathways for developing high-temperature alloys: Knowledge, experimental tools, and serendipity
K. Chattopadhyay, IISc, Bangalore
Lunch : 13:00-14:00
Parallel Technical Sessions: 14:00 – 15:40
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 1 A / Alloy Design & Development - I
June 20, 2016 (Day - 1) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: R. Krishnan, GTRE,Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / History of Iron (and Steel) making in Sweden
S. Seetharaman, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
14:25-14:50 / The transformation of steel in the last fifty years
Sanak Mishra,Indian Steel Association,New Delhi
14:50-15:15 / Aluminium – Lithium (Al-Li) Alloys For Aerospace Applications
N. Eswara Prasad,DMSRDE, Kanpur
15:15-15:40 / Futuristic Materials for Defence
Samir V. Kamat,DMRL, Hyderabad
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 1 B / Computational Materials Science – I
June 20, 2016 (Day - 1) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: B. Gurumoorthy,IISc Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / Development of Approximate Gibbs Energy Functions based on Cluster Variation Method
S. Lele,IT BHU, Varanasi
14:25-14:50 / TCS PREMΛP – A Platform for the Realization of Engineered Materials and Products based on the State-of-the-Art Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Framework
Pradip,TCS, Pune
14:50-15:15 / Physical Metallurgy in the ICME Era
G. Phanikumar, IIT, Madras
15:15-15.40 / Phase field modelling of anisotropic precipitate morphologies: some computer experiments
M. Gururajan, IIT, Bombay
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 1 C / Advanced MaterialsProcessing
June 20, 2016 (Day - 1) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: A.M. Umarji, IISc, Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / Pack Aluminizing of Austenitic Stainless Steels
V.A.Ravi, Cal Poly Pomona, USA
14:25-14:50 / Emerging Trends in Processing of Advanced Metallic Materials
S.N. Ojha, IIT, BHU
14:50-15:15 / High Nitrogen Stainless Steels for Nuclear Industry
U. KamachiMudali, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
15:15-15.40 / Development of Multifunctional Bioceramics and External Field Stimulated Cell Functionality Modulation: A New Paradigm
BikramjitBasu, IISc, Bangalore
Tea : 15:40-16:10
Parallel Technical Sessions: 16:10 – 17:25
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 2 A / Alloy Design & Development – II
June 20, 2016 (Day - 1) / Time: 16:10 – 17:25
Chair: Dilshad Akhtar, DRDO, Delhi
16:10-16:35 / Size Dependent Polymorphic Phase Transformation in Early Transition Metals Induced by Mechanical Attrition/Milling
I. Manna, IIT, Kanpur
16:35-17:00 / Structural origin of industrial alloys
C. Dong, Dalian Univ. of Technology, China
17:00-17:25 / Materials selection for extreme environments – using property correlations and systematics
John Rodgers,Nanoholdings, USA
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 2 B / Materials Design
June 20, 2016 (Day – 1) / Time: 16:10 – 17:25
Chair: Satish V. Kailas, IISc, Bangalore
16:10-16:35 / Microstructural Property Relationships of Plasma Sprayed YttriaStabilised Zirconia Coatings
Chris Berndt, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Australia
16:35-17:00 / Bulk and Surface Grain Boundary Engineering for Improved Resistance to Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Nuclear Alloys
Vijay Vasudevan, University of Cincinnati,USA
17:00-17:25 / Corrosion degradation of materials in nuclear reactors and its control
Vivekanand Kain, BARC, Mumbai
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 2 C / Nano Materials
June 20, 2016 (Day – 1) / Time: 16:10 – 17:25
Chair: O.N. Srivastava, BHU, Varanasi
16:10-16:35 / Influence of Processing on the Structure and Properties of Nano Oxide Dispersion Strengthened 18Cr Steels
G. Sundararajan, ARCI, Hyderabad
16:35-17:00 / BioinspiredNanocomposites& Bioactive Bonegrafts
Arvind Sinha, NML, Jamshedpur
17:00-17:25 / Complex growth morphologies, microstructures and properties of novel functional oxide nanostructures
Avanish Srivastava, NPL, Delhi
Day 2: 21st June 2016
09:00-10:30 / Plenary Session – 2:Faculty HallChair: Vikram Jayaram, IISc, BangaloreK.Muraleedharan,CGCRI, Kolkata
09:00-09:30 / Development and Applications of Al- and Cu-based Metastable Metallic Alloys
A. Inoue, Tohoku University, Japan
09:30-10:00 / Evolution of Microstructures in Laser Processed Grey Cast Iron
S. Banerjee, BARC, Mumbai
10:00-10:30 / Interdisciplinary Measurements in a Spectrum of Applications Related to Frontier Technologies
Baldev Raj, NIAS, Bangalore
Tea: 10:30-11:00
Parallel Technical Sessions: 11:00 – 12:40
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 3 A / Phase Transformations - I
June 21, 2016 (Day - 2) / Time: 11:00 – 12:40
Chair: Giridhar Madras, IISc, Bangalore
11:00-11:25 / In-situ tracking of defects and phase evolution in light alloys of magnesium and aluminum
C. Ravindran,Ryerson University, Canada
11:25-11:50 / An Integrated Approach for Understanding of Precipitate Morphologies and Applications to Light Metals
Wenzheng Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
11:50-12:15 / Nanostructured Al-Fe-Cu quasicrystals and inverse Hall-Petch behavior
N.K. Mukhopadhyay, IIT, BHU
12:15-12:40 / Disorder trapping during solidification of nickel aluminides
R.Sankarasubramanian, DMRL, Hyderabad
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 3 B / Computational Materials Science - II
June 21, 2016 (Day - 2) / Time: 11:00 – 12:40
Chair: Abhik Choudhury, IISc, Bangalore
11:00-11:25 / Prediction of robust non-centrosymmetric topological Dirac semi-metallic state in ternary half-Heusler compounds
UmeshWaghmare, JNCASR, Bangalore
11:25-11:50 / Morphological instabilities in Cylindrical Pores
T.A.Abinandanan, IISc, Bangalore
11:50-12:15 / Industrial Realization of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)
Satyam Sahay, John Deere,Pune
12:15-12:40 / Entropy and Entropic Stabilization of Alloy Phases
S. Raju, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 3 C / High Entropy Alloys
June 21, 2016 (Day - 2) / Time: 11:00 – 12:40
Chair: Om Prakash, Boeing International Corp., Bengaluru
11:00-11:25 / Physical metallurgy of high-entropy alloys
J.W. Yeh, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
11:25-11:50 / A combinatorial assessment of AlxCrCuFeNi2 (0<x<1.5) complex concentrated alloys: microstructure, microhardness, and magnetic properties
Rajarshi Banerjee, University of North Texas, USA
11:50-12:15 / Challenges in High Entropy Alloy Research
B.S. Murty, IIT Madras
12:15-12:40 / Strength of Ultrafine-Grained High Entropy Alloys
N. Balasubramanian, Bangalore
Lunch : 12:40-14:00
Poster Session : Department of Materials Engineering: 14:00 – 15:30
Chair: Abhik Choudhury, IISc, Bangalore
Tea: 15.30 – 16.00
Parallel Technical Sessions: 16:00 – 16:50
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 4 A / Advanced Materials - I
June 21, 2016 (Day - 2) / Time: 16:00 – 16:50
Chair: N.S. Mishra, NIFFT, Ranchi
16:00-16:25 / Fe-based Bulk Metallic Glasses- From Brittle to Tough
Gary Shiflet, University of Virginia, USA
16:25-16:50 / GaN on Sapphire
Dipankar Banerjee, IISc, Bangalore
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 4 B / Quasicrystals
June 21, 2016 (Day – 2) / Time: 16:00 – 16:50
Chair: T.A. Bhaskaran, NAL,Bangalore
16:00-16:25 / Effect of Irradiation on Quasicrystals
M. Vijayalakshmi, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
16:25-16:50 / Effect of quasicrystalline phase on the microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys
Alok Singh, NIMS, Japan
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 4 C / Phase Transformations - II
June 21, 2016 (Day – 2) / Time: 16:00 – 16:50
Chair: Kaushik Chatterjee, IISc, Bangalore
16:00-16:25 / Refined microstructures in metastable beta titanium alloys – role of non-conventional transformation pathways
Hamish Fraser,Ohio State University, USA
16:25-16:50 / Phase Transition and Anomalous Diffusion in Metastable β Ti-Mo
Srinivasan G. Srivilliputtur, North Texas, USA
Day 3: 22nd June 2016
Parallel Technical sessions: 09:00 – 10:30Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 5 A / Materials Characterization
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 09:00 – 10:40
Chair: P. Shankar, Saveetha University, Chennai
09:00-09:25 / Surface mechanical and structural characterization to understand domains of tribology in automotive engines
VikramJayaram, IISc, Bangalore
09:25-09:50 / Microstructural Evolution and Structure-Property Relationships of Mushy State Rolled In-Situ Al-4.5Cu-5TiB2 Composite
Rahul Mitra, IIT, Kharagpur
09:50-10.15 / Advance Characterization of Materials for High Temperature Applications
ParthaGhoshal, DMRL, Hyderabad
10:15-10:40 / Nanoscale quantitative magnetic information and probing optical band gap by HR-EELS in an aberration corrected transmission electron microscope
RanjanDatta, JNCASR, Bangalore
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 5 B / Advanced Materials - II
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 09:00 – 10:40
Chair: C.G.K. Nair, SIATI, BangaloreRudra Pratap, IISc, Bangalore
09:00-09:25 / Phase separation in Ce-Al (Ga) metallic glass
R. S. Tiwari, BHU, Varanasi
09:25-09:50 / Self-Accommodation in Nanocrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Gouthama, IIT, Kanpur
09:50-10.15 / Stabilization of coherent precipitates in nanoscale thin films
AnandhSubramaniam, IIT, Kanpur
10:15-10:40 / Reactive spark plasma sintering process for synthesis of nanocrystalline ultra high temperature ceramic based nanocomposites
Srinivasa Rao Bakshi, IIT, Madras
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 5 C / Computation and Materials Education
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 09:00 – 10:40
Chair: E.S. Raja Gopal, IISc, Bangalore
09:00-09:25 / Estimation of Lattice Parameters, Misfit, Thermal Expansion Coefficients and Densities of γ and γ’ Phases in Ni-base Superalloys
S. Srikanth, NML, Jamshedpur
09:25-09:50 / Miller-Bravais Indexing Scheme: Beyond Its Classical Form
R.K. Mandal, IIT, BHU
09:50-10.15 / Dislocations in Crystals: Some Interesting Facts and Models
Rajesh Prasad, IIT, Delhi
10:15-10:40 / Optical Dilatometer: A New way to Understand and Quantify Sintering Kinetics of Iron Ore Pellets
N.N. Viswanathan, IIT, Bombay
Tea : 10:40 – 11:10
Parallel Technical sessions: 11:10 – 12:50
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 6 A / Materials Behavior
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 11:10 – 12:50
Chair: S. Gopalkrishnan, IISc, Bangalore
11:10-11:35 / Orientation Sensitive deformation in Zr alloys: experimental and modeling studies Dinesh Srivastava, BARC, Mumbai
11:35-12:00 / Iron Age high-tin bronzes from Tamil Nadu and comparisons with southeast Asia Sharada Srinivasan, NIAS, Bangalore
12:00-12:25 / Advanced Materials Technologies for Structural Component Repair
Dheepa Srinivasan, GE, Bangalore
12:25-12:50 / Solidification microstructure and temperature field during normal casting of Al-3Fe alloy
Yu Fuxiao, North Eastern University, China
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 6 B / Materials Processing
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 11:10 – 12:50
Chair: K.A. Natarajan, IISc, Bangalore
11:10-11:35 / Oxygen Dissolved in Wrought Iron
Kazuhiro Nagata, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
11:35-12:00 / The Indigenous Hafnium Metal: A Journey from Crust to Space
S.C. Sharma, VSSC, Trivandrum
12:00-12:25 / Microbially assisted processes in mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and environmental remediation
S. Subramanian, IISc, Bangalore
12:25-12:50 / Thermo-mechanical Simulation of Austenite Recrystallisation and Softening during Hot Rolling of Line Pipe Steel
S. Manjini, JSW, Mumbai
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 6 C / Advanced Materials - III
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 11:10 – 12:50
Chair: P. Ramesh Narayanan, VSSC, Trivandrum
11:10-11:35 / Development of HSLA steels for Naval Applications
R. Balamuralikrishnan, DMRL, Hyderabad
11:35-12:00 / The Quest For Hydrophobic Metal
M.S.M. Saifullah, Singapore
12:00-12:25 / Biomedical Imaging Using Nanoparticles
Chandan Srivastava, IISc, Bangalore
12:25-12:50 / Development of an aluminium alloy for aerospace applications at higher temperatures
Subodh Kumar, IISc, Bangalore
Lunch : 12:50 - 14:00
Parallel Technical Sessions: 14:00 – 15:40
Hall A: Materials Engineering Lecture Theatre
Session – 7 A / Grain boundary Engineering
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: Jagadeesh Gopalan, IISc, Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / Rendering aluminium alloy 7010 resistant to stress corrosion cracking through engineering microstructures
V.S. Raja, IIT, Bombay
14:25-14:50 / Recent trends in grain boundary engineering
Satyam Suwas, IISc, Bangalore
14:50-15:15 / Abnormal grain growth and mechanical behaviour of electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni and alloys
M.J.N.V. Prasad, IIT, Bombay
15:15-15:40 / Effect of crystallographic texture on twinning during cyclic loading: A case study on stainless steel and commercially pure titanium
NileshGurao, IIT, Kanpur
Hall B: SSCU Auditorium
Session – 7 B / Advanced Materials - IV
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: Praveen C. Ramamurthy, IISc, Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / Understanding Solidification of Alloys through Study of Glass/crystal Composites G.K.Dey, BARC, Mumbai
14:25-14:50 / Internal Hydrogen Embrittlement in Cr-Mn-N Austenitic Stainless Steels and a High Entropy Alloy
M. Phaniraj, Seoul National University, South Korea
14:50-15:15 / Structural description to decipher metallic glass formation
Jatin Bhatt, VNIT, Nagpur
15:15-15:40 / Phase Transformations in Al-based QuasicrystallineIntermetallics during Mechanical Milling
T.P. Yadav, BHU, Varanasi
Hall C: MRC Auditorium
Session – 7C / Functional Materials
June 22, 2016 (Day - 3) / Time: 14:00 – 15:40
Chair: Rajeev Ranjan, IISc, Bangalore
14:00-14:25 / Tuning Ferroelectricity in Magnetoelectric and Multiferroic Ceramics and Thin Films by Control of Structure and Defect Chemistry
Ashish Garg, IIT, Kanpur
14:25-14:50 / Metallic glass composites for defence applications
BhaskarMajumdar, DMRL, Hyderabad
14:50-15:15 / Structural Origin of Electrochemical Activity in Transverse Compositionally Graded Li(Ni, Mn)xOy Cathodes
JoysuryaBasu, IIT, BHU
15:15-15:40 / Atomic scale study of Cu clustering and pseudo-homogeneous nanocrystallization in Fe-Si based soft magnetic amorphous alloys
K.G. Pradeep, Germany
High Tea: 15.40 – 16.10
List ofPosters
The following is the list of 46 posters to be presented at the conference. These are being presented by senior PhD students from 14 institutions. The posters are arranged in the alphabetical order of the Institutes. Within each institute the posters are arranged in the alphabetical order of the presenting author.
Nano Titanium dioxide Incorporated Phosphate Coatings on Low Carbon Steel for Corrosion ProtectionPravin P. DeshpandeandVaibhav S. Kathavate
COEP, Pune
Study of Aging Induced Degradation of Fracture Resistance for Alloy 617
Aditya Narayan Singh, A. Moitra, P. Bhaskar, G. Sasikala, Arup Dasgupta, A.K. Bhaduri and A. Moitra
IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Spinodal Decomposition and ω Transformation in Binary V-Ti and Ternary V-Ti-Cr Alloys
Chanchal Ghosh, Joysurya Basu, Divakar R and E Mohandas
IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Corrosion behavior of TiZrHfNbTa high entropy alloy in nitric acid containing halide ions
J. Jayaraj and U. Kamachi Mudali
Evolution of crystallographic texture and microstructure in sputter deposited NiMnGa thin films and their influence on magnetic properties.
Amit Sharma, S. Mohan and Satyam Suwas
IISc, Bangalore
Isolation of pristine MXene from Nb4AlC3 MAX phase: A first-principles study
Avanish Mishra, Pooja Srivastava, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Kwang-RyeolLee and Abhishek K. Singh
IISc, Bangalore
Development of wrought Mg-Li based alloys with improved strength and ductility
Chandra ShekharPerugu, SubodhKumar and Satyam SuwasIISc, Bangalore
Formation of amorphous phase by supressing the binary intermetallic compound with equiatomic substitution
S. Kashyapand B. S. Murty
IISc, Bangalore
Grain boundary crystallography in polycrystalline yttria stabilized cubic zirconia with varying densities and grain sizesMaya K. Kini and Atul H. Chokshi
IISc, Bangalore
Fabrication and tuning the nanoporous channel in nanoporous membranes derived using crystallization induced phase separation in polymeric blends
Maya Sharma, Giridhar Madras and Suryasarathi Bose
IISc, Bangalore
High temperature and high strength aluminium alloys by Dispersions of Al9Ni2 intermetallic compound
P. Padaikathan and K. Chattopadhyay
IISc, Bangalore
Tin Whisker Growth from Electro-deposited Sn films: Role of Crystallographic Texture, Stress and Substrate
Piyush Jagtap
IISc, Bangalore
Shear Flow Induced Cellular Morphological And Functionality Changes In A Microfluidic Device
SharmisthaNaskar, BikramjitBasu and V. Kumaran
IISc, Bangalore
3D powder printing of resorbable calcium phosphate scaffold for low load-bearing application using novel phytic acid binder
Sourav Mandal, Susanne Christ, Uwe Gbureck and BikramjitBasu
IISc, Bangalore
Three Dimensional Inkjet Powder Printing of Ti-6Al-4V based Scaffolds with Homogeneous and Gradient Porosity
SrimantaBarui, Alok Kumar, Sourav Mandal and BikramjitBasu
IISc, Bangalore
Intriguing aspects of growth, structure and properties of molecular-scale Au nanowires
SubhajitKundu and N. Ravishankar
IISc, Bangalore
Phase transformation and biocompatibility study of metastable β Ti-Nb-Sn alloy
for orthopedic applications
Sumit Bahl, Satyam Suwas and Kaushik Chatterjee
IISc, Bangalore
Multi-phase flow model of a blast furnace
SmitaKamble, Vinci Mojamdar and Govind S. Gupta
IISc, Bangalore
Phase Transformations in Al-based QuasicrystallineIntermetallics during Mechanical Milling Processing and Characterization of AlCoCrFeNi and AlCoCrFeNiMn High entropy alloys (HEAs) via Mechanical Alloying
VikasShivam and N.K. Mukhopadhyay
IIT BHU, Varanasi
Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Sn reinforced Al–Cu–Fe quasicrystalline matrix composite
YagneshShadangi, KausikChattopadhyay and N.K. Mukhopadhyay
IIT BHU, Varanasi
Application of secondary aging for rising environmentally assisted cracking resistance of AA 7010
M. Ajay Krishnan and V.S. Raja
IIT Bombay
Hydrogen evolution on magnesium during anodic polarization: A consequence of enrichment of noble alloying elements
Poorwa Gore, Nick Birbilis and V.S. Raja
IIT Bombay
Green Synthesis and Stability of Pristine Free Standing Silver Metal Nanoparticles by Cryomilling
Nirmal Kumar and Krishanu Biswas
IIT Kanpur
Bulk Preparation of Graphene: Synthesis and Application
ShikharMisra and Krishanu Biswas
IIT Kanpur
New insights for modeling strain hardening behaviour in age hardenable Al alloys
Sumeet Mishra, ManasijYadava, Kaustubh Kulkarni and N.P. Gurao
IIT Kanpur
Microstructure, mechanical and oxidation properties of Ti-Al-Ni-Cr-Co-Fe based multi-component alloys
R. AnandSekhar, NirajNayan, G. Phanikumar and Srinivasa R. Bakshi
IIT Madras
Implication of grain boundary engineering on high temperature hot corrosion of alloy 617
K. Deepak, Sumantra Mandal, C.N. Athreya, Dong-Ik Kim, B. de Boer and
V. SubramanyaSarma
IIT Madras
Phase Prediction Studies in AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy
Guruvidyathri K, Ravikirana, Mayur Vaidya, Hari Kumar K.C and B.S.Murty
IIT Madras
Phase evolution in nanocrystalline AlCoCrFeNi by varying sequence of elemental additions: Novel approach to alloy synthesis using mechanical alloying
Mayur Vaidya, Anil Prasad, AbhinavParakh and B.S. Murty
IIT Madras
Sol-gel synthesis of yttrium monosilicate
RaghunandanSubbarao, M. Kamaraj and Ashutosh S. Gandhi
IIT Madras
Effect of Deformation Temperature on Tensile and Fracture properties of Al 2014 alloy processed through Multidirectional Forging
Amit Joshi, K.K. Yogesha, Nikhil Kumar and R. Jayaganthan
IIT Roorkee
Effect of annealing on the improvement of mechanical properties of low stacking fault energy Cu-Al alloys processed by cryorolling
Dasharath S M and SuhritMula
IIT Roorkee
Electrophoretic Coating of Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite on Mg-3Zn Alloy for Orthopaedic Application
Manoj Kumar R, Kishor Kumar Kuntal, Sanjay Singh, Pallavi Gupta, Bharat Bhushan, P. Gopinath and DebrupaLahiri
IIT Roorkee
Effect of Grain refinement on Mechanical behavior of Mg-2Gd-2Zn Processed through Multiaxial Forging and Rolling
RavirajVerma, R. Jayaganthan, S.K. Nath and A. Srinivasan
IIT Roorkee
Predicting the stability of an HEA: a first-principles analysis
MehaBhogra, Umesh V. Waghmare and S. Ranganathan
JNCASR, Bangalore
Nanoscale quantitative magnetic information by EMCD and HREELS
D. S. Negi, B. Louky and R. Datta
JNCASR, Bangalore
Novel Refractory High-Entropy Alloys MoxNbTiVxZr(x = 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0)
Ko-Kai Tseng, Jien-Wei Yeh
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Microstructural evolution of In-situ Al-Mg2Si composites
Prosanta Biswas, Manas Kumar Mondal and Durbadal Mandal
NIT Durgapur
Phase field Study of Static Recrystallization and Phase Transformation during intercritical annealing of dual phase steels
AyushSuhane, AkashBhattacharjee and Gerald Tennyson
Mathematical Modelling of Grain Growth during Reheating
HimanshuNirgudkar, SaurabhMangal, SavyaSachi and Gerald Tennyson
Multiscale Modelling of Deformation Behavior
SrimannarayanaPusuluri, Danish Khan, Arshdeep Singh, PramodZagade and B P Gautham
Indentation Response of Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Ti-Ni-Cr-Co-Fe High Entropy Alloy
Abhijit,G. M. Reddy and Koteswara Rao V. Rajulapati
Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Strain hardening and flow properties of Nimonic C-263 alloy at different strain rates and temperatures
Jhansi Jadav, Koteswara Rao V. Rajulapati, N. Eswara Prasad and K. BhanuSankara Rao
Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Influence of Parent Metal Microstructure on the Creep Behaviour of Ti6Al4V Friction Welds
Rahul, K.V. Rajulapati, G. M. Reddy, T. Mohandas and K. BhanuSankara Rao
Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Superplastic behaviour of a new variant of AA 5456 alloy
J. Varghese, K.A. Padmanabhan, K.S. Suresh and D.V.V. Satyanarayana
Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
An atomic cluster model to understand localized deformation behavior in metallic glass
K.S.N. Satish Idury, B.S. Murty and Jatin Bhatt
VNIT, Nagpur
Effect of Varying Soaking Period during Cryogenic Treatment of Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) Cutting Inserts
Swamini Chopra, S. A. Pande, K. N. Pande , D. R. Peshwe and V. G. Sargade
VNIT, Nagpur